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Module 6 unit 1

Topic: Terrorism.

Grammar: Phrasal verbs.


The Definition of Terrorism

In recent years people have confronted such world-wide phenomenon as terrorism. Nowadays the term «terror» is identified with fear and threat, explosions and hijacks. The main meaning of the word «terror» is «extreme fear» and the main principle of terrorists is «Kill one, frighten ten thousand». Terrorism is an unlawful, premeditated, motivated use of threat or violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets to achieve political, economical or religious demands and aims. It creates the atmosphere of fear and panic, strong public reaction. Terrorists are minorities unable to get their way by lawful means and they try to get it by violence and intimidation. They believe that it is morally to use illegal means to promote their own purposes and they are «freedom fighters».

The Purpose of Terrorist Activities.

The basic aims of the terror organisations are to make doubts about the political system in the minds of people, and to weaken the authority of the government. On the other hand, terrorism is used as a tool by some powers to get political and economic advantages when a group of people creates an atmosphere of fear in the society taken as a target to obtain a profit. As a political tool for struggle, terror is also used for state's weakening another state. The next source of terrorist activity is the difference in ethnic structures or religious beliefs. The leaders of some ethnic groups try to clash the groups of people who have different cultural backgrounds and points of views and use the techniques of terror to destroy unity and order of the society.

Terrorist acts are criminal in nature and constitute a serious threat to individuals' lives or freedom. The struggle against international terrorism is different from any other war. Units for Combating Terrorism all over the world and Interpol (182 member countries) fight terrorist networks and all those who support their efforts to spread fear, they use every instrument of power - diplomatic, economic, law enforcement, financial, information, intelligence, and military.

The National Strategy for Combating Terrorism focuses on the following tasks:

  • to identify and locate terrorists and terrorist organisations («know your enemy»);

  • to isolate the spread of terrorism;

  • to destroy the terrorist organisations;

  • to create an international environment inhospitable to terrorists and all those who support them;

- to eliminate the capabilities for terrorists to exist and operate (leadership, control, material support and finances, communications);

- to prevent terrorists from acquiring the capability to use chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons, or high-yield explosives.







погроза, загроза




hijack ( hijacking )


захоплення автотранспорту, повітряне







вибухова речовина







noncombatant target


невійськовий об'єкт, мішень







to make doubts





інструмент, знаряддя




переваги/ недоліки



прибуток, користь, вигода

religious belief


релігійна віра

to clash



to destroy






struggle/ combat



terrorist networks


терористична мережа

to spread fear


посіяти страх



негостинний, неприйнятий




здатність, здібність

to eliminate



to acquire


набувати, отримувати,


nuclear weapons


ядерна зброя






вибухова речовина

Ex.1. Read and translate the following international words:

Atmosphere, resources, reaction, technique, structure, method, morality, strategy, region, technology, brigade, sabotage, fanatic, despotism, activity, to form, to demonstrate, to co-ordinate, to manufacture, to isolate, to focus on, to operate, neutral, opposite, racial, extreme, religious, global, ethnic, lethal, financial, brutal.

Ex. 2. Choose the synonyms from the box:

to get, to receive -

struggle, combat -

to show, to display -

fright, scare -

to produce, to make -

purpose, goal -

to gain, to succeed -

request, inquiry -

Ex. 3. Define by the suffixes or endings to what part of speech the following words belong (where it is possible). Translate the words:

identity - identify - identical - identification

injure - injured - injury - injurious

recognition - recognisable - recognise

support - supporter - supportable - supporting - supportive promote - promoter - promotion

Ex. 4. Finish the sentences according to the text:

1. Terrorism is …

2. The main meaning of the word «terror» is …

3. Terrorists are …

4. The basic aims of the terror organisations are …

5. The terrorist actions are characterised by ...

6. Units for … all over the world and … fight terrorist networks.

7. The main tasks of Interpol and units for combating terrorism are to ... .

Ex. 5. Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents:

1. to achieve an aim

2. to obtain a profit

3. to create an atmosphere of fear

4. to destroy the unity of the society

5. to spread panic

6. to support groups

7. to deploy chemical weapon

8. to prevent a terrorist act

9. to use explosives

a) створювати атмосферу страху

b) запобігти терористичному акту

c) підтримувати групи

d) застосовувати вибухові речовини

e) досягти мети отримати прибуток

g) поширювати паніку

h) руйнувати цілісність суспільства

i) готувати до застосування хімічну зброю

Ех. 6. Match the term and its definition:

  1. Terrorist a) an act of taking control of a vehicle (esp.an aircraft) in order

to force it to change the destination, to take hostages or to

steal its cargo.

  1. Hostage b) an object or a place at which an attack is directed.

  1. Target c) a large system of terrorist groups connected with one another

by common aims, rules and leadership.

4.Terrorist d) a person who uses threat or violence

network who is involved in terrorism.

5. Hijack e) a person who is kept as a captive by one or more others (who

threaten to keep, harm or kill him/her) so that other side will

do what they demand.

Ex. 7. Fill the gaps in the sentences using the words of the unit.

1. Terrorists never recognise any moral or humanistic factors and they usually choose civilians as their_________.

2. In December 1985 five _________of the Abu Nidal Group carried out the Egypt Air Flight 648 and fifty-six passengers were killed.

3. The terrorists kidnapped the children and held them as_________.

4. _________ accepted responsibility for the bomb blast which killed 21 people and wounded more 140 others.

5. The ______of Palestinian movements has an annual income of about $ 1.25 billion.

Ех. 8. Make up the composition «Terrorism as the central problem of modern world». Use the following words and word-combinations:

International terrorist groups, the use of violence, hijacking of passenger aircraft, bombings, political assassinations, kidnapping, to create public fear, to make attacks, a terrorist network, victims, to injure, to kill, to spread the sense of insecurity, to rule by terror, to commit a crime, drug trafficking, to take hostages, to achieve own aims, demands, profit; to support terrorist operations, to fight, psychological and ideological war.

Ех. 9. Complete the first part of the phrasal verbs. Use each verb only once.

  1. Mary and I want to (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) smoking.

  2. Could you (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) me up at 7 o’clock.

  3. They must (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) or they will miss the train.

  4. Can you (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) at the station?

  5. When the teacher enters the class-room, the students have to (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) up.

  6. I usually have to (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) at half past six.

  7. Diana must (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) up her room today.

Ех. 10. Complete the sentences using a suitable phrasal verb from the box. Where necessary use the Past Tense of the verb. Use it/them/me with the verb.

look up turn down wake up shave off

pick up cross out knock out try on

  1. The radio is a bit loud. Can you … it … a bit, please?

  2. There was a 50 $ note lying on the pavement, so I … .

  3. The children are asleep. Don’t … !

  4. If you make a mistake, just … .

  5. I saw a suit which I liked in the shop. So I went in and … to see if it fitted me.

  6. There were a few words that I didn’t understand, so I … in my dictionary.

  7. He had a beard for a long time but he got fed up with it. So he … .

  8. A stone fell on my head and … I was unconscious for half an hour.

Ех. 11. Change the underlined verb with the phrasal verb from the box.

keep on find out got away bumped into

    1. The police followed the robbers, but they escaped.


    1. I’m trying to discover whose car this is.


    1. Most of the students said they wanted to continue studying.


    1. I met an old friend of mine. What a surprise!


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