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in accordance with


відповідно до

armed agency


орган збройних сил

to be aimed


бути націленим на

dignity and honour


гідність та честь



навколишнє середовище

to combat banditry


боротися з бандитизмом

to counteract





вторгнення, загарбання

favorable conditions


сприятливі умови

profitable ground


прибуткова підстава

distribution of drugs/ firearmes


розповсюдження наркотиків/ вогнепальної зброї

to launder money


відмивати грощі

phenomenon (pl.phenomena)


рідкісне явище, феномен

court proceeding


судова процедура

criminal gang


кримінальне угрупування (банда)



кадри, персонал, штаб

militia rank


міліцейське звання



набір новобранців

on a voluntary basis


на громадських засадах

to enroll


зараховувати, реєструвати



якість, особливість

Ex. 1. Translate the following words into Ukrainian:

Independent state, legislative, safety, staff, legal, executive, security, prevention, crime, gang, distribution, firearms, proceeding, opportunity, phenomenon, criminal world, division, dealer, voluntary basis, recruitment.

Ex. 2. Choose the synonyms from the box.

country offence forcible drug washing band area fight








state ___________________________

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences:

  1. The Militia of Ukraine …………………………………………

  2. Recruitment to Militia …………………………………………

  3. The activity of Militia …………………………………………

4. Militia structurally………………………………………………

5. One of the main educational establishments …………………

a) is done on a voluntary basis

b) is a part of the MIA of Ukraine

c) is the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

d) is regulated by legislative and departmental documents

e) is the state armed agency of the executive power

Ex 4. Find the English equivalents in the text:

  • кримінальна міліція

  • міліція громадської безпеки

  • гілки кримінального світу

  • з метою протистояння

  • протидія злочинним елементам

  • забезпечення прав людини

  • боротьба з організованою злочинністю

  • кримінальне судочинство

  • захист особи, її життя, честі та гідності

  • відповідно до українського законодавства

Ex 5. Mark the meaning in which the following words are used in the text. Choose the right letter:

a) state armed agency of the executive power

Militia b) force of the civilians trained as soldiers of regular


a) person who offends against the law

Criminal b) person who commits a crime

a) special place for pedestrians, riders, vehicles

Traffic b) movement of people and vehicles along the road

a) actions performed to help or benefit people

Service b) department of branch of public work, government,


Ex. 6. Translate the words in the box and complete the sentences:

виконавча влада, карний розшук, злочинні посягання, обов’язки міліції,

захищати власність

  1. The history of Militia shows that it was designed ____________________________________________________

  2. The Militia protects the people from different____________________________________________

  3. _______________________ are securing human rights, prevention of violent crimes, protection of business activity, etc.

  4. ________________________________ is the subdivision of Criminal Militia.

  5. The Militia is the state armed agency of the ____________________________________________________

Ex. 7. Answer the questions to the text “Militia of Ukraine”:

  1. Is the Militia of Ukraine structurally a part of the MIA?

  2. What is the staff of militia composed of?

  3. At what age is the recruitment to militia done?

  4. What is militia in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation?

  5. What are the main tasks of militia?

  6. In what subdivision of militia do you want to work?

  7. Is Ukraine a member of Interpol?

  8. The activity of militia is regulated by legislative and departmental documents, isn’t it?

Ex. 8. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the usage of Imperative:

  1. Give your son this book. Let him read it.

  2. Ask captain Black this difficult question. Let him answer it.

  3. Meet lieutenant at the station, please. Let him come here together with his friend.

  4. Don’t go to the sea-side now. Let us remain at home till five.

  5. Perform your duties sergeant White.

  6. Help the victim. Investigate the crime.

Ex. 9. Fill in the gaps with the proper verbs in Imperative:

Model: … the book! Will you … the book, please!

Open the book! Will you open the book, please!

to read, to send, to take, to find, to meet, to close, to write, to give

1. ….the text! Will you…the text, please! 2. … a fax! Will you … a fax, please! 4. …a diskette! Will you … a diskette, please! 5. …the manager! Would you … the manager, please! 6. … the book! Would you … the book, please! 7. … an exercise! Will you … this exercise, please! 8. Mary… this note-book! Will you … Mary this note-book, please!

Ex. 10. Use the Subjunctive Mood as in the example:

Model: If the sun shining, I would lie in the sun.

Were the sun shining, I would lie in the sun.

1. If I had anything to tell you, I would tell you. 2. If I were not sure of positive results, I wouldn’t start this business. 3. If this article were simple, I wouldn’t have so many questions. 4. If this man had any experience in psychology, he would help us. 5. If he weren’t such an egoist, he would understand people better. 6. If he weren’t so hungry, he wouldn’t be nervous.

Ex. 11. Fill in the gaps with the proper verbs. Pay attention to the usage of Subjunstive Mood. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. If I … any experience in this field, I … you advice (to have, to give). 2. If I … a fever, I … a medicine (to have, to take). 3. If he … hungry, he … to a restaurant (to be, to go). 4. If I … my colleaue’s phone number, I … him on his birthday (to remember, to congratulate). 5. If this man … not so nervous, he … a success (to be, to have). 6. If this suit … not dirty, he … it on (to be, to put). 7. If I … angry with you, I … you like this ( to be, not + to treat). 8. If she … so often, she … by her colleaugues (not + lie, to trust) 9. If I … anything negative about these people, it … no difference for me ( to get to know, to make). 10. If the child … for permission to use the computer, he … to do it ( to ask, to allow). 11. This young man writes as if he … a real writer (to be). 12. They treat us in such a way as if we … the real criminals (to be). 13. You are asking me such questions as if you … me at all (not + trust).

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