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Ex. 1. Read the following words and word-combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian.

Criminal law, personal, illegal act, basic element, prescribed sanction, detail, central purpose, institution, vandalism, definition, serious offences, violation of law, sentence, imprisonment, penalty.

Ex. 2. Find the synonyms.

Conduct, offence, jail, ownership, penalty, prison, crime, behaviour, illegal, criminal, offender, punishment, property, outlawed.

Ex. 3. Change the verb phrases to noun phrases.

To protect society from various crimes, to prevent the crime to society, to identify prescribed sanctions, to define the criminal law, to violate criminal law, to provide the social control, to specify outlawed act, to prescribe sanctions for punishment, to classify illegal conduct.

Ex. 4. Add the necessary words into the sentences.

  1. Criminal law is …

  2. The central purpose of criminal law is …

  3. Crime is …

  4. Crimes are classified as …

  5. Felonies are those crimes for which … may be imposed and for misdemeanours may be imposed …

Ex. 5. Give the proper definition for:

crime a) a crime which is not serious

criminal b) illegal activity

conduct c) the way smb. behaves

felony d) a place where criminals are kept as a punishment

misdemeanor e) someone who has commited a crime

prison f) a serious crime

Ex. 6. Read these sentences and find wrong statements.

  1. Criminal law provides social control for society.

  2. Crime is a legal conduct.

  3. Felonies are less serious crimes than misdemeanours.

  4. Theft of personal property is a violation of criminal law.

  5. There are no distinctions between felonies and misdemeanours.

  6. Death sentence may be imposed for felonies.

  7. Criminal law does not provide punishment for outlawed act.

  8. The central purpose of criminal law is to protect society and its members.

Ex. 7. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations.

Difinition of criminals


is a person who steals some things from a person or place secretly without any kind of violence


is a person who enters a building during the hours of darkness in order to steal


is a person who steals some things from a person or place, especially by violence or threat


is a person who steals food or clothes from the shops


is a person who steals money or purses out of people’s pockets in all kinds of vehicles or in a crowded streets


is a person who takes away people by force and demands money for them


is a person who kills somebody


is a person who helps a criminal in a criminal act

Drug dealer

is a person who buys and sells drugs to other people illegally


is a person who marries illegally, being married already


is a person who betrays his or her country to another state


is a person who makes false money or signatures


is a person who gets goods into or out of a country illegally not paying any tax


is a person who gets secret information from another



is a person who uses violence for political, economical and religious reasons


is a person who sets fire to property illegally


is a member of a criminal group

Ex. 8. Put the words given above into the sentences.

  1. A lot of money was stolen from the central bank by a …

  2. Last week the famous … took a box of precious things from the jeweller’s shop.

  3. A … has broken the window of the expensive car and stolen the tape-recorder.

  4. Police arrested a … selling drugs in a disco-club.

  5. The rich man’s child was taken away by a …

  6. Police found a … who had killed three persons.

  7. A … stole all money and credit cards from my friend’s pocket in the crowded bus.

  8. Al Capone was a Chicago …

  9. This picture is not really by Picasso. It was made by a …

  10. I can’t marry him. I have already known that he has two wives, he is a …

Ex. 9. Put the right form of either ROB or STEAL in the sentences below.

  1. Last night an armed gang ________the post officer.

  2. They _________£5,000.

  3. My handbag was __________at the cinema yesterday.

  4. Every year a large number of banks are___________.

  5. Mary ________some food in the market as she had no money to buy it and was caught by the police officer.

Ex. 10. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is criminal law concerned with?

  2. What are the basic elements of criminal law?

  3. What is the main purpose of criminal law?

  4. What does criminal law provide?

  5. What is crime?

  6. What does criminal law presume?

  7. How are crimes classified by the judicial systems?

  8. What is felony?

  9. What is misdemeanour?

  10. What kind of crimes belong to the felonies and which to misdemeanours?

Ex. 11. Translate the following sentences and define the kinds of adverbial clauses.

  1. She spoke as if she was in a dream.

  2. She turned over so that the light from the other room did not fall on her eyes.

  3. I was just curious, though it wasn’t any of my business.

  4. Years have passed since we began this trip.

  5. If a witness is able to identify the suspect accurately, a positive identification has been made.

  6. She held out the telegram so that I might see it.

  7. Since there is no help, let us try and bear it as best we can.

  8. The investigation will be considered successful if the witnesses intelligently interviewed.

  9. A large crowd is standing where the crime was committed.

  10. The air is not so cold now as it was in the early morning.

Ex. 12. Translate the following sentences and define the types of subordinate clauses.

  1. Students are expected to take action as if they were on normal duty.

  2. As soon as I heard of her death, I felt convicted that she had told him everything before she died.

  3. The Constitution requires that any accused person must have every opportunity to demonstrate his or her innocence.

  4. A criminal investigator is a person who collects facts to identify and locate the guilty party and to prove evidence of his guilty.

  5. The Senate does not approve an appointment until its members are satisfied that the candidate is qualified.

  6. It is important to understand that not all persons who break rules are criminals.

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