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6. Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: числительные, времена групп Continuous и Perfect активного и пассивного залога; согласование времен; функции глаголов to be, to have; усилительные конструкции, неопределенные местоимения some, any, no и их производные:

  1. Today designers have found ways to build reactors that are much safer than those now in operation.

  2. The problem that has not been solved by the new proposal is how to get rid of the used up nuclear fuel.

  3. Unfortunately the prob­lem of waste disposal has not been solved anywhere in the world.

  4. The disposition of excess plutonium and uranium taken from decommissioned nuclear weapons is an even more pressing issue, given the crisis that might ensue if such material were to fall into the wrong hands.

  5. Spent reactor fuel will more than double in quantity in the U.S. by the year 2020, even if no new nuclear power plants are built, according to estimates of the Department of Energy.

7. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

  1. Can any measures be taken to make power plants safer? How will it influence on the price of electricity?

  2. What reactor do designers propose to build?

  3. What is the only drawback of the proposed design of a new reactor?

  4. Why would scientists eliminate seafloor provinces shallower than about four kilometers?

  5. Are there any methods of waste disposal?

  6. Where is the spent reactor fuel stored in the USA?

  7. How would steel pipe be used?

8. Составьте аннотацию к тексту (2 – 3 предложения).

9. Составьте реферат текста (10 – 15 предложений).

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Вариант 16.

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Antarctica is the bottom of the world, where winds can reach 320 kph and temperatures can plunge below 85°C. It seems lifeless but a closer look reveals an amaz­ing abundance of life. The coastal waters are filled with plankton and fish, and its thick ice is perforated by the breathing holes of seals. Antarctica is home to thousands of penguins and seagull-like birds. The ice itself is per­meated with algae and bacteria.

There is another sort of life as well. All around Ant­arctica the coast is dotted with corrugated-metal build­ings, oil-storage tanks and garbage dumps — unmistak­able signs of man. No fewer than 16 nations have es­tablished permanent bases on the only continent that belongs to the whole world. They were set up mainly to conduct scientific research but they have become mag­nets for boatloads of tourists who come to look at the peaks and the penguins. Environmentalists fear that miners and oil drillers may not be far behind. Already the human invaders of Antarctica have created an awful mess in what was recently the world's cleanest spot. Over the years they have spilled oil into the seas, dumped untreated sewage off the coasts, burned garbage in open pits, and let huge piles of discarded machinery slowly rust on the frozen ground.

News of the environmental pollution has unleashed a global wave or concern about Antarctica's future. How best to protect Antarctica has been a topic of fierce de­bate all over the world.

Despite the damage done, so far Antarctica is still largely pristine, the only wild continent left on earth. There scientists can study unique ecosystems and climatic disturbances that influence the weather patterns of the entire globe. The research being done on the frozen con­tinent cannot be carried out anywhere else. Therefore many people argue that the continent should be turned into a «world park» in which only scientific research and limited tourism would be permitted.

The fragility of life in the Antarctic climate was dra­matically underscored when the Bahia Paraiso, an Ar­gentine supply and tourist ship ran aground off Palmer Station, spilling more than 643,450 liters of jet and diesel fuel. The accident killed countless krill and hundreds of bird and. penguin chicks. And later on a Peruvian research and supply ship Humboldt was blown by galeforce winds onto rocks near King George Island, producing an oil slick more than half a mile long. And then at an American station 196,820 liters of fuel had leaked from a rubber storage onto the ice shelf.

No further harm must be done to the continent. No mining and drilling altogether. The only way to save Antarctica is to convince the countries operating there that it is not worth fouling the only relatively untouched continent left on earth to gain a few extra barrels of oil. Antarctica should remain the place where mankind finally learns to live in harmony with nature.

Russian scientists have developed a method of com­bating oil pollution, which involves sprinkling a powder composed of a specially selected bacterial preparation and a set of mineral salts. This removes oil slicks on water and returns fertility to oil-polluted soils. It takes 1.5 to 2 grammes per 1,000 square meters of surface. It can be sprayed by land transport and aircraft.

The bacterial strain in the preparation is a strong oxidant which turns irreversibly hydrocarbons, no mat­ter what their chemical structure might be like, into ecologically neutral substances.

The new preparation has a number of advantages over the existing biological methods of combating oil pollu­tion.The strain used in it has not been produced by genetic engineering, but is from nature. It is amazingly omni­vorous and transforms over 20 components of oil, including asphalt resin substances. The content of cancerogenic substances is reduced by ten times in the decay residue of oil.

The new preparation can work practically in any weather because its activity doesn't change in a temper­ature range of from 50°C below zero to +70°C. And it can be used both in fresh and sea water.

How effective is the preparation?

The tests showed the following: 12.5 kg of oil were spilled per square meter of an experimental plot of land. After that the powder was sprinkled on it only once. Two months later green grass was growing on the plot.

On water, the time it takes to return to normal de­pends on the thickness of the oil slick. If it is up to 2 mm thick then the last traces of oil disappear on the sixth day after the slick was sprinkled once with powder.

Several modifications of the preparation have been developed. Some of them are most effective against crude oil, others against diesel fuel, lubricants, etc.

2. Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

  1. the breathing holes of seals

  2. corrugated-metal build­ings

  3. oil-storage tanks

  4. garbage dumps

  5. mag­nets for boatloads of tourists

  6. dumped untreated sewage off the coasts

  7. fierce de­bate all over the world

  8. oil slicks on water

  9. specially selected bacterial preparation

  10. a set of mineral salts

3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

  1. птицы, похожие на чаек

  2. не стоит засорять

  3. относительно нетронутый континент

  4. жить в гармонии с природой

  5. безошибочно следы пребывания человека

  6. никакого вреда в дальнейшем

  7. влияют на тип погоды всей планеты

  8. касается будущего Антарктики

  9. зависит от толщины нефтяного пятна

  10. специально отобранный бактериальный препарат

4. Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, обозначьте словообразовательную морфему (приставка, корень, суффикс) либо дополнительный корень при словосложении и переведите слова на русский язык:

  1. mistake

  2. environment

  3. treat

  4. fragile

  5. drama

  6. count

  7. life

  8. amaze

  9. active

  10. store