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I. Read the text and carry out the following assignments:

a) Read and give Ukrainian equivalents of the following internationalisms:

compactness, reduction, component, characterictics, di­electric, block, combine, series, logical, plastic, limit, im­perative, definition, reserve, individual, cubic.

    1. Find in the text the paragraph telling about the stan­dard circuit modules and modular circuit boards.

    2. Which of the following terms does not belong to elec­tronics?

transistor, resistor, capacitor, contractor, ^processor.


      1. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combi­nations:

glass vacuum tube, electronic device, square inch, elec­tronic circuit, building block, radio transmitter, radio re­ceiver, radar set, circuit module, circuit board, integrated cir­cuit, large-scale integration.

      1. Translate the following sentence into Ukrainian:

If the upper value could be achieved throughout a cubic inch of material, the density of electronic components would be about a fourth of the density of nerve cells in the human brain.

      1. What caused the miniaturization problem?

      2. What does the term "gate" mean?

      3. Speak on the latest tendencies in the development of elec­tronics.

      4. Give subtitles to each paragraph of the text.

      5. Render the text or make a short summary.


        1. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words:

microcalculator, miniature, cybernetics, diode, sluice, automation, circuit, processing.

        1. Read and memorize:

to switch on — вмикати, to give (a) thought to (smth.) — задумуватися (над чим-н.), to bring into being — породжу­вати, викликати до життя, elemental (base) — первинна, основна (база), unique — унікальний, to process informa­tion — обробляти інформацію, a single crystal — монокри­стал, planar technology — планерна технологія, sluice — канал, прохід, quick-working gate — швидкодіюча схема пропускання, ворота, carrier (of information) — носій (інформації), to act at command — діяти за командою, - think over — продумувати, зважувати, inaccessible — не­доступний, to live through — пережити, data processing — обробка даних.


Switching on a portable radio transistor, a low-wave TV-set, looking at an electronic watch or counting on a micro- calculator, we hardly give thought to the idea of how these devices work — so common are they in our lives. What has brought them into being? How do miniature apparata perform complicated, operations in general? These miniature devices, one of the greatest achievements of scientific and technologi­cal progress, are functioning on the basis of microelectronic circuits. Microelectronics, a section of semiconductor elec­tronics, is developing at a rapid pace. It defines the technical and elemental base of cybernetics, instrument engineering as well as the efficicncy of research and thus influences the scientific and technological potential of the country.

A great role belongs to microclectronies in our national economy. Its appearance and intensive development was caused by the necessity of using a great quantity of active elements: diodes, transistors, variable capacitors.

Semiconductor elements are usually presented in a micrc- miniaturized form: they are arranged in a single crystal, though their quantity sometimes exceeds hundreds of thou­sands. But this is a unique apparatus, a very complicated circuit which performs quite a number of processes. Such devices have acquired the name of integrated circuits. The "cleverest" of them perform the function of "logical thinking" and carry out rather a complicated operation of processing information. They have been called microprocessors.

At the base of modern microelectronic devices lie semicon­ductor elements. Microelectronics itself is based on planar technology and photolithography. Integral circuit is a com­plicated structure with its ways, sluices and quick-working gates for the flows of electrons which are carriers of informa­tion. They are able to act at command just as to work indepen­dently. And that means that the electrons can create a new process, direct operations, think over and carry out such complicated calculations that are inaccessible even to a great number of qualified specialists.

The history of microelectronics is not so long: 1*947 saw the creation of the first semiconductor transistor on which applied semiconductor electronics is based. Ten years later, in 1958, the first integrated circuit appeared. Industrial production of integrated circuits began in 1960s. First they consisted of several elements, later the count went by the hundred, at present supergreat integrated circuits count several hundreds of thousands of elements in one crys­tal.

No branch in the history of technique has ever lived through such a rapid growth. The level of the development of micro­electronics defines the level of all computers and (lata process­ing as well as diverse complicated systems *6f electronic automation.

There is a great social demand for creating automata of wide application (up to robot including), for construct­ing new computers and complexes facilitating the work of people.


          1. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What are the most popular electronic devices? 2. What are the electronic miniature devices functioning on? 3. What science defines the technical and elemental base of cybernet­ics and instrument engineering? 4. What caused the appear­ance of microelectronics? 5. What devices acquired the name of integrated circuits? 6. What is at the base of modern microelectronics? 7. WThen does the history of microelectronics begin? 8. When did the first integrated circuit appear?

            1. What do we call modern supergreat integrated circuit?

            2. Why is the development of microelectronics so important for any national economy?

          1. Make a plan and discuss the text.


Grammar: 1.

The Subordinate Clauses with the

Conjunction "while".


The ing-Forms (Practice of Transla­





Word-building and Word-combina­



1. Two-syllable words:

progress, number, radar, signal, beacon, furnace, weather, culture, level, surface, distance, centre, wireless;

report, detect, become, exist, equip, include, rely, com­pose, record, produce, compute, control, transmit, emit, reduce, decode, extend; receive, install, obtain, relay, en­hance, appear.

  1. Many-syllable words:

radio, annual, celebrate, sensitive, register, oscillate, demonstrate, possible, national, economy, broadcasting, cal­culate, educate, telescope, investigate, indicate, quantity, radiate, propagate, amplify, digital, subsequent.

  1. Words with double stress:

engineering, .television, automatics, cybernetics, naviga­tion, electromagnetic, radiolocation.

  1. Words ending in -ing suffix:

engineering, receiving, roaring, educating, spreading, broadcasting, transmitting, recording, converting.

  1. Memorize the spelling and pronunciation of the following words:

radiotelemetry I'reidioutilemitril — радіотелеметрія, acoustic {3'ku:stikl — акустичний, звуковий, enhance lin'hctins] — підвищувати (якість), typhoon Itai'furnl -- тайфун, hurricane ['Ьлпкэп! — ураган, surface ['sorfisl— поверхня, aerial ГєопоЦ — антена, audio I'D:diouJ — аудіо, звуковий, compass I'kAmposl — компас, interference [,tn- to'fi9r(3)nsl — (радіо) переш коди.

  1. Connected reading:

the seventh of May, Radio Day, a Russian scientist, a sensitive receiver, detected and registered, radioreceiving set, meteorology and communication, a tremendous progress, a very vast field, the transmission of speech, at the bottom of the sea, radio compass, by air and by sea, typhoons and hurricanes, the reliable means of communication, efficient means, in the various fields, to investigate the Universe, to obtain data, radio-relay station, wireless transmitting of sound, audio signals, digital coding, the same wavelength, without interference, the field of application.

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