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1. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What kind of world would we have if there were no sensation at all?

2. How many senses have we got? What are they?

3. Where are the receptors of person's basic senses situated?

4. What is the role of vision for people's life?

5. How does the process of producing the sound by means of auditory receptors in the ears take place?

6. What kind of receptors are there in the skin and what do they do?

7. Why isn't it right to call olfaction, or the sense of smell, one of the "lower" senses?

8. What are the basic taste categories?

9. How is sensation connected with perception?

2. Fill in each sentence with the suitable word from the vocabulary list in the necessary form:

1. Their son's death left a painful ... in their lives.

2. His abilities were not properly ... in his job.

3. The affects of the recession are ... on every aspect of our lives.

4. The belief in free enterprise is at the … of their political thinking

5. I have had my eyes tested and the optician says that my … is perfect.

6. Their daring escape has ... the imagination of the whole country.

7. Brushing teeth regularly helps … tooth decay.

8. Our conclusions were arrived at by not by direct evidence.

9. We had … the number of students on this course.

3. Translate and memorize the following words from the text and their derivatives. Single out noun, verb, adjective, adverb forming suffixes:

sense — sensory — sensation — sensitive — sensible — sensitivity — sensibility

perceive — perception — perceptual — perceptive — perceptible — perceptiveness

expand — expanse — expansive — expansion — expansionism

regulate — regular — regularity — regularly — regulation

receive — receptor — reception — receptive — receptionist — receptivity — receptiveness

taste — tasty — tasteful — tasteless — taster

explore — exploration — explorer exploratory

feel — feeling — feelingly

olfaction — olfactory — olfactorily

image — imagine — imaginative — imagination — imaginable

vision — visual — visualize — visible — visionary

real — unreal — realistic — realize — realization — realizable —reality

consider — considerate — consideration — considerable

stimulus — stimulate — stimulation — stimulating

reflect — reflector — reflection — reflective — reflex

4. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the suggested words from the right column:

1 Don't mention that she's put on weight - she's very … about it.











2 I don't really know what to think - I've got very mixed ... on the subject.

3 There must be a full ... of all the possibilities before we decide.

4 The pantomime really captured the children's ... and they talked about it for weeks.

5 Taking everything into …, the result is better than I expected.

6 I find swimming the most ... form of exercise.

7 Do you think this opinion is an accurate … of the public mood?

8 … involves integration of information into mental structures.

9 British pubs are often the best places to eat well and cheaply in Britain, and they also increasingly try to serve ... British food.

10 We were promised a trouble-free holiday, but the … was rather different.

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