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Introductory text

Notes to the text:

unitary state – унітарна держава

legislative / executive / judicial branches of power – законодавча / виконавча / судова гілки влади

the collapse of the USSR – розпад СРСР

to maintain(ed) – підтримувати, зберігати

the second largest military – друге за розміром військо

sizable minority – значна за розміром меншина (народність, нація)

toinfluence(d)heavily–значно впливати, завдавати значного впливу

to rival(led) – конкурувати, суперничати

to leave (left; left) mark – залишати слід

invasion – навала, вторгнення, нашестя

to wipe smth off the face of the earth – стерти щось із лиця землі

glorious pages of the past – славні сторінки минулого

staggering current realities – динамізм сучасності

inimitable whole – неповторна / незрівнянна цілісність

yet so youthful city – вічно молоде місто

to conduct(ed) business transactions – здійснювати ділові операції

nitrogenous and phosphate fertilizer – азотні та фосфатні добрива

timber – пиломатеріали, деревина

barter deals – бартер, товарообмін

foreign trade turnover – зовнішній товарооборот

to be favorable (for) – бути сприятливим

to be determined (by) – визначатися

temperate belt – помірний пояс

A new state, Ukraine, appeared on the world political map in 1991 when its people voted for the country’s independence. Now Ukraine is a unitary state composed of 24 regions, one autonomous republic (Crimea), and two cities with special status: Kiev, its capital, and Sevastopol, which houses the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Ukraine is a republic under a parliamentary-presidential system with separate legislative, executive, and judicial branches of power. The President is the highest official of the Ukrainian state. He is the guarantor of the national sovereignty, territorial integrity, human and civil rights and freedoms. The President is elected by the citizens of the state. The only legislative body of Ukraine is the Parliament – the Verkhovna Rada. Its main function is making laws. The cabinet of Ministers is the supreme executive authority. The highest judicial body is the Constitutional Court.

Since the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine continues to maintain the second largest military in Europe, after that of Russia. The country is home to 46.4 million people, 77.8 percent of whom are ethnic Ukrainians, with sizable minorities of Russians, Belarusians and Romanians. Because of a diversity of ethnic groups, Ukrainians do not look alike and cannot be stereotyped to one kind of appearance. However, Ukrainians are very kind and hospitable.

The Ukrainian language is the only official language in Ukraine, while Russian is also widely spoken and is known to most Ukrainians as a second language. The dominant religion in the country is Eastern Orthodox Christianity, which has heavily influenced Ukrainian architecture, literature and music.

The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. It stretches on the high hills along the Dnieper, rivaling the oldest and most charming cities of Europe. Every epoch left its mark here. Even the great Tatar invasion that shook the civilized world in the 13th century was unable to wipe it off the face of the earth. Glorious pages of the past and staggering current realities seem to have merged into a single, inimitable whole of this ancient, yet ever so youthful city. Ukraine’s other big cities are Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Lviv, etc.

Ukraine’s enterprises conduct business transactions with partners in 137 countries. Ukraine’s main export items are metal, ores, coal, electricity, nitrogenous and phosphate fertilizer, soda, glass, construction materials, vegetable oil. Its main import items are oil, gas, timber, non-ferrous metals, cars, machines and equipment, medications, etc. Barter deals and export under federal contracts make up some 43% of the foreign trade turnover.

The geographical position of Ukraine is very favorable for the development of its industry and agriculture. The climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical location. Ukraine’s territory lies in the temperate belt. In general the country’s climate is temperately continental, being subtropical only on the southern coast of the Crimea.

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