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Лекции по английскому языку.doc
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Задания control tasks

I. 1. Познакомьтесь, как оформляются даты по-английски. Прочитайте таблицу, текст. Подготовьтесь к устному опросу в аудитории.






1 2 3 4 5 6


Last week 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


This week 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

yesterday today tomorrow


Next week 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


28 29 30 31


~ What is the date?

Today is Wednesday, the seventeenth of January. What was yesterday? Yesterday was Tuesday, the sixteenth of January. And tomorrow? Tomorrow is Thursday, the

eighteenth of January.

1st January 1915 ... the first of January (January the first), nineteen (hundred and) fifteen.

3rd May 1789 ... the third of May (May the third), seventeen (hundred and) eighty-nine.

22nd October 1911 ... the twenty-second of October (October the twenty-second), nineteen (hundred and) eleven.

Jan. = January; Feb. = February; Mar. = March; Apr. = April; Aug. = August; Sept. = September; Oct. = October; Nov. = November; Dec. = December.

2. Переведите на английский язык:

a) Какое сегодня число? __________________________________

b) Какой сегодня день недели? __________________________________

c) Какое число было вчера? __________________________________

d) Сколько дней в неделе? __________________________________

e) Сколько дней в месяце? __________________________________

f) Сколько дней в году? __________________________________

g) Какое число завтра? __________________________________

II. Ответьте на вопросы письменно. Your answers:

Образец: 1. Who are you? 1. I am Alice ['{lIs] (Alexander).

2. What are you? 2. I am a student.

3. Where do you come from? ___________________________

4. Are you a sportsman (sportswoman)? ___________________________

5. Do you learn English words every day? ___________________________

6. Do you work hard (усердно)? ___________________________

7. What sort of films do you like? ___________________________

8. Where are you going now? ___________________________

9. What are you doing now? ___________________________

10. Do you often go out in the evenings? ___________________________

11. Is aspirin good for a cough [kOf] (кашель)?___________________________

12. Do you know the map ___________________________

of the world [w@:ld] (мир)? ___________________________

13. Where do you study? ___________________________

14. Do you help your friend to study English? ___________________________

15. Does your friend help you with English? ___________________________

16. Do you often go to the book-shops? ___________________________

17. Do you often buy books? ___________________________

18. Do you like to eat? ___________________________

19. Do you like to travel [tr{vl]? ___________________________

20. How many (сколько, буквально: ___________________________

как много) oceans do you know? ___________________________

21. Do you know all capitals of the world? ___________________________