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3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

  1. сбрасывается с другими промышленными отходами

  2. выпадает в виде дождей

  3. причиной этого может быть

  4. падает ниже определенной отметки

  5. углеродные соединения

  6. в повседневном использовании

  7. самый прочный из известных

  8. кроме того

  9. минимальные частицы

  10. отравленавысокой концентрацией кислоты

4. Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, обозначьте словообразовательную морфему (приставка, корень, суффикс) либо дополнительный корень при словосложении и переведите слова на русский язык:

  1. move

  2. use

  3. grade

  4. industry

  5. high

  6. treat

  7. add

  8. place

  9. danger

  10. charge

5. Задайте к подчеркнутому в тексте предложению все типы вопросов (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный: а) к подлежащему, б) к второстепенному члену предложения).

6. Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: числительные, времена групп Continuous и Perfect активного и пассивного залога; согласование времен; функции глаголов to be, to have; усилительные конструкции, неопределенные местоимения some, any, no и их производные:

  1. In Japan, some people have died after eating fish from mercury-polluted water.

  2. In some areas, too much untreated sewage is pumped out and the water never gets clean.

  3. Some freshwater organisms have very high concentrations of strontium and other dangerous radio-active sub­stances.

  4. There are many other ways in which water is being polluted, by detergents and insecticides, for example.

  5. Oxygen had probably been produced many times before but Priestley was the first to recognise it.

7. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

  1. Can you describe any ways in which water is being polluted?

  2. Where are people most interested in the weather?

  3. What is wind?

  4. How is lightning produced?

  5. How can the effect of lightning be made in the laboratory?

  6. What is the most common element on earth and how can it be produced?

  7. What have wood, alcohol and plastics in common?

8. Составьте аннотацию к тексту (2 – 3 предложения).

9. Составьте реферат текста (10 – 15 предложений).

10. Составьте план текста и перескажите текст.

Вариант 20

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:


PRIORITIES OF ECOLOGY POLICY. The modern phase of country's development is characterized by an interesting situation – large industrial enterprises, which are the major polluters of environment in theory, are consequently implementing low waste technologies, prevent air pollutions, purify waste water and ground surface. Sometimes they do it on their own, sometimes because of public opinion and activities of ecological organizations and nature protection societies. Giant chemical industries, metallurgic enterprises, thermal and nuclear power stations invest large sum of money for these purposes. Small industries, which possess fewer funds, often ignore the inevitability of nature protection.

The ecological policy of "Rosenergoatom" has the aim to create such an understanding of the problem to recognize nuclear industry as the most ecologically clean. The aim is not to turn the public opinion against the industry. Everyone should understand that the use fission process doesn't mean the formation of long-living isotopes, which can cause environmental problems.

As long as ecology relates to the whole of nuclear industry the Public Council was formed in "Rosatom". The participants of the council are to discuss the "weak points" of nuclear industry. Prominent scientists, representatives of ecological and public organizations, deputies of State Duma participate in the Council. The Council will make project's check, discuss the problems of ecological safety and nuclear energy. Thus the activity of "Rosenergoatom" led to active discussion of the whole ecology policy and nuclear industry.

The measures of "Rosenergoatom" provided a significant change towards nuclear industry in public opinion and take Volgodonsk NPP and 3rd energy unit of Kalinin NPP into operation.

ECOLOGY AS A PRIORITY. The questions of natural preservation and ecological safety of nuclear industry are extremely interesting for ecological organizations and common people. Everyone wants to make sure of big enterprises and nuclear power plants in Russia to meet modern standards of air pollution. Regular reviews of strategic industries and constant visits of international experts in ecological monitoring confirm the reliability of multistage barriers of NPPs' safety. These barriers meet the highest international requirements of environmental pollution. The fact makes it evident, that Russian scientists and specialists of nuclear energy got rid of the past mistakes. Nowadays everything possible is done to prevent the very possibility of such mistakes.

"Rosenergoatom" concern is an operational organization and accepts the burden of responsibility for nuclear safety. Thus the administration and staff of the concern use transparent and thought over policy. More than 50-years experience shows that there is no alternative to the development of "peaceful atom". The volumes of electricity consuming are constantly increasing and generating capacities need not only a modernization but also construction of new highly efficient energy units. Comparing to the major part of developed countries, Russia is located in an unfavorable climate. Thus, all the measures on the nuclear industry's capacity development should meet internal challenges in fuel and energy policy and fast solution of ecological problems.

THE PRINCIPLES OF ECOLOGICAL POLICY. "Rosenergoatom" follows the following principles of activity: multi-echelon cover to prevent the penetration of ionization radiation and radioactive substances to environment; minimization of NPP's environmental influence; efficiency of natural resources use; accessibility and transparency of ecological information about "Rosenergoatom" activity.

In order to reach the declared aims and to keep up the principles "Rosenergoatom" will provide: fulfillment of Russian Law, international contracts and agreements of Russian Federation, standards and rules of environmental management, nature preservation, healthcare of staff and population; projection, construction, operation, and removal from service of NPPs with minimization of environmental influence; development and implementation of efficient system of nature preservation management; acceptance and implementation of every administrative decision taking environmental problems into account; improvement of equipment reliability and efficiency of NPP's safety systems; improvement of ecological monitoring, methods and means of ecological control; reducing of environmental pollutants; minimization of radioactive wastes and other wastes of nuclear industry improvement of ecological knowledge of staff and population; positive cooperation with social and ecological organizations.

The administration of "Rosenergoatom" accepts the responsibility for implementation of environmental principles and makes all the efforts to fulfill the obligations.

MODERNIZATION AND SAFETY. The modernization of a NPP is one of the major trends on the safety improvement. Nowadays such modernization is under way at energy unit 1 of Leningrad NPP.

The concern is planning to continue its work on NPP modernization, and prove the safety of nuclear power plants. Besides, the programs of probabilistic methods of NPP's safety evaluation will be performed into life. It is planned to implement the practice of one evaluation of ecological policy at every NPP once a decade. The concern also plans to improve operational procedures.

The quantity of violations against operational rules of NPP has decreased considerably within last 13 years. So, in 1992 197 violations including 32 dangerous ones for the operational safety were fixed. In 2005 there were 40 violations at NPPs without dangerous for the safety. The situation with emergency shutdown of an energy unit is also much better today. In 1992 there were 32 emergency shutdowns at NPPs and in 2005 - only 6. Annually "Rosenergoatom" performs an integrated exercise aiming to improve the safety of NPP. From 10 to 15 ministries and departments take part in this exercise. In 2004 such an exercise was performed at Beloyarsk NPP, and at Kola NPP in 2005.

2. Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания: