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X I. Change the following sentences so as to use the Subjective infinitive Constructions:

Model: It is known that transistors perform functions si­milar to valves ->- Transistors are known to perform func­tions similar to valves.

1. It is known that sound travels faster in solids than in liquids. 2. It is known that the speed of sound is about 750 miles an hour. 3. It is believed that automation is the high­est stage in the development of technology. 4. It has been proved that electronic equipment saves millions of man and machine hours. 5. It is believed that electronics is the most progressing technology of the present industrial age.

    1. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Subjective Infinitive Construction:

1. Electronics is known to be a young science. 2. The application of electronics in everyday life and industry has proved to increase enormously in the last few years. 3. Elec­tronics is believed to begin when the valve was invented. 4. Electronic equipment is known to have already been ap­plied at the beginning of the century. 5. Electronics is sure to find an ever growing application.

    1. Write out of the text the sentences with the Subjective Infinitive Constructions and translate them into Ukrainian.

    2. Answer the following questions:

1. What is electronics? 2. What does physical electronics deal with? 3. What does industrial electronics deal with?

      1. What made radio broadcasting and telecasting possible?

      2. What can reduce the size of instrument? 6. What is a great advance in electronics connected with? 7. When was the tran­sistor introduced? 8 How is electronics connected with auto­mation? 9. Where are electronic devices and equipment ap­plied? 10. What is the future of electronics?

    1. Render the text.

Text в. Large-scale integration in electronics

  1. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words:

silicon t'silikonl — кремній, diode ['daiqjad] — діод, advent ['aedvantl — прихід, carbon ['ka:banl — вуглець, ceramics [si'raemiksj — кераміка, dielectric [dan'lektrrk] — діелектричний, integrated ['intsgreitidl — інтегральний, circuit l'so:kit] — схема.

  1. Words and expressions necessary to comprehend the text:

a marvel of compactness — надзвичайна компактність, a complex interconnection—складний взаємозв'язок, large- scale integration — великомасштабне інтегрування, chip — кристал, capacitor — конденсатор, ємкість, to fashion — формувати, electronic circuit — електронна схема, ра­діосхема, emitter — емітер, випромінювач, response—ре­акція, спрацювання, чутливість, module — модуль, cir­cuit board — щит, панель, to plug together — підключати (з'єднувати), search — пошук, high-density (electronic) cir­cuit — високої густини, компактна (електронна) схема, precise — точний, to comprise — включати, вміщати, cell — клітина, inevitable — неминучий, gate — схема пропускан­ня сигналів у часі.


The most advancing technology of the present industrial age is that of electronics. The introduction of the transistor in its day seemed a marvel of compactness compared with the glass vacuum tube. Now the size of electronic devices has been reduced by 10 every five years which has led to a great compression. When the term microelectronics first came into use, a chip of silicon a tenth of a square inch might hold 10 to 20 transistors, together with a few diodes, capacitors and resistors. Now such chips can contain thousands of sepa­rate electronic components.

Until the appearance of the transistor each type of com­ponent in an electronic circuit was made from one or more materials with the required electrical characteristics. For example, carbon was used for resistors, ceramics and a dielec­tric for capacitors, tungsten for the emitters in vacuum tubes and so on. These components were then used like . building blocks in creating a circuit with specified character­istics and responses. Circuits were combined into systems,

such as a radio transmitter, a radio receiver, a radar set or a computer.

From the earliest days electronics has been a technology of complex interconnections. A small radar set can easily have as many interconnections as an oil refinery. To-simpli­fy a system design and reduce the number of interconnections engineers developed a series of standard circuit modules. Each module performed a specific function and was used as a logical building block for creating the systems. The tran­sistor could readily be assembled with resistors and capaci­tors of about the same size on a small plastic board. These modular circuit boards of the size of a playing card could then be plugged together as needed.

As transistor technology developed it was important to decrease the size of components and the length of intercon­nections. The physical limit of finding room for connections in an ever decreasing area was fast approaching. This limi­tation and the complexity of system design made the search for a new technology imperative.

The technology that resulted was microelectronics em­bodied in the integrated circuit. It made possible to produce (as a part of a single chip of silicon) transistors, diodes, resis­tors and capacitors joining them into a complete circuit.

The technology that produces such high-density electronic circuits is called large-scale integration, or LSI. Although the term has no precise definition, it is usually reserved for in­tegrated circuits that comprise 100 or more "gates", or indivi­dual circuit functions, with a density of 50,000 to 100,000 components per square inch. If the upper value could be achieved throughout a cubic inch of material, the density of electronic components would be about a fourth of the density of nerve cells in the human brain.

It now seems inevitable that microelectronic circuits, including LSI, will soon find their way into a variety of new applications which will have great impact on industry and everyday life.


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