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8. Make up your own sentences in Ukrainian, using your active vocabulary, and let your classmates interpret them.

9. Read and translate the text, paying special attention to the underlined words and expressions:

Stubborn charges

Hayatt, a 30-year-old Pakistani, says he never had any trouble with the police in five years of liv­ing in Athens. That is until, he claims, several Greek and British intelligence officers kid­napped him a week after the July 7 bombings in London. “What happened,” he stutters in halting Greek, “was frighten­ing.” Hayatt alleges that he was hooded and bundled into a van with six others, then “taken to a nice house about 30 minutes from Athens. I was asked about what I knew of the London bombings. I said, ‘Nothing. Just what I saw on TV’.” His captors, Hayatt says, spoke Greek and English. He claims they did not physically harm him but threat­ened reprisals against his fami­ly if he didn’t talk. In recent weeks, 27 other Pakistani men have filed complaints with Greek authorities alleging that they, too, were snatched and in­terrogated but never charged with any crime. The men say they were questioned about calls they supposedly made to people linked to the London bombers, says Frangiscos Ragoussis, the Greek lawyer representing Hayatt and six other Pakistanis.

10. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and expressions from the text:

To claim, intelligence officer, bombings, to allege, captor, to threat­en, to file a complaint with, to in­terrogate, to be charged with, bomber

11. Translate the following sentences into English, using your active vocabulary:

1) Прем’єр-міністр Росії стверджує, що він не винен у хабарництві. 2) Член Кабінету міністрів Італії нещодавно був звинувачений у зв’язках з мафією. 3) Українці мають знати: якщо вони не вдоволені рішенням суду по їхній справі, вони завжди можуть подати скаргу у Європейський суд з прав людини. 4) Кількість загиблих терористів значно менша, ніж мирних жителів. 5) Кожна розвинена країна тримає велику кількість розвідників на території інших впливових держав. 6) Кажуть, що деякі американські політики керують авто напідпитку. 7) Вчора у Палестині сталося три теракти. 8) Багато людей не звертаються до поліції по допомогу, якщо злочинець погрожує їхній родині. 9) Якщо це потрібно, поліція може допросити навіть голову держави. 10) Останнім часом викрадачі нерідко висувають політичні вимоги.

12. Make up your own sentences in Ukrainian, using your active vocabulary, and let your classmates interpret them.

13. Read and translate the text, paying special attention to the underlined words and expressions:

Activists face jail in crackdown after Minsk riot

The Belarus authorities acted swiftly to jail protestors who clashed with riot police last weekend. Leading opposition politicians were among the 90 arrested after thousands of demonstrators fought pitched battles with police. The regime of President Alexander Lukashenko blamed the West for the eruption of unrest in the capital, Minsk. The Belarus prosecutor general said those arrested could face jail terms of up to five years for “organizing and taking an active part in group actions grossly violating public order”. Several appeared in court this week, some opposition leaders went into hiding or left the country, The crackdown was the latest in a series of repressive acts by Mr. Lukashenko since his elected five-year term expired earlier this year. The “Freedom March” in Minsk by 20000 demonstrators was held to protest at his determination to pursue a merger with Russia. Russia and Belarus have published controversial plans to merge the two countries in a customs, monetary, economic and defence union that some see as a restoration of the Soviet Union.