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  1. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. Why had man to struggle against nature? 2. Is man a part of nature? 3. When did the correlations of forces between man and nature change? 4. Why did man declare himself "the king of nature"? 5. What results did man come to in remold­ing nature? 6. At what rate do forests disappear? 7. What drastically complicated the relationship between man and nature? 8. What measures can solve ecological problems?

  1. Make a plan and render the text.

  2. Render the extract in English or in Ukrainian:


It is always difficult to foresee the future. But let us try to do it.

There are three fields of possible fundamental scientific discoveries in future.

The first and perhaps the most important of these is the structure of fundamental particles.

The second is the structure and origin of the universe and the third — the essence of basic biological processes, in par­ticular the mechanism of photosynthesis.

Fundamental discoveries in physics are very rare. It is over 60 years since the last one was made, quantum mechanics.

There is now no branch of physics where existing theory fails to explain experiments in principle.

Solid state physics oj the last few decades is a science which made a great contribution to practical human activity The substitution of semi-conductors for radio valves, for in­stance. is based on solid-state physics.

Microprocessors are also a great achievement. A micro­processor of the size of a shirt button can hold the computing capacity of a third generation computer.

Solid state optics has developed and is perfecting semi­conductor lasers. And solid optics is the basis of optical tele­communications circuits.

Construction materials are also an object of serious solid state research. Modern equipment needs new materials: strong, flexible and light, and nuclear power engineering has re­quirements including radiation resistance.

Solid state physics is closely linked with low and super- low temperature physics including superconductivity. Cryo- genie temperatures which are defined as those below —297 °F (the boiling point of liquid oxygen), draw attention of scien­tists because ordinary substances whose temperature is re­duced to this region obtain many useful properties.

The scientists have developed generators based on super­conductivity magnets. This is an entirely new, £ lass of power generator. No doubt in the future superconductivity will be applied in many fields.

There is no doubt that the use of lasers will be very wide­spread in the nearest future. Quite possibly, as widely used as electronic devices are today. The next century may well become the century of lasers and optical electronics instru­ments.

The release of huge sums of money spent on arms is essen­tial to solve the problems facing humanity. The most urgent of them are energy supplies, food and environmental protec­tion.


Grammar: 1. Word Order in the Simple Sentence with "It is (was/were) ... that" Con­struction.

    1. Types of Predicates.

    2. Present, Past, Future Indefinite (Passive Voice).

    3. The Noun: The Categories of Num­ber and Case.

    4. Indefinite Pronouns.

    5. Word-building.


1. Read observing correct pronunciation of vowels in stressed syllables:

gas, atom, tractor, active, habit, language, graduate, attitude; space, lathe, radio, invader, labour, laser, partiot- ic, creative, favourable; car, remarkable; advanced;

not, often, foreign, economic, technology, property, elec­tronics; scope, role, progress, locomotive; short, export, forge, important; more, explore;

crush, hundred, public, destruction; use, community, produce, computer, indisputable; turbine; during;

enemy, success, method, vessel, welding, electric, gen­erator, tremendous; complete; expert; period, severe, ma­terial;

in, mill, this, system, technical, political, history, equip­ment, instrument, institute; time, wide, surprise, deny; environmental.

2 Read observing the correct pronunciation of vowel digraphs:

outer field lead hydraulic

у ry output achieve peace automation profound believe increase quality

Practise reading words with double stresses:

mathematics polytechnical fundamentals radiophysics technological indisputable economics organizational highly-qualified locomotive engineering responsibility

      1. Memorize spelling and pronunciation of the following words:

period I'piariadl — період, success Isak'sesl — успіх, me­tallurgy [ma'tffiledji] — металургія, hydraulic [hai'dro:l- ik] — гідравлічний, society Isa'saiati] — суспільство, area [Varial — площа, curriculum [ko'rikjuloml — навчальна програма, manufacture l^maenju'fagkUaJ — виробництво, cybernetics ^saibai'netiks] — кібернетика, environmental [in/vai8r(3)n'ment(9)ll— навколишній, acquirement [a'k- waiamentl — набування, засвоєння.

      1. Practise connected reading:

are concerned, to satisfy human needs, is characterised by, to be part of a team, the best way possible, simple or ex­tremely complex, they are well-trained, environmental, en­gineering and organizational efforts, in various areas of science and production, applied mathematics and cybernetics, the design process itself, different phases of the design process, the designer's overall problem, a lot of engineering and organ­izational efforts.


' '

Practical applications of the developments of physics, mathematics and other sciences are realized by engineers. The engineer, designing engineer is the main motivjp4Rower of the technological progress. Engineers concern themselves with the application of science and technology to satisfy human needs. In their work they are guided by the latest achieve­ments of science and technology. The essence of engineering

32 ' ' "c

is characterized by the design process in which resources are transformed in the best way possible into needed'devices, machines or systems. This transformation starts'with the re­cognition of some need and progresses to the Job vsicat Imple- Qtvjjj mentation which satisfies this need..The device^machine or Aii^ system which results may be simple or extremely complex.

What is the role of an individual e igineer in it? lie may be responsible for the complete process. It is far more usual, however, for him to be part of a team, consisting not only of \ engineers, and concern himself only with his speciality and its interaction with the total project. Now let us'look at the design process itself from the point oi view of the role of the engineer in it.

In general, engineering design can be of two kinds. Some­thing completely new may result or the design may produce y an improved form of something already in existence. The ac­cent on different phases of the design process will differ in each case.

In describing the engineer's role in this process, two ap­proaches are possible. One way is to look at the life cycle of v the product" itself from conception to retirement . 'This is usu­ally referred to as the morphology of the design process. Its phases may be described as follows: needs analysis, feasibili­ty study, preliminary design, detailed design, production, distribution, consumption, retirement,

The second method of describing the design, process, called the anatomy of the design, adetalfiea examination of the designer's, actions in identifying and solving ? his problem./The following main steps characterize it: prob- lem sfaTfinent and needs Iwrroulat ion, in format ion'"col lec­tion, modelling, value statement, synthesis of alternatives, analysis and^ testing, evaluation, decision, optimization, iteration, communlcation.

Each step in the morphology points to a problem which needs to be solved and so, broadly speaking, the anatomy of " design deals' 'with each sjep.

It goes without s^'yihg that the role pf. the Engineer, in these phases is different. Each phase, |i.oweyer, cohfribufes to the designer's overall problem. It is Completion of the de- . tailed design phase tha,t results in, a. sefjjf working drawings, i The tatter, if acceptable, are transmitted to the manufac­ture It is only in the production phase that the product first appears as' a physical reality.

Before this moment a lot of engineering and organizational efforts were applied. The designing engineer cannot do without

knowledge or information in many fields other than those of engineering. In fact, most of the brandies of engineering,, are closely reFatetl with one or options of physics. Civil engineering, for fstanteS, applies. the principles of mechan­ics, incchanica1 engineering unitizes' the laws of mechanics and lieit, 'electrical engineering is based on fundamentals of electrici'ty, etc One of the tools common to physics and engineering is mathematics. Physics and mathematics are thus the basic "foundations of engineering". In his practical work the Resigning engineer is facet! with the importance of choosing suitable engineering materia^ They must be high­ly and most economical/ In recent years, as we know, sgme materials" are'scarce so the engineer must be able to select sub$ifub materials.

ThuS a modern engineer mustget_a paruial training in subjects of his speciality as*weil as in sucn subjects^as ap­plied physics aqd, mathematics, chemistry, computers and robotics, environmental engineering, systems engineering, computer-aidecl design, researeh-on-resear.ch,. pianagencat science, etc. He must have, г [scientific attitude, imagin­ation, initiative and good Ulfement. In fact, it is often the engineer's reading of .constraints and criteria in areaunfamil- iar to him that decides the final success of his design.

I". motive power — рушійна сила

        1. to concern oneself (with) — займатися, цікавитися

        2. to be guided (by) — керуватися

        3. to be responsible for — відповідати за (щось)

        4. it goes without saying (that) — само собою зрозуміло (що) environmental engineering — техніка моделювання експлуатаційних умов / : 1

          1. system engineering..— системний метод розробки

          2. research-on-research — наукознавство

          3. management science — наука про управління

          4. substantial training — ґрунтовна підготовка

          5. deep knowledge — глибокі знання

          6. broadly speaking — в загальних рисах

          7. fundamentals of science; — основи наук

          8. areas unfamiliar to smb.— області, незнайомі кому-небудь

          9. a lot of (many/much) —багато

          10. to be faced with — стикатися з (чимось)


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