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Text c. Kiev civil engineering institute

  1. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words:

author Г?:0з] — автор, Asia I'eiSal — Азія, diploma [di'plouma] — диплом, olympiad lou'limpiacdl — олімпіа­да, symposium [sim'pouzjom] — симпозіум, to perfect [pa'fektl — удосконалювати.

  1. Read and memorize:

teaching staff — викладацький склад, graduate —- ви­пускник, body — орган, to effect — здійснювати, manual — підручник, teaching process — навчальний процес, to be in store for smb.— призначатися для кого-н,, computing centre — обчислювальний центр, facilities — устаткування, preventorium — профілакторій, extra-mural —^ заочний, to promote — сприяти, technical means — технічні засоби, academic rank — вчене звання, to sponsor — влаштовувати, mutual — взаємний, to share — ділитися.


Since 1930 and up to this day hundreds of the Kiev Civil Engineering Institute graduates yearly get diplomas of con­struction engineers and architects within the walls of this well- known higher educational establishment to work on con­struction sites, at plants and factories, as managers, in govern­mental and communal bodies, etc.

The training of specialists is effected at the following main departments of the Institute: construction, architectural, automation and complex mechanization, city development, construction-technological, sanitary engineering. All instruc­tion, educational and scientific work is organized and carried out by more than 40 chairs numbering about 700 highly- qualified teachers many of whom are authors of text-books and manuals used in the teaching process.

About 10,000 students are trained at the Institute, among them young people from more than 30 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America. Post-graduate courses in about 30 specialities are in store for those who choose to continue their professional and scientific training.

Scientific work is done at the Institute not only by the teaching staff and post-graduates but also by the students in well-equipped laboratories, in specialized classrooms, in a computing centre, in libraries and reading-halls.

Besides studies and scientific work the students have full facilities for rest and recreation: a modern sports complex with a"stadium and a swimming-pool, a sporting camp and a preventorium.

The Institute trains engineers and architects using various forms of instruction: day-time, part-time and extra-mural, giving them the most up-to-date theoretical and practical training at the highest level and in accordance with the de­mands of the time.

The introduction of research elements into the instruction process, lectures, laboratory and practical studies, course and diploma design promotes the students' further scientific growth, enables to make their contributions to the scientific and technical progress of our land. The students' scientific works are often awarded medals, prizes, diplomas at Olym­piads, conferences and 'competitions.

Perfecting the instruction process, using modern techni­cal means in training students for their future work the teachers of the Institute, more than half of whom have scien­tific degrees and academic ranks, have worked out a series of teaching machines and methods of their application, intro­duce new progressive ways of work into classroom and la­boratory.

The scientists of the Institute have extensive scientific contacts with specialists from many countries at international level taking an active part in numerous conferences, sympo­sia, seminars, meetings sponsored by various scientific organ­izations in the country and abroad. Such scientific contacts are of mutual interest as they promote exchanging views on many problems of research, give the opportunity to share the results of investigations, advance further scientific and technological discoveries. An international exchange of stu­dents grows from year to year as well and has already become common practice in raising the future specialists' qualifica­tion, in perfecting their professional skill.

Scientific work and pedagogical process conducted at the Kiev Civil Engineering Institute are deeply interconnect­ed. They embrace research in the field of construction, inves­tigating different problems of natural sciences, training highly professional future specialists.


    1. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What specialists does the Institute train? 2. How many chairs are there in the Institute? 3. Who studies at the post­graduate courses? 4. For which foreign countries does the Institute train specialists? 5. What facilities are the students provided with? 6. What awards do the students get for their scientific work? 7. In what conferences do the scientists of the Institute take an active part? 8. What can you say about Ukraine's exchange of students with other countries?

    1. Render the text. Compose dialogues and reproduce them in pairs.


Grammar: 1. "It 4- be ... that" Construction (Prac­tice of Translation). I

      1. Perfect Participle (Functions and* Translation).

      2. Word-building and Word-combina­tions.


        1. Practise reading the following two-syllable words: mental, shelter, purpose, master, record, feature, mean­ing, social, culture, practice, structure, useful, therefore, neatness, facing, plastics; depend, apply, connect, create, design, possess, achieve, appeal, combine.

        2. Practise reading the following many-syllable words:

material, appearance, discover, Egyptian, expression, example, evolution, characteristics, climatic, religious, dis­tinguish, creative, population, achievement, ceramics, atten­tion, attractive;

architect, ability, originate, enemy, natural, animal, brickmaking, utility, emotional, history, influence, histori­cal, visible, biography, especially, beautiful, sufficient, practical, integrate, harmonious, personal, simplicity, fin­ishing, facility; habitable, comfortable, profitable; superintend, interrelate, correspond, supervise.

        1. Practise reading the following groups of words:

architcct— architecture — architectural, physics — physi­cal, appear — disappear — appearance, nature — natural — unnatural, create — creative — creation, attract — attract­ive — attraction, build — builder — building, possess — possessive— possession, possible—impossible — possibility, attend — attentive — attention.

        1. Memorize the spelling and pronunciation of the following words:

weather t'weôel — погода, climate I'klaimitj — клімат, ancient ['emSntl — стародавній, beauty ['bju:tr] — краса, Chaldea [kol'dio] — Халдея, continuous [kon'tinjuosl — без­перервний, Chinese ItSai'ni:zl — китайський, Japanese l/i3aepo'ni:zl— японський, Saracenic ^sœro'semkl — сара­цинський, variety Iva'raiotii — різноманіття.

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