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1. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What would happen if the world were emotionless?

2. Are emotions coloured?

3. What functions do they perform?

4. What are the three basic phases of an emotion state?

5. What does the James-Lange's theory deal with?

6. Is stress a disruptive or a constructive process?

7. Do only negative situations of our life cause stresses?

8. Can a person cope with the stress himself?

9. Who can help people regain emotional equilibrium after an upset?

10. Is the help of a psychologist in teaching emotional self-regulation effective?

2. Fill in the blank with the vocabulary word that best fits the meaning of each sentence:

1. The fall in prices will be ... to small businesses.

2. He is good at his job but he seems ... confidence.

3. Don't you see what a close ... there is between them?

4. Your constant being late is not simply annoying, it's ....

5. The world economic system ... the developing countries in favour of the developed ones.

6. He has a ... influence on the other children.

7. The computer has made a great ... on modern life.

8. We must try to keep the opposing economic forces in ....

9. Good secretarial skills should ... your chances of getting a job.

10. We made a few minor ... to the plan.

11. The players' ... mounted as the rain continued pouring down outside.

3. Confirm or deny the following statements. Make use of the following phrases:

That's it! Precisely. Very true. I fully (quite) agree with you. I'm afraid not. You are not quite right, I'm sorry to say it. Far from it.

1. Emotions play an important role in our life.

2. The perception of physiological changes plays the most significant role in the experience of emotions.

3. Any stress affects all the spheres of the person's organism.

4. Helplessness is rather an innate than a shared feature of a person.

5. Stress management workshops are effective in instructing people how to cope with stress.

4. Substitute the definitions for the words taken from the text:

1. Interested in things that do not concern one.

2. The act of making or becoming suitable for new needs or different conditions.

3. A general agreement, the opinion of most of the people in a group.

4. Any of the strong feelings of the human spirit.

5. Very great pain and suffering, esp. of the mind.

6. A method of learning to consciously control usually unconscious physical tension, by using an electronic machine to measure this tension and watching what exercises are successful at reducing it.

7. The degree of brightness in colour.

5. Search the text for the pairs of antonyms, like:

trivial — life-altering;

introvert — extrovert.

outside — inside.

6. Pick up the names of the emotions used in the text. Write them down into two columns choosing the opposite emotion to the given one:







7. Pick up all compound words from the text, translate, learn them and make up your own sentences. Follow the model:

Breakdown. — We witnessed a breakdown of talks between the staff and the management.

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