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техническое задание – specification

сценическое вещание – stage transmission

служебное оповещение – personnel notification

составная часть – integral part

парк – stock

сбор/раздача – receiving/transmitting

громкоговоритель – loud-speaker

репетиция – rehearsal

звукоусиление – sound amplification

зрители – spectators

аппаратная – projection-room/control room

слаботочная система – feeble-current

расширение – expanding

комплексный – integrated

кабелепровод – cableway


1. Выявите систему языковых средств, оформляющих техни-ческий текст.

2. Определите, есть ли в тексте:

  • термины,

  • эквиваленты,

  • клише,

  • средства когезии,

  • прецизионная лексика.

  1. Выполните письменный перевод текста на английский язык, соблюдая специфику данного жанра.

  2. Сопоставьте вашу версию перевода с текстом 4.

Т е к с т 4. Sound-Engineering Complex


System of stage transmission and personnel notification of the Theatre

1. Introduction

1.1. System of Stage Transmission and Personnel Notification (STPN) is a constituent of the created complex of feeble-current systems at the Theatre.

1.2. This Requirements Specification (RS) specifies the starting engineering requirements for designing activities and working out technical documents for the system of stage transmission and personnel notification (STPN).

2. Components of the System and its functions

2.1. System of stage transmission and personnel notification consists of the following components:

– microphones stock;

– complex of generating sound signals and of their operating;

– cable network of receiving/transmitting sound signals;

– system of loud-speakers, distributed among the offices/premises;

– rehearsal system of the amplification-system.

2.2. Purpose of the System of stage transmission and personnel notification:

System of stage transmission and personnel notification (STPN) is aimed at:

– transmitting to the service-rooms the sound accompaniment of the plays and rehearsals, taking place at the main stage;

transmitting other musical programs (phonograms) to the service-rooms for the theatre personnel and notifying the spectators;

and also for generating signals of the sound accompaniment for the system of cable television.

3. General Requirements

3.1. Signals, received from the stage transmission microphones, should arrive at the complex of generating sound signals, located at the central projection-room/control room (CPR). Generated and amplified transmission signal should be transferred to the systems of STPN loud-speakers, located in the service-rooms and spectators’ premises. Signals of personnel notification are generated at the same complex and routed to the same systems of loud-speakers.

3.2. STPN should be designed on the basis of the highly-professional equipment

3.3. STPN equipment should be installed into the specialized engineering/technological furniture.

3.4. STPN should have the opportunity of its expanding in terms of increasing both, the number of input channels and the number of notification areas without the necessity of replacing the installed equipment.

3.5. All the STPN equipment should be intended for the opportunity of operating 24 hours a day.

3.6. Linking cables of STPN should be installed on the integrated aerial cableway of all feeble-current engineering systems.