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Ex. 3. Translate the word-combinations into English using the following words.

  1. Case (кримінальна справа, цивільна справа, серйозна справа).

  2. Law (кримінальне право, цивільне право, прецедентне право, неписане право, загальне право).

  3. Court (суд з кримінальних справ, суд з цивільних справ, поліцейський суд, суд сумарної юрисдикції, королевський суд, мировий суд, апеляційний суд).

Ex. 4. Put the necessary words into the sentences.

  1. There is no single … in Britain.

  2. In England there are two main classes of trial courts: …

  3. Magistrates’ Courts try ... without a jury.

  4. The Crown Courts hear … from Magistrates’ Courts and try … with a jury.

  5. The Crown Court for London is called …

Ex. 5. Find the wrong word in the group of the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian.

  1. Common law – statute – article – act – civil law – criminal law – legislative body.

  2. Rights – wrongs – obligations – duties – freedoms.

  3. Judge – jury – the clerk of the court – defendant – policeman.

Ex. 6. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian and define the voice of the verbs.

  1. Acts of Parliament and unwritten law are based on judicial precedent.

  2. Magistrates try less serious offences in the Magistrates’ Courts without a jury.

  3. The legal principles and rules of English law are also called "judge-made law".

  4. The most serious criminal offences and appeals from Magistrates’ Courts are tried in the Crown Courts.

  5. The Court of Criminal Appeal hears appeals from the Crown Courts and the House of Lords.

Ex. 7. Rewrite sentences as in the model:

Model: I am very busy. (Frank) –

Frank said he was very busy.

  1. The rule of law protects citizens from the state (the legislator).

  2. We are going to settle the dispute (Philip).

  3. John is suspected of murder (Alfred).

  4. Legal decisions are always based on firm cases (the lawyer).

  5. They went to the Prosecutor’s Office (Jerry).

  6. He was giving evidence that moment (Frank).

  7. They work as notaries (Kelly).

Ex. 8. Put the following statements into Indirect speech.

Model: My colleague said: "I study the fingerprints of that man".

My colleague said that he studied the fingerprints of that man.

  1. The police officer said: "I will tell you this information tomorrow".

  2. The accused said: "I can not afford to have an attorney".

  3. My friend said: "I have to finish the investigation".

  4. The judge said: "We have no sufficient evidence".

  5. The man said: "I saw that woman in the crime scene".

Ex. 9. Turn these into Indirect speech, beginning I didn’t know:

Model: There is no written constitution in the UK. –

I didn’t know that there was no written constitution in the UK.

  1. Laws in the UK can be passed by a simple majority.

  2. The English legal system is based on common law.

  3. Great Britain has been a nation that holds on tight to its traditions.

  4. The Queen is responsible for appointing Bishops to the Church.

  5. The Prime Minister’s power is based on the loyalty of his party.

  6. This famous barrister will represent James in court.

  7. The main feature of common law has always been its foundation on case law.

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