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Тексты и упр, 0 курс, новая программа.doc
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healthy - здоровый

habit – привычка

heart – сердце, сердечный

lung – легкое

disease – болезнь

take meals – принимать пищу

keep fit – держать себя в форме

loose weight – терять вес

excessive dieting – чрезмерное увлечение диетами

do morning exercises – делать утреннюю зарядку

in the open air – на открытом воздухе

go in for sports – заниматься спортом

Match the following recommendations with the reasons to follow them


Reasons to follow them

Go to bed and get up early.

Sport makes you feel and look better.

Don`t drink alcohol much.

Regular exercises give you energy.

Keep to a diet.

Fresh air is useful for health.

Take meals regularly. Don’t take fast food.

Regular walks help you keep fit.

Don`t smoke.

A balanced diet helps you keep fit and stay healthy.

Go in for sports.

You can have enough rest.

Do morning exercises.

Wrong eating habits can cause serious diseases.

Spend a lot of time in the open air. Don`t spend hours in front of the TV set and a computer.

Smoking causes lung disorders and other illnesses, your teeth become yellow, your skin is covered with wrinkles.

Go for a walk.

Alcohol is a drug destroying lives.


    1. Погода и здоровье. Мой город.

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

  1. What kinds of weather do you like most of all?

  2. Does the weather influence your health?

  3. What weather conditions make you feel better?

Health and weather

For many years people have understood that sunlight, cloudiness, stormy conditions and falling barometric pressure can affect their health. When the barometric pressure drops, joints and old injuries ache. Knees and lower back areas become stiff and swollen. Lack of sunlight affects the production of serotonin, it influences our moods and sleep patterns.

The sun is a person's most important source of vitamin D. Without enough sunlight depression rates are increased, it often happens during the winter months. On the contrary, people become calmer in rainy days. Sleepy cloudy days and the sound of rain on the rooftop cause relaxation. But storms excite some people, filling them with adrenaline while they fill others with fear. Even this nervous energy gets the heart pumping faster! Energy levels are also directly affected by temperature. When people are hot, their blood vessels expand, their faces and chests blush a bright red as a biological cooling mechanism. When people are cold, their blood vessels do just the opposite, constricting to trap heat inside. This built-in system keeps the human body from reaching dangerous levels of extreme temperatures. An inconvenient side effect of this automatic heating system is that with constricted movement of blood, circulation slows down considerably. This is why it's so important to exercise regularly, to improve circulation and to get oxygen flowing.


sunlight – солнечный свет

cloudiness – облачность

depression rates – уровень депрессии

rain – дождь

relaxation – расслабленность

ache – причинять боль

energy level – уровень энергии

blood vessels – кровеносные сосуды

barometric pressure – барометрическое давление

side effect – побочный эффект

movement of blood – движение крови

oxygen - кислород

Answer the questions

  1. When are depression rates increased?

  2. When do people feel calmer?

  3. What expands when people are hot?

  4. What is the side effect of biological cooling system?

Look at the map of Tayford, a small town in England. Then match these words to places 1-13

ariver a park a station houses flats

aroad a market a square a café a hotel

shops a bus station a bed and breakfast

Read what Tim says about Tayford and fill in the gaps with there is/there are and there isn’t /there aren`t