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32. Make up your own sentences in Ukrainian, using your active vocabulary, and let your classmates interpret them.

33. Read and translate the text, paying special attention to the underlined words and expressions:

Indonesian jailed for Bali bomb

An Indonesian man has been found guilty of involvement in the 2005 Bali bombings and sentenced to 15 years. Former mobile phone salesman Anif Solchanudin, 24, was found guilty of helping to plan the attacks. The judge said Solchanudin was “proven without doubt to have participated in acts of terrorism”. Three other people have already been sentenced in connection with the triple suicide blasts, which killed 20 people and injured more than 100 others. Solchanudin admitted during his trial that he had been interested in becoming a suicide bomber. But he had denied knowing anything about the bombings before they took place. Solchanudin is the fourth man to be jailed over the attacks. Earlier this month, Mohammad Cholily was found guilty of supplying equipment and jailed for 18 years. Dwi Widyarto was found to have helped produce a disc of Noordin Mohammad Top, the plot’s alleged mastermind and South East Asia’s most wanted militant. Another man, Abdul Aziz, was jailed for eight years for sheltering Noordin.

34. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and expressions from the text:

to find guilty of, to sentence to, to prove without doubt, to kill, to injure, trial, mastermind, most wanted militant, to shelter

35. Translate the following sentences into English, using your active vocabulary:

1) За думкою Міністра юстиції США, на сьогодні пошук підозрюваних у терористичній діяльності ускладнюється тим, що деякі люди надають притулок терористам. 2) В результаті атаки безпілотника США в рамках спільної спецоперації США і влади Ємену був ліквідований лідер єменського осередку терористичного угрупування "Аль-Каїда" ідейний натхненник ісламістів Анвар аль-Авлакі. 3) Прем’єр-міністр України Віктор Янукович вчора повернувся з Іспанії, де лікував ушкоджене коліно. 4) Якщо провина сержанта буде повністю доведена, на нього очікуватиме довічне ув’язнення. 5) Вчора члена Кабміну Італії було визнано винним у зв’язках з мафією. 6) Шаміль Басаєв був одним з найбільш розшукуваних чеченських бойовиків. 7) На це судове засідання ЗМІ запрошені не були. 8) В результаті вибуху було вбито трьох чоловік. 9) В Китаї щорічно кілька сотень посадовців засуджують до смертного покарання за хабарництво.

36. Make up your own sentences in Ukrainian, using your active vocabulary, and let your classmates interpret them.

37. Read and translate the text, paying special attention to the underlined words and expressions:

British PM backs Fox 

British Prime Minister David Cameron on Saturday asked for early details from an ethics investigation into his embattled defense secretary, but still has full confidence in him, a spokeswoman said.

The spokeswoman, who asked not to be identified because of government policy, said the prime minister wants to know details of the Defence Ministry probe into allegations that Liam Fox may have violated ethics policy. Cameron will ask a report to be prepared Monday, she said.

Fox is being probed for possible security breaches and for possibly breaking the ministerial code of conduct for his close friendship with Adam Werritty, a former roommate. Werritty has visited Fox at defеnce headquarters on numerous occasions, despite having no official role, and has distributed business cards linking him to Fox and to the House of Commons. British press reports also suggest he has set up overseas business meetings attended by Fox.