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mother is very good at making different salads. After supper we read books. We have a good library at home. My father is fond of reading historical novels because he is interested in history. My mother is indifferent to such kind of books. She prefers detective stories. As for me I like science fiction very much.

At ten o’clock on Sunday I start preparing for school as I am always short of time on Monday morning. At eleven o’clock I go to bed because I have to get up early next morning.


day off – выходнойдень

weekend <at, on> - выходные дни в конце недели on weekdays – в будние дни

to relax - расслабиться

to have a rest – отдохнуть, передохнуть to rest = to take a rest - отдыхать

to enjoy oneself – наслаждаться, получать удовольствие entertainment - развлечение

party – вечеринка, гости

to throw a party – устроить вечеринку, пригласить гостей birthday party – празднование дня рождения house-warming party – празднование новоселья pleasant - приятный

pastime - времяпрепровождение

to look forward to something – с нетерпением ожидать чего-либо



Many people have hobbies. For some of them it is quite a natural thing to occupy themselves with something during free time. They may collect different objects such as postage stamps, old postcards, coins, autographs of celebrities and other trifles which delight their owners. Other people invent hobbies for themselves because they think that it is just socially correct. They think that if they mention at some gathering that they have a collection of Early Egyptian manuscripts, other people will immediately begin to respect them.

In many cases hobbies are an expensive enterprise. I know a man, who collect coins. Actually, he began from a small collection of coins such as Italian and Turkish liras, German pfennigs, American cents, and other small change. As his appetite grew with time, he began to want more and more coins and paper money. In the end he would spend half his salary to obtain some rare banknote from a faraway country with which we have no diplomatic relations.

Other people’s hobbies are dangerous. For instance, there are quite a few people who escape from reality by taking to fishing in the winter on frozen lakes and rivers.


This type of leisure time activity may result in frostbites or even worse, in drifting on a floe.

I know that most people develop taste for collecting things in childhood and that in mid-twenties they abandon this habit. Only a smaller percentage of grown-ups continues to collect various objects.

However, having a hobby can be interpreted in a broader sense – how one likes to spend one’s free time. If we take this definition of hobbies, one must admit that every person must have at least one. Otherwise if someone asks you what your favourite pastime is, and you will answer that you don’t know, it will look weird.

My hobby is very simple. I like reading books. I read different books – fiction, detective stories, historical novels. I particularly like short stories. And I am still amazed at how some authors manage to tell a long story on a few pages, while others fail to do it in a thick volume.

My other hobby is jogging in the morning in the nearby park. In this way I manage not to strain myself, but keep myself fit.

I think that everyone must have a hobby of a kind, because, remember the saying?

– “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!”


leisure – досуг, развлечение

leisure time activity – занятия в свободноевремя pastime – занятия всвободное время

to be an enthusiast of a hobby увлекатьсячем-либо to have a good time – хорошо проводитьвремя

to have free time (little/much) – иметь свободноевремя (мало/много) in one’s free time – в свободное время

to spend time – проводить время

to spend a lot of time on – проводить много времениза to entertain oneself – развлекаться

entertainment – развлечение

to be interested in – увлекаться, интересоваться чем-либо to be keen on – увлекаться чем-либо

to go in for – увлекаться, заниматься чем-либо

to practice – заниматься чем-либо (обычно спортом)

to be mad (crazy) about something – страстно увлекатьсячем-либо to take to… - пристраститьсяк…

to collect – собирать

to do a lot of + Gerund ( I do a lot of reading) – заниматьсячем-либо в большом количестве

My interests are mainly focused around… - мои интересы в основном связаны с…

sports – спорт


hiking, camping, and other outdoor pursuits – походы, туризми другиевиды активногоотдыха на природе

to participate in sports – заниматьсяспортом

to participate in athletic events – принимать участие в спортивных соревнованиях

to attend sporting events – ходить на спортивные соревнования health club – спортивный клуб

athletic center = fitness center – спортивный клуб (с более серьезными нагрузками во время тренировок)

swimming – плавание swimming-pool – бассейн jogging – бег трусцой

to keep fit – поддерживать спортивную форму to watch television – смотреть телевизор

to rent a videocassette – брать на прокатвидеокассету to watch on television – смотретьпо телевизору

on a weekend = at a weekend – в выходные дни on weekdays – вбудние дни

to go to the theater/cinema/concert – ходить в театр, кино, на концерт amateur theater – любительский театр

amateur performance – любительский спектакль to fix - чинить

to play computer games – играть в компьютерныеигры


John: Would you like to get together this weekend? Peter: Sure. What would you like to do?

John: Well, how about seeing a movie?

That sounds good. Did you have any particular movie in mind?

John: Well, they say “A man and his horse” is very good. It’s playing at the Rialto Theatre.

Peter: “A man and his horse?” That’s a western, isn’t it? John: I think so.

Peter: Well to tell the truth, I don’t like westerns very much. John: Oh, well, is there any particular movie you’d like to see?

Peter: How about “The return of the monster?” It’s playing at the Shopping Mall Cinema, and I hear it’s excellent.

John: “Return of the monster?” Hmm… Isn’t that a science fiction movie? Peter: Yes, don’t you like science-fiction movies?

John: No, not really. Maybe we shouldn’t see a movie. Maybe we should do something else.

Peter: Okay. Would you be interested in doing something outdoors? John: Sure. Any suggestions?


Peter: Well, we could go ice skating.

John: Oh, I’m afraid I don’t really enjoy going ice skating. How about going hiking? Peter: Well, to tell the truth, I’ve gone hiking several times in the past few weeks. John: really? Then I guess you must be pretty tired of hiking.

Peter: I am. Let’s do something else.

John: Why don’t we just have dinner together somewhere this Saturday? Peter: That sounds like a good idea. Where would you like to go?

John: Well, one of my favourite places to eat is “The captain table”. Peter: Hmm. “The captain table?” What kind of food do they serve there? John: Seafood. But if you don’t like seafood we could go someplace else. Peter: No. On the contrary. I love seafood.

John: You do? Great.

Peter: Then it’s settled. “The captain table” for dinner on Saturday. What time? John: How about 7 o’clock?

Peter: Is 8 okay? John: Fine.


I. Copy out of the text 1 all the words with digraphs ai, ei, ee, oo, ou, ow and transcribe them.

II. Give the four forms of the following verbs:

Find, do, dream, enjoy, look, prefer, take, spend, stay, read, relax, buy, walk, have, prepare, play, listen, watch, collect, begin, want, like, tail, fail, remember.

III. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and transcribe them:

Difficult, long, beautiful, light, early, lovely, old, expensive, small, short, thick, dull, fine, big, easy, interesting, busy, good.

IV. Answer the following questions.

a) 1. In what do weekends differ from week days? 2. Your parents always do something about the house on their days off, don’t they? Why do they do so? 3. What is your favourite occupation at the weekend? 4. How did you spend last Sunday? 5. How do people usually spend their days off? 6. Is it important to have some hobby? Why do you think so? 7. What are the most popular leisure time activities? 8. What is your hobby? 9. How often do you spend the weekend with your friends?

b) What are John and Peter talking about? What does John suggest? Does Peter feel like seeing “A man and his horse”? Does John like science-fiction movies? John


enjoys ice skating, doesn’t he? Why doesn’t Peter feel like going hiking? Where do the two friends agree to go?

V.Fill in adverbs wherever necessary:

1.My friend likes playing … chess. He spends a lot … time …it. Yesterday he played chess … six … the evening and only got …home …ten. 2. We spent Sunday …the country. We went …there early …the morning and got back …town late …the evening. 3. We decided to ask our friends …dinner tomorrow. … dinner we’re going … Central Park. 4. What are we having …dinner today? 5. My friend lives …the country and he likes it very much. His house is a long way …his office. He goes …town every morning. He is always …time …work. 6. I don’t want to go …the cinema tonight. My wife and I are going …a walk. 7. Does your friend play …chess well? I am going to have a game …chess …him. 8. “When did the meeting finish?” “It finished …four.” 9. I got …home late yesterday evening and went …bed …once. 10. Peter spends a lot …money …books. I often ask him …books to read.

VI. Fill in articles where necessary:

“Do you want to go to …country?” my wife asked me on Sunday. “I’d love to.” I answered. We decided to go to …Kuskovo and got there at eleven in …morning …weather was fine and we had …long walk in … park. We went …back to …town at four in …afternoon. We had …dinner, and in …evening we went to …theatre. (We often go to …cinema or to …theatre on …Saturday or …Sunday). …play was very interesting and we liked it very much. Then we went …home. At …home we had …supper, played …game of …chess and went to …bed at 12 o’clock.

VII. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Суббота и воскресенье – это самые замечательные дни недели, потому что в выходные дни вся наша семья собирается вместе. Родителям не надо идти на работу, а нам с сестрой – в школу. 2. Выходные дни нужны человеку, чтобы отдохнуть после напряженной рабочей недели. Самое главное, что в субботу и воскресенье люди могут позволить себе все, что им хочется. Можно встать попозже и попозже лечь спать, можно заняться домашними делами, отправиться на прогулку, в гости, в кино или театр, поехать на дачу или уделить время любимому занятию. 3. Летом мы проводим все выходные дни на даче. Конечно, это полезно для здоровья, потому что мы все время находимся на свежем воздухе, даже обедаем в саду. Только к концу воскресенья я чувствую себя очень усталым, потому что перед возвращением в город нужно полить вес огород, а это моя обязанность. 4. В нашей семье самый любимый день – суббота, потому что вечером мы собираемся вместе в гостиной и болтаем о том, что с нами произошло на минувшей неделе. Никто никуда не спешит, всем уютно и весело в нашей маленькой компании. А мама всегда стареется побаловать нас вкусным пирогом к вечернему чаю. 5. Если


человек не умеет отдыхать, выходной день не принесет ему радости. Нужно уметь почувствовать себя свободным и счастливым, тогда и будние дни будут лететь незаметно. 6. Иногда в нашей стране традиционные выходные дни присовокупляются к праздничным. Например, если 8 марта – четверг, то воскресенье могут перенести на пятницу. Таким образом, у людей получается три выходных дня подряд. Это, конечно, замечательно, особенно если люди хотят поехать за город. Однако следующая за праздниками неделя получается дольше обычной, и большинство людей к следующим выходным чувствуют себя совершенно измотанными (worn out).

1. Сергей собирает брелки для ключей (key ring). У него их столько, что некуда складывать. Тем не менее, если кто-то из знакомых едет в другой город или, тем более, в другую страну, он просит привезти очередной брелок. 2. Один мой знакомый собирает картины и старинную мебель. Надо сказать, что это занятие не из дешевых. А самое главное, его квартира превратилась в своеобразный музей, куда он неохотно пускает даже своих знакомых. 3. В детстве моим подлинным увлечением было коллекционирование марок, а с возрастом эта страсть как-то поостыла, а потом и совсем пропала. 4. Как хорошо, когда у человека есть какое-то увлечение. Тогда он не будет часами просиживать у телевизора, переключая его с канала на канал. 5. Антон увлекается фотографией, он сам проявляет пленки и печатает снимки. – Но ведь сейчас на каждом шагу есть фотоателье, где могут все это сделать буквально за час! – Антон считает, что настоящий фотолюбитель должен делать все сам. Поэтому пользоваться автоматическими фотоаппаратами он считает ниже собственного достоинства. Кстати, на его снимки стоит посмотреть! 6. Андрей так увлекся компьютером, что его просто не оторвать от него. – Все таки надо отдыхать и от компьютера – глазам надо дать отдых. 7. Что вы делаете в свободное время? – Честно говоря, его у меня не так много, но если выпадает свободный час или два, я стараюсь читать книжные новинки. Моя страсть – исторические романы. 8. Представляешь, вчера я была в гостях у Игоря. Его комната – это настоящая радиомастерская. Он сам собирает приемники. У него просто золотые руки. 9. Когда у человека есть любимое занятие, он никогда не будет скучать или чувствовать себя одиноким. Мой приятель – художник-любитель. Он говорит, что как только он берет в руки кисточку и начинает писать картину, он моментально забывает обо всем на свете, в том числе и о проблемах, которые его беспокоят в настоящее время.

VIII. Insert prepositions and postal-verbal adverbs if necessary:

1. He leaves his factory late …the evening. 2. She must translate the text …Saturday. 3. I always set my watch …the radio-time signal. 4. What time is it …your watch? 5. We must finish this work …the end …the month. 6. How many times a week do you wind …your clock? 7. The train arrives …noon. 8. You must hand …your exercises …time. 9. I think there is something wrong …my watch. I


must take it …the watchmaker. 10. I’m fond … “Carmen”. – Well, you can hear it …the radio …a quarter …an hour. 11. Classes begin …nine o’clock and last …four. 12. I don’t know where she is …the moment. 13. He is leaving for Moscow …the tenth …December. 14. We work …nine …five …week-days. 15. …Saturday he usually goes to the country for the weekend. 16. She intends to return to Almaty …a fortnight. 17. Why are you late …your classes today? 18. May I have this magazine …an hour? 19. Tell the man to bring his report …an hour. 20. Don’t forget to open the window …the break. 21. You may call on me …any time you like. 22. It is ten …nine …my watch. 23. I’m going to work in our library …three hours tomorrow. 24. My little nephew likes to watch all programmes …television. I can’t approve …it. 25. I’m going to spend my winter vacation …my aunt’s family …the village …Sosnovo. It’s …the east …Minsk, an hour’s ride …car. 26. I’m going to look …these articles to find some interesting material for my paper. 27. I’m afraid I can’t see you …the airport today. You’ll have to go there alone. 28. According …our timetable we must have a lecture on the History …Great Britain tomorrow. 29. Time is not the same all …the world. …Russia there is Moscow time and local time. All in all there are eleven time zones …this country.

IX. Ask one of the students and let him (her) answer your questions:

Where he (she) likes to spend his (her) week-end in summer

How often he spends his week-ends with his parents (grandparents) Whether he has a lot of free time to rest on week-days

What he likes to do when he goes to the country for the week-end Whether he likes to go fishing or boating

With whom he likes to go fishing (boating) If he is fond of hiking

How he prefers to spend his week-end in winter (autumn or spring)

Why he doesn’t approve of the people who prefer to stay in town for the week-end Whether he agrees that the week-end flashes past

X.Translate into English.

1.Как ты собираешься провести субботу и воскресенье? – Я хочу поехать в Кавголово походить на лыжах. 2. Поехали в Павловск! – Давай поедем на велосипедах! Отсюда часа два езды. 3. Если хочешь, я могу проводить тебя до театра. 4. Манчестер находится к северу от Лондона. 5. На неделе у студентов обычно мало времени для развлечений. 6. Когда поезд прибывает на Белорусский вокзал? 7. Что Люся делает? – Смотрит какой-то фильм по телевидению. 8. Любимое занятие моих детей – слушать сказки по радио. 9. Некоторые любятчитать в постели. Врачи это не одобряют.


XI. Make up short stories using the following words and expressions.

a day off, weather, fine, to wake up, to get up, to decide, to stay over the week-end, to go to the country, to return, late, after supper, not to want, to play chess, at once, to go to bed.

To like, to go to the theatre, after a day’s work, often, to see, interesting, a play, very much, once, to get home, late, before supper, to be over, then, to go to bed, at once. In the afternoon, to decide, to the park, to walk, two hours, to go back, to have dinner, after dinner, to play chess, to go to the cinema, to finish.

To like, to play chess, often, in the evening, to come to see, to be glad, last night, to have supper, together, to discuss, to go to bed, late.

To want, to ask for, to give, interesting, a book, to begin, at once, to like, to read, very much, to give back, to thank.

XII. Speak on one of the topics.

1. Why it is pleasant to spend the weekend in the country. 2. How people spend their weekend in town and in the country. 3. Week-end is the best time for one’s hobbies. 4. Describe your (or your friend’s) country-house. 5. Why a lot of people want to build (have) a small cottage in the suburbs of the town.

XIII. Make up a dialogue using the following words and word-combinations:

To be going, to the country, to stay there over the weekend, to want, I’d love to To play chess, to want, to play a game of, I’d love to

To be glad to see, to be going to the cinema, to want to see the film, I’d love to What’s the weather like …, fine (nice, bad), to go to the country, to stay in town.

XIV. Make up a dialogue of your own on one of the following topics:

Two friends speak of the convenience and inconvenience of having a country-house. 2. Two friends discuss their plans for the next week-end. 3. Two friends like to spend their week-end in a different way: one of them prefers to go hiking, the other wants to go to his cottage in the country. 4. Discuss different ways that old and young people like to spend the week-end. 5. Father and son speak of the plans for the week-end.




Grammar: The use of articles with geographical names.The category of voice: Active and Passive.

Reading and Speaking: English - Speaking countries. About cities and towns. American place-names.

Work with dialogue: “Cities of Australia”

Article. The use of articles with geographical names.

The article is a word that serves as a noun determiner alongside with such determiners as demonstrative, possessive, and indefinite pronouns. The article is one of the main means of expressing the idea of definiteness in English.


1. Names of continents, countries, regions, cities, towns and villages are as a rule used without any article. Europe, France, California, Rome, Yalta, Sosnovka. No article is used either when these nouns have such attributes as North (ern), south (ern), ancient, old, central. Central America, South-East Asia, old England,

ancient Rome. Some of this nouns are traditionally used with the definite article, for example: countries – the USA, the Netherlands, (the) Sudan; provinces – the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Ruhr, the Transvaal, the Antarctic, the Midlands, the

Lake District;


cities – the Hague;


streets – the Wall Street, the Strand, the Mall.


2. Names of streets, parks and squares are generally used without any


Oxford Street, Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square, Manez Square.


3.Names of oceans, seas, channels, channels, falls, rivers and lakes usually take the definite article. The Pacific (ocean), the Adriatic (sea), the English Channel, the Panama Channel,(the) Niagara Falls, the Volga, the Baikal, the Ontario, the Moskva-River, the River Thames. When names of lakes are preceded by the noun lake (which is often the case), no article is used. Lake Baikal, Lake Ontario, Lake Omo.

4.Names of Mountain chains and groups of islands are used with the definite article. The Alps, the Urals, the Philippines, the Bermuda Triangle.

5.Names of separate mountain peaks and separate islands are used without any article. Elbrus, Everest, Cuba, Madagascar, Barbados, Bermuda.

6.Names of deserts generally take the definite article. The Sahara, the Gobi, the Kara-Kum, the Calahari.

Geographic names that generally don’t take any article may be used:

with the definite article when there is a limiting attribute. In “Ivanhoe” Walter Scott described the England of the Middle Ages

with the indefinite article when there is a descriptive attribute. It was a new Russia that he found on his return.


8. The definite article is used in the combinations of the type: the city of

New York, the Cape of Good Hope, the Lake of Geneva, the village of Dubrovo.

Check your knowledge, do the following exercises.

Ex 1. Use articles where necessary.

1. …London is…capital of…Great Britain,…full name of which is…United Kingdom of…Great Britain and…Northern Ireland. 2. …Volga is…fabulous river. 3. They used to spend their summer holidays on…Black Sea coast in…Crimea. 4. Many European adventurers

crossed…Atlantic Ocean in…search of…riches on…American continent prior to…Columbus. 5. …Gorki Street was renamed into…Tverskaya Street. 6. …Red Square and…Kremlin are…heart of…capital. 7. …London was founded in…1st century BC by…Julius Caesar. 8. …St. Petersburg was founded on…banks of…Neva by Peter…Great. 9. …Johnsons are our next-door neighbours. 10. …Canada is situated in…northern part of…North America. 11. Beyond lay…Smoky Mountains. 12. We cave to…Ohio River after that. 14. They passed many coal mines on…way. 15. We crossed …historic Delaware River at…Trenton. 16. He arrived in…New York on…very rainy day. 17. The Mannings went through…Blue Ridge Mountains on their trip. 18. She spent several hours at…Bronx Zoo on…Monday. 19. They took…wonderful boat ride around…Manhattan on…last day of their visit. 20. …Dr. Rebecca Richards is our dentist. 21. …Lions donated…money for…new park. 22. You could buy…Picasso for £ 300 in those days. 23. I’m reading…Agatha Christie at…moment. 24. …Lady Diana’s wedding dress was very beautiful. 25. …Sir Michael has made it very clear. 26. …Ryan gave…Sunday Tribune to his father.

Ex 2. Use articles where necessary

Do you know that …London stands on…Thanes;

…population of…Britain is…57 million; …Romans came to…Britain in…first century BC; …Labour Party is in…power in…UK now;

…Queen Elizabeth…Second became…British monarch on…6 February,1952; …Queen Mother is one of…most popular members of…Royal family; …English is not…only language spoken in…Great Britain;

…national flag of…UK is…Union Jack;

…Caledonia,…Cambria and…Hibernia were…Roman names for…Scotland, Wales and Ireland respectively;

…English eat…dinner at…6 or 7 o’clock in…evening.

Ex 3. Use articles where necessary.

…Everest was first climbed in 1953. Milan is in…North of Italy.


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