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1.15. Проблемы молодёжи

Young people have to deal with a lot of problems. What do you think about them?

Read the text and answer the questions

Youth Problems

When you leave school, you realize that the time of your independent life and the beginning of a serious test of your abilities and character has come. The first problem that young people have is the choice of their future profession; it means that they must choose the future of their life. It is very important to get a good education at school, college or university. Unfortunately many young people don’t understand it.

Another problem is taking drugs. This is a relatively new problem but it is becoming more and more dangerous. Millions of young people today take drugs. Thinking it is cool they just want to try, then again and again... Drugs kill our young generation. No medicine can help it.

The next problem is unemployment. The percentage of unemployed young people is high. Nevertheless, those who have a job are not always satisfied with their profession. Very few young people are able to get another one. Think about it when you can change something in your life.

There are also some problems which are common for young people. For example, how to spend their free time, how to make friends, how to build relations with a girl or a boy-friend and so on. A very important problem for the most of young people is the problem of fathers and sons or generation gap. All the boys and girls want to be independent; they want their parents to respect their opinion, not to treat them like children. Many young people think that parents neglect them, but it is not always true. You cannot deny that your parents really love you and don` t want you to get into any kind of trouble. Of course, you know a lot of things you parents are not familiar with. However, you don` t have much life experience; just take it as the fact.

There are also such problems as alcoholism, smoking and the problem of spending free time.

Many teenagers begin smoking at the age under 13. Some young people drink too much alcohol. As a result they become chain smokers and alcohol addicts with destroyed health and mental abilities. The favourite kind of leisure for many young people is spending time with friends in the street. But it is not always safe to be outside late in the evening, so you should try to avoid any dangerous situation.

No doubt young people are the future of Russia. It is very difficult to be young nowadays. But youth is a wonderful time when you can do everything to get yourself ready for better and more interesting life.


education – образование

generation – поколение

medicine - лекарство

unemployment – безработица

relations – отношения

independent– независимый

to treat - обращаться

neglect– игнорировать

deny– отрицать

trouble– неприятность, проблема

befamiliarwith- быть знакомым, осведомленным с

experience – опыт

chain smoker – заядлый курильщик

alcohol addict - алкоголик

to avoid - избегать

Answer the questions

  1. What are the main youth problems?

  2. What can you say about family relations of young people?

  3. Are your parents liberals?

  4. What is the cause of son and fathers` problem?

  5. Why is it important to get a good education?

Match these situations and solutions to them

You understood nothing during the lesson.

Have some hobby, go in for sports or just read a good book.

Your mother doesn`t understand you.

Change your attitude, it is for your future.

You don`t like to study at all.

You should visit a specialist.

You cannot give up smoking.

Talk to her once again, you can change your opinion.

You often get bored.

Ask your groupmates or a teacher to help you