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Ex. 13. Translate the following sentences. Put the necessary Conjunctions.

as well as and but neither either nor or both

  1. Criminal law … other laws provides social control for society.

  2. Both the policeman … the criminal were armed well.

  3. The Queen does not take part in politics … the country is governed in her name.

  4. We could find him … at the university nor at home.

  5. We will … be going to the theatre or the cinema.

  6. Because of the Bill of Rights, police can not stop and search or arrest a person without good reason, … can they search anyone’s home without clear cause and the permission of a court.

  7. Trial courts listen to testimony, consider evidence … decide the facts in disputed situations.

  8. You must hurry … you will be late.

  9. Interrogation includes the skilful questioning of witnesses … suspects.

  10. … my colleague and I have already gathered all the facts relevant to the case.

  11. He wanted to know more about that case … there was no any information.

  12. We will either go to the library … prepare for the exams at home.

Ex. 14..Put the beginnings and ends together.



Although he was very badtempered,

Always brush your teeth

Always wash your hands

As Liz told you,

Because I knew her family,

Talk to me like that again

Don’t do that again

He had a terrible temper,

Liz explained to you

I was sorry for her,

If you do that again,

There’ll be trouble

after you have a meal.

and I’ll hit you.

before you have a meal.

but everybody liked him.

he had lots of friends.

I did what I could for her.

her mother left for Berlin last Friday.

or I’ll hit you.

so I tried to help her.

that her mother went back home last week.

unless you stop that.

you’ll be sorry.

Modul 5 unit 2

Topic: Investigation.

Grammar: Complext Subject. Complex Object.


A criminal investigator is a person who collects facts to accom­plish a threefold aim: to identify and locate the guilty party and to present evidence of his guilt.

The investigation process includes information, interrogation and instrumentation. By applying them in varying proportions the investiga­tor gathers the facts which are necessary to establish the guilt of the accused in a criminal trial.

Most crimes can be solved. The investigation will be considered successful if the available physical evidence was completely handled, the witnesses intelligently interviewed, the suspect ef­fectively interrogated, all logical leads properly developed, and the case comprehensively, clearly, and accurately reported.

Information means the knowledge which the investigator gathers from other persons. The first type of information is acquired from regular sources such as conscientious citizens, company records, and the files of other agencies. The second type is the knowledge which the experienced investigator gathers from cultivated sources such as paid informants, bartenders, cab drivers, former criminals or acquaintances.

Interrogation includes the skilful questioning of witnesses as well as suspects. The success of interrogation depends on the craft, logic and psychological insight with which the investigator questions a person who is in possession of information relevant to the case.

Instrumentation means applica­tion of the instruments and methods of the physical sciences to the detection of crime. Physics, for example, offers such aids as microscopy, photography, and the optical methods of analysis. The role of chemistry is well known. Biology and pathology are parti­cularly important in crimes of physical violence. The sum of these sciences insofar as they are applied to crime detection is called criminalistics. Their utility is associated with physical evidence.

The investigation may be divided into three pha­ses: 1) the criminal is identified; 2) he is traced and located; and 3) the facts proving his guilt are gathered for court presentation.

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