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II. Внимание: Интонация!

1. Повторяйте за диктором, соблюдая на интонацию:

~ a) - Do you want tea or coffee?

- Oh, coffee, please.

- Black or white?

- White, please.

- With sugar or without?

- Oh, no sugar for me, please.

~ b) - Would [wud] you like beer or wine with the meal?

Вы хотели бы пива или вина с закуской?

-Mmm ... I think wine would be nice.

Ммм ... Думаю, вина было бы лучше (неплохо).

– All right. Would you prefer [prI'f@:] red or white?

Хорошо. Вы предпочитаете красное или белое?

- Erm ... white I think!

~ c) - Can I help you?

- A hamburger and Coke ([k@uk]), please.

- Large or regular ['regjul@]?

- Regular, please.

- To eat here or take away?

- Take away, please.

Thank you!

На сегодня все.

Урок 3 Lesson 3 День 5 Day 5 Контрольный тест - подготовка к тьюториалу

Время на выполнение контрольного теста 60 минут, на проверку - 20 минут. Виды заданий: транскрипция, перевод, чтение. Выполняется дома самостоятельно. Контролируется тьютором и является одним из видов курсовой работы.

Напишите транскрипцию и перевод слов. Отдельные подсказки приводятся.

Подчеркните графемы, соответствующие данной фонеме, в приведенных словах.

I. Монофтонги:

1. [i:]

Образец: easily, sea, we,

meals, tree, speaker (оратор, спикер, диктор (радио)), he, teach, keep, sheep (овца).


2. [I]

in, ill (больной), big, middle, shilling, thing, live, hill (холм)


3. [e]

help, bed, ten, said (сказал), weather (погода), eleven, them (им), very, debt ([det] долг)


4. [{]

bad, plan, exam


5. [A:]

far, start (начинать), dance, large, grass, half, card, yard (двор, ярд (=91 см))


6. [O, Б]

clock (['klOk] часы (стенные, настольные)), body (['bOdI] тело, туловище), long, dollar, bomb, hot, pot ([pOt] горшок, котелок)


7. [O:]

door, talk ([tO:k] говорить, разговаривать), sort, record, water, George, norm, more [mO:]


8. [u]

put, books, took ([tuk] взял), look, room, good-bye, cook ([kuk] стряпать, приготовлять пищу)


9. [u:]

blue, beautiful (['bju:t@ful] красивый, прекрасный, превосходный), food, soon, cool (прохладный, свежий), boot ([bu:t] ботинок), shoe ([Su:] полуботинок, туфля), too


10. [A]

bus, must, nothing (['nцTIО] ничто, ничего), funny (['fцnI] забавный, смешной, потешный), summer, sunny (солнечный), just ([dZAst] точно, как раз, именно), instructor, come, wonderful (['wцnd@ful] удивительный, замечательный), vulgar (['vцlg@] грубый, вульгарный), thunder (['Tцnd@] гром, говорить громогласно)



bird, girl, sir, heard (слышал, слушал), Sherlock (['S@:lOk] Шерлок (фам. Sherlock)), workers, Germany (['dZ@:m@nI] Германия), church (церковь), dirt (грязь), year, purpose (['p@:p@s] цель, намерение)


12. [@]

along ([@'lOО] вместе, вперед, с собой (тж. with)), about ([@'baut] около (о времени), кругом, везде, вокруг, о, об (предлог), to see, perhaps ([p@'h{ps] может быть, возможно) summer, August (['O:g@st]), London (['lцnd@n]), consist (of) ([k@n'sIst] состоять из), speaker, letter, never, upper (['цp@] верхний, высший, The Upper House - Верхняя палата)


II. Дифтонги: Подчеркните графемы, соответствующие выделенным фонемам в словах:

1. [eI]

образец: stay, pay, game, again, make, lady (['leIdI] дама, леди) case ([keIs] ящик, ларец, коробка, корпус (часов)), day, weight ([weIt] вес, тяжесть, груз), rain ([reIn] дождь), able ([eIbl] способный, умелый), way, late, David, age, face, paint ([peInt] краска, красить)


2. [@u, ou]

go, over ['ouv@], hope, hotel, show, hold (держать, владеть), only (['ounlI] только, единственный), follow (['fOlou] следовать, идти за), shoulder (['Sould@] плечо, head [hed] and [@nd] shoulder - намного (выше) - идиома, old


3. [aI]

why ([waI] почему), kind ([kaInd] род, класс), wife, mild ([maIld] мягкий, кроткий), like, my


4. [au]

how, thousand, now, down, round, out ([aut] вне, снаружи, наружу), south ([sauT] юг), found, loud ([laud] громкий, звучный), sound ([saund] звук, шум, здоровый, крепкий)


5. [OI]

enjoy ([In'dZOI] получать удовольствие), boy, point ([pOInt] точка, пункт), coin ([kOIn] монета, разг. деньги), noise ([nOIz] шум, гам, грохот)


6. [I@]

dear, near, year, idea, Crimea ([kraI'mI@] Крым), here, museum, clear, period (['pI@rI@d] период, промежуток времени)


7. [E@]

there ([DE@] там), parents, anywhere (['enIwE@] где-нибудь, куда-нибудь, куда угодно, где угодно, везде), square, carefully (['kE@fulI] осторожно), Mary, various (['vE@rI@s] различный, разный)


8. [u@]

sure, poor, tour, during, usual, moor ([mu@] причалить, стать на якорь), Europe


III. 1. Внимательно прослушайте и прочитайте тексты. Обращайте внимание на звучание гласных в слове. Над подчеркнутыми графемами надпишите их фонетический знак:

[u] [I]


1. Образец: This is Mary’s bird. Its name is Poll. Poll has two legs. It has no arms. It has two wings and a tail. It has two small eyes. Whose bird is this? Is it John’s or Mary’s? It is Mary’s. John has a fish.

2. This is John’s fish. It has no arms and no legs. It has a tail. Its tail is large. The fish is in a glass bowl. The bowl is full of water. What is the fish doing? It is swimming. Where is the bowl? Is it on the floor? No, the bowl is not on the floor. It is on a shelf in front of the window. The window is open.

3. Mary and John are sitting at the table. There is a large jug of milk on the table. Mary has a glass of milk in her hand. John has a glass of milk, too. John’s glass is on the table.

There is a large cake on the table. It is on a plate. There is a knife at the side of the plate. Then is small plate in front of John and a small plate in front of Mary. There is a piece of cake on Mary’s plate.

What is Mary doing? She is drinking her milk. What is John doing? He has a piece of cake in his hand. He is going to eat the cake.

Where are the two children sitting? They are sitting at the table. Where are their plates? They are on the table in front of them. Where is the knife? It is at the side of the large plate. Where is Spot, the dog? Spot is lying on the floor under the table.


sixth [sIksT] шестой

leg [leg] нога, лапа

wing [wIО] крыло

tail [teIl] хвост

glass bowl [glA:s boul] (стеклянный) аквариум

at the side of ... рядом с ...

lie [laI] лежать

(is lying on the floor - лежит на полу)

arm [A:m] рука

2. Сделайте письменный перевод текстов:






2. ____________________________________________________________






3. ____________________________________________________________











3. Прослушайте аудиозапись еще раз без опоры на текст. Постарайтесь запомнить основные фрагменты текстов для пересказа.

Thank you!

~ IV. Внимательно прослушайте и прочитайте текст “Названия месяцев”. Составьте 12 вопросов по тексту и ответьте на них:

The Months

There are twelve months in a year. The names of the months are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. January is the first month and December is the twelfth or last month.

What is May? May is the fifth month. What is August? August is the eighth month. What is November? November is the eleventh month.

In Great Britain, March, April and May are the spring months; June, July and August are the summer months; September, October and November are the autumn months; December, January and February are the winter months.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four seasons.

January ['dZ{nju@rI] May [meI] September [sep'temb@]

February ['febru@rI] June [dZu:n] October [ok'toub@]

March [mA:tS] July [dZu'laI] November [nou'vemb@]

April ['eIprIl] August ['o:g@st] December [dI'semb@]

spring [sprIО] summer ['sцm@] autumn ['O:t@m]

winter ['wInt@]

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