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I. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. Where are vacuum valves and transistors used? 2. What is the basic element in "electronic brains"? 3. What are the drawbacks of electronic valves? 4. Is the transistor a semicon­ductor device? 5. What is the transistor used for? 6. What are the advantages of the transistor? 7. What elements are transistors made of? 8, What type of transistors is of great importance now? 9. What kind of transistor is the transistor of the junction triode type? 10. What is the difference in im­pedance and voltage level between the collector circuit and the emitter circuit?

SI. Make a plan and discuss the problem.


Grammar: 1.

Conditional Sentences (Practice ol



Present Continuous and Present

Pcrfect Continuous Tenses (Com­



Attributive Word-combinations

(Practice of Translation),




1. Two-syllable words:

transfer, furnace, direct, toxic, data, purpose, module, worldwide, expert, question, soldier, piecemeal, complete, volume, profit, require, labour.

  1. Many-syllable words:

imagine, operator, removal, unbearable, exhausting, ma­chining, dangerous, obvious, available, logical, incorporate, individual, flexible, modifiable, reorient, specialized, as­sessment, performance, robotization, unemployment, achieve­ment, hazardous, efficiency, contrary. »

  1. Practise reading the following word-combinations and com­pounds:

hot-formed glass, metal die castings, plastic injection, safety reliability, watch-making industry, machine-tool in­dustry, design support, output technology, production con­ditions, production efficiency, production process, robotiza­tion problem.

  1. Memorize the spelling and pronunciation of the following words:

robot ['roubotl — автомат, робот, medium-sized i'mi:- djom'saizdl — середнього розміру, transfer l'traensfo:! — перенос, переключення, inroad i'inroudj— навала, вторг­нення, modifiable l'modrfaiobll— змінний, такий, що під­дається зміні, enhance [in'ha:ns] — збільшувати, підсилю­вати.

  1. Practise connected reading:

the real working conditions, for example, the environ­mental temperature, is above 50 °С, unbearable heat, is very difficult, toxic material, a man's life, became obvious, they serve us, are giant robots, amounts of raw materials, has been expanding, types and purpose, are already operated, the ex­perts themselves, must be logically incorporated, automated production systems.


Imagine the real working conditions for a human operator by, for example, transfer of a hot-formed glass tube, removal of hot metal die castings or plastics injection. The environ­mental temperature is above 50 °С and the melting furnaces produce direct and unbearable heat radiation. This kind of job is very difficult, exhausting, monotonous and unpleasant. In the case of machining radioactive or toxic material the work becomes highly dangerous for a man's life.

The necessity of some form of automated handling proces­ses became obvious. So robots appeared on the scene with their high safety and reliability level.

We are now surrounded by robots, big ones, little ones, and medium-sized ones. They serve us in thousands of ways every day.

You can find robots practically anywhere you look. In factories there are giant robots. They pick up great amounts of raw materials and pass them to other robots which press, stamp and shape the raw material into a wide variety of things. Robot usage has been expanding for industrial spraying, hot handling, assembly, welding, etc.

According to available data, our industry receives annual­ly thousands of robots of different types and purposes. Today, robotic systems, lines and modules are already operating at the leading plants of the motor, electrical engineering, watch­making, machine-tool industries, etc.

Robotics is just beginning to make inroads in industrial production worldwide. It is not a simple process; the experts themselves are yet to clear up many questions. But everyone agrees even now that the robot by itself does nothing — it must be constructively designed together with the machine tools it is to operate and must be logically incorporated within the system of machines, machine tools and other units. The problem is not to design individual robots but robotical complexes, flexible and automated production systems that are easily modifiable for the manufacture of ever new kinds of products. Single-handed, even the "cleverest" and most skilful robot is not yet a soldier in the field. Even many ro­bots are not effective piecemeal, unless they are united into a technological chain.

Specialized enterprises are reoriented from the produc­tion of industrial robots by piece, toward the manufacture of complete systems and robotized complex instruments with the assessment of their performance by the end result—the qual­ity and volume of the produce made with their assistance.

This task is presently being tackled by our industry and economy. As to robotization, the utmost economic and so­cial effect will be brought about by systems capable of tak­ing over all the routine stages of designing, design support and the production of output.

Robots release workers from monotonous and very hard work, requiring no skilled labour, in hot shops, and in produc­tion with hazardous working conditions.


    1. working conditions — умови праці

    2. human operator — людина-оператор

    3. environmental temperature — температура навколишнього середо­вища t

    4. plastics injection — вдування (введення) пластмаси

    5. reliability level — рінень надійності

    6. to pick up — підбирати

    7. a wide variety (of things) — широка різноманітність (речей)

    8. industrial spraying — промислове розпилення

    9. hot handling — гаряча обробка, термообробка

    10. leading plant — передовий завод

    11. to make inroads (in) — вторгатися (в)

    12. to clear up — з'ясувати

    13. robot by itself — робот сам по собі

    14. robotical (robotized) complex — роботизований комплекс

    15. flexible and automated production systems — гнучкі та автоматизо­вані виробничі системи

    16. single-handed robot — одноцільовий робот

    17. piecemeal = by piece — частинами

    18. assessment of their performance — оцінка їх роботи

    19. design support — конструкторське забезпечення

    20. hazardous working conditions — ризиковані (небезпечні) умови праці


      1. Form nouns by adding the suffix -al to the following verbs and translate them into Ukrainian:

Model: V + -al to remove — removal

to renew, to survive, to withdraw, to portray, to refuse,

to dispose, to dismiss.

      1. Arrange the following words with the suffix -al according to the models: 1) S + -al — A, 2) A -f- -al = A, 3) V -f + -al = S and translate them into Ukrainian:

typical, industrial, economical, electrical, removal, re­hearsal, historical, denial, satirical, mechanical, practical, environmental, individual, technological, instrumental, tech­nical, survival.

      1. Change the following attributive word-combinations ac­cording to the models and translate them:

1) heat radiation — radiation of heat — теплове випромі­нювання

safety level, reliability level, plastics injection, produc­tion efficiency, robots output, robots models, application experience, machines system, speed control, production automation;

2) manufacture processes productivity -»- productivity of manufacture processes — продуктивність виробничих про­цесів

automated production systems -*- systems of automated process—системи автоматизованого виробництва

automated lines construction, nuclear fuel control, robot control designer, die casting machines, programmable con­trol device, automatic tool changers, industrial robot produc­tion, metal die castings, integrated factory systems, automa­ted handling process.

      1. Read and give Ukrainian equivalents of the following international words:

condition, operator, radiation, monotonous, toxic, scene, press, stamp, process, expert, individual, modify, manufac­ture, soldier, routine.

      1. Arrange the following words according to:

        1. similar meaning: obvious, estimation, giant, help, complicated, assistance, clear, big, output, creation, assess­ment, complex, elaboration, production;

        2. opposite meaning: difficult, narrow, high, old, big, low, wide, easy, little, simple, different, complex, new, similar.

      2. Form antonyms by adding prefixes to the following words: real, able, human, direct, bearable, pleasant, reliable,

exhaustible, available, complete, capable.

      1. Give English equivalents of the following Ukrainian word-combinations:

температура навколишнього (довколишнього) середови­ща, плавильна піч, вдування (введення) пластмаси, нестерп­не теплове випромінювання, обробка радіоактивних або ток­сичних матеріалів, надзвичайно небезпечний рівень безпе­ки та надійності, роботи різних типів і призначень, робот сам по собі, логічне включення (об'єднання) в систему ма­шин, гнучка та автоматизована виробнича система, вироб­ництво все нових виробів, впроваджувати частинами, кін­цевий результат, розробка виробничої технології.

      1. Translate the following sentences using words and word- combinations from the text:

1. Сьогодні важко знайти сферу людської діяльності, де б не використовувалася техніка. 2. Машини, автомати та роботи беруть на себе основну виробничу роботу. 3. Вче­ні та інженери розроблюють роботи, які можуть бачити, чути і підкорятися словесним інструкціям. 4. Звільняючи людину від одноманітної (рутинної) фізичної праці, роботи значно змінюють зміст праці людини. 5. Виробництво про­мислових роботів різних типів різко збільшується з кожним роком.

      1. Translate the following conditional sentences Into Ukrai­nian:

1. Single robots are not effective, unless they are intro­duced within a robotized complex system. 2. Unless scientists have studied the principles of the functioning of the human brain, they will not be able to tackle the problem of artifi­cial intellect. 3. Automation will not be used by production if it does not bring profit. 4. Provided we use the necessary instruments, the measurement will always be correct. 5. In forge and press shops robots feed blanks, measuring their temperature in passing, if this is required by the technology.

      1. Explain the use of tenses and translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

I. Robotics has been incorporating the latest achievements of mechanics, metallurgy, radio engineering, cybernetics and basic sciences. 2. Our industry is launching many models of robots of various purposes for metal-cutting machine tools, die casting machines, and several models of transfer arms for electrochemical facing production lines. 3. Today, robo­tic systems, lines and modules are operating at the leading plants of the motor, electrical engineering, watch-making and machine-tool industries. 4. Hundreds of research and design institutions, enterprises and associations have been contributing to implementing robotization programmes.

      1. Write out of the text the sentences with Continuous Tenses, explain thein and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

      2. Answer the following questions:

1. What helps man avoid difficult, exhausting, monoto­nous and dangerous work? 2. Where are robots and automated complexes applied first of all? 3. What can robots do? 4. Is the history of robots very long? 5. What do you know about robot manufacture? 6. When is the use of robots especially effective? 7. What is the tendency in the production of in­dustrial robots today? 8. What is the task of industry and economy today? 9. How is the performance of robots and robotized complexes assessed? 10. What does the introduc­tion of automation result in?

      1. Render the text.


  1. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words:

axis I'aeksisl — вісь, shoulder I'Joulde] — плече, main­tain Imen'teinl — утримувати, обслуговувати, ремонтува­ти, detailed I'diiteild!—детальний, servo-control I'soiva- kon'troulj — сервоуправління, pneumatic [nju'maetikl — пневматичний.

  1. Words and word-combinations necessary to comprehend the text:

extension — розширення, elevation — піднесення, pro­grammable control device — керувальний пристрій, якому можна задавати програму, NC machine tool — верстат з числовим програмним управлінням (ЧПУ), servo-drive — сервопривід, to draw upon — черпати, брати, positioning — позиціонування, dc (direct current) drive — привод по­стійного струму, stepping motor — крокуючий двигун, grip- per unit — затискуючий пристрій, nuclear machining—ме­ханічна обробка радіоактивних матеріалів, remote ma­chining — механічна обробка за допомогою дистанційного управління, automatic tool changer — пристрій для автома­тичної зміни інструменту.


An industrial robot may be defined as a device with five or more axes with servo-control, capable of being program­med for independent operation. Typically, two or three of these axes may be for a hand, gripper or wrist type of mecha­nism, and the others for what can be considered a shoulder and arm, giving variable extension, rotation, and elevation. However, there are no hard and fast rules as to what form an industrial robot must take, and their mechanical configur­ations differ considerably depending on makers.

Even now robots are unique products for all mechanical engineers across the world. Therefore the term "robot" itself requires clarification. Some engineers insisted even until recently that every robot must by all means be like us, people, and be capable of doing any job, Others were inclined to regard any manipulating device as a robot. The standard adopted in many countries defines an industrial robot as automated machine combining a manipulator and program­mable control device designed to perform movement and control functions substituting for similar functions of man.

The technology within a robot is really well established from other branches of engineering. It is the detailed appli­cation of such technology to a robot that is different. Many features of NC machine tools, for example, can be compared directly with similar features of an industrial robot. The ser- vo-systems for controlling the axes, the minicomputer con­troller, and memory of tape programming are all established features of existing machine-tool technology, and often the machine tool itself has adopted the technology from other previous developments. There is, therefore, plenty of appli­cation experience for robot control designers to draw upon.

The servo-drives for the axes may be pneumatic, hydrau­lic, or electric, or any combination of these methods. Pneu­matic systems are not generally capable of very high accuracy of movement due to the compressibility of air, but they are of low cost and easy to maintain. Hydraulic drives have the capability of providing high forces and good control of speed and positioning. Electrically, stepping motors or dc drives can be used.

The detailed mechanical design of an industrial robot is somewhat different from a machine tool. Industrial robots usually have a hand or wrist incorporating some form of grip- per unit. Gripper units have been used in the nuclear ma­chining for many years for the remote machining of radio­active or toxic materials. Such units were designed to perform a range of tasks, not just one simple handling operation. Simpler gripper units have been developed for handling tool­ing as part of automatic tool changers. There exist many types of gripper units and transfer mechanisms.

From these examples, it can be seen that there is little new in the technology of industrial robots, and the high levels of reliability obtained in the practical application of robots perhaps reflects this fact. The innovation lies rather in the application of the technology of robots, and it is here that invention and novelty must be considered.

What makes a robot different from an ordinary machine is its electronic brain — a microcomputer that can be pro­grammed to do an assigned task repeatedly, at the same pace and with the same accuracy. It is expected that in the nearest future industrial robots will be able to change their own parts.


    1. Read the text and carry out the following assignments:

      1. Read and give Ukrainian equivalents of the following internationalisms:

operation, typical, mechanism, rotation, configuration, manipulate, standard, function, pneumatic, hydraulic, mo­tor, radio-active, toxic, centre, ordinary, electronic.

      1. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word- combinations:

industrial robot, independent operation, variable elev­ation, mechanical configuration, similar features, previous de­velopment, robot designers, pneumatic systems, hydraulic devices, unique products, manipulating device, machining industry, remote machining, machining centres, assigned task.

    1. Find in the text English equivalent of the following Ukrai­nian sentence:

Затискуючі пристрої використовуються вже багато років у ядернообробній промисловості для дистанційної оброб­ки радіоактивних і токсичних матеріалів.

    1. Translate into Ukrainian the following sentence from the text:

Typically, two or three of these axes may be for a hand, gripper or wrist type of mechanism, and the others for what can be considered a shoulder or arm, giving variable exten­sion, rotation, and elevation.

    1. What are the main parts of the robot?

    2. What do we call separate standard parts used to create variants of robots and robotized complexes.

    3. What makes robot different from an ordinary machine?

    4. Speak on the future application of robots in agriculture, transport, building construction and in the sphere of service.


  1. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words:

robotics, recently, predecessor, ceremony, length, play­wright, essayist, entirely, coordinate, enhance.

  1. Read and memorize:

to refer (to) — стосуватися, мати відношення (до), life- size — у натуральну величину, to resemble — бути схо­жим, мати подібність, forced labour — примусова праця, on-off device — пристрій типу „ввімкнено-вимкнено", ex­pensive retooling — дороге обладнання, hard automation — тверда автоматизація, software — програмне забезпечення, hardware — апаратне устаткування.


The concept of robotics, although not referred to by that term until relatively recently, has captured man's imagin­ation for centuries.

One of the first automatic animals — a wooden bird that could fly — was built by Plato's friend Archytas of Tareen- tum, who lived between 400 and 350 before our era. In the second century of our era, Hero of Alexandria described in his book, "De Automatis" mechanical theatre with robot-like figures that marched and danced in temple ceremonies.

The predecessors of programmable robots are classified as automata in contrast to toys because of their length and com­plexity of their operating cycles.

A French engineer who lived in the 18th century was elected to the Academy of Sciences for his work, which included the creation of a life-size, flute-playing shepherd. Two other Frenchmen constructed life-like automata driven by springs.

In 1921, Karel Czapek, the Czech playwright, novelist and essayist wrote the satirical drama R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots), which introduced the word "robot" into the English language. The playwright created the word to mean forced labour; the machines in his play resembled people, but worked twice as hard.

Early robots were not entirely selfregulating. They were strictly on-off devices—they turned switches on and off. They could perform only one action, and would keep perform­ing that action no matter what happened as they were unable to operate under a variety of conditions. If a new situation arose, they were incapable of doing anything about it.

In the early 1960's, the first industrial robot was intro­duced. The idea was to build a machine that was flexible enough to do a variety of jobs automatically and which could be easily taught or programmed so that if the part of process changed, the robot could adapt to its new job with­out expensive retooling, as was the case with hard automa­tion.

The use of computers, sensors, and mechanical actuators or manipulators as a coordinated system utilized in manufac-

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