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5. Complete the following sentences:

1. Wundt stringently limited the subject to the study of ...

2. According to Freud, our conscious thoughts and actions are influenced by …

3. The researchers in physiological psychology or neuropsychology investigate the working ...

4. Developmental psychologists specialize in …

5. A field in which individual differences in behaviour are studied is ...

6. Social psychologists are especially interested in ...

7. Industrial psychology deals with …

8. Experimental psychologists have sought answers to such questions as …

6. Match the names of specialists with the corresponding activities:

1.Clinical psychologist

Studies how people influence one another

2.Industrial psychologist

Studies mental processes

3.Educational psychologist

Studies the physical bases of behaviour and cognition

4.Social psychologist

Develops and evaluates tests; designs research to measure psychological functions

5.Developmental psychologist

Establishes programs; consults; treats youngsters’ problems, and does research in the school setting

6.Experimental psychologist

Develops, designs, and evaluates materials and procedures for educational programs

7.School psychologist

Conducts research

8.Cognitive psychologist

Studies change in behaviour with age

9.Community psychologist

Combines research, consultation, and program development to enhance morale and efficiency on the job

10.Engineering psychologist

Treats distressed people within the community; initiates community action and develops community programs to enhance mental health

11.Personality psychologist

Assesses and treats people with psychological problems

12.Physiological psychologist

Studies how and why people differ from one another and how those differences can be assessed

13.Psychometric (quantitative) psychologist

Designs and evaluates environments, machinery, training devices, programs, and systems to improve relationships between people and environment

7. Form adjectives from the following verbs or nouns and make up phrases with them. Follow the model:

Model: emotion — emotional — emotional problems;

to observe — observable — observable behaviour.

Experiment, cognition, to develop, engineer, industry, to educate, clinics, environment, biology, to behave, norm, to flex, intellect, evolution.

8. Put the words into their correct spaces in the text:

Nervous, derived, investigation, functions, emotionally, soul, behaviour, mental, throughout, strategic.

Scope of Psychology

Psychology as a science studies … (1) activity and human behaviour. Psychologists study basic … (2) such as learning, memory, language, thinking, emotions and motives. They investigate development … (3) the life span from birth to death. They are involved in mental and physical care. They treat people who are ... (4) distressed.

Psychology occupies a ... (5) position between natural and social sciences on the one hand, and between sciences and humanities, on the other.

The word “psychology” is ... (6) from the Greek word meaning “study of the mind and ... (7)" So in the definition of psychology there are three basic words: “science”, “... (8)”, “mental processes”.

"Science" means rational ... (9) of processes and phenomena. By "behaviour" psychologists mean everything that people and animals do: action, emotions, ways of communication, developmental processes. "Mental processes" characterize the work of the mind and the … (10) system.

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