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Существует мнение, что от длительного хранения структура аромата меняется. Это действительно так, но на самом деле структура меняется от неправильного хранения духов. Их надо хранить в темном прохладном месте, избегать попадания на них солнечных лучей и плотно закрывать крышку. Некоторые компоненты при неправильном хранении склонны испаряться и портиться быстрее других, поэтому и запах по прошествии времени изменяется. Средний же рекомендованный срок хранения парфюмерии составляет 2-3 года. Признаками порчи являются изменение цвета или появление осадка.


душистое вещество – fragrance compound

сырье – raw material

в среднем – in average

лепесток – petal

эфиронос – volatile-oil-bearing plant

перегонка – distillation

эфирное масло – essential/volatile oil

сгущение – condensation

помада – pomade

кориандр – coriander

сандаловое масло – sandalwood oil

пачули – patchouli

дубовый мох – oakmoss

настой – extract

фиксация – fixation

амбра – ambergris

мускус – musk

кастореум – castoreum

цибет – zibet

сассафрас – sassafras

анис – anise

растворять – dissolve

чистый спирт – pure alcohol

стойкость – stability

триада – triad

нота сердца – accord, key note

испаряться – evaporate

оттенять – emphasize

плотно – hermetically

крышка – lid

срок хранения – shelf life

признак – indication

порча – spoiling

осадок – sediment


  1. Выявите систему языковых средств, оформляющих данный энциклопедический текст.

  2. Определите, есть ли в тексте:

  • термины,

  • клише,

  • прецизионная лексика.

3. Выполните письменный перевод текста на английский язык, соблюдая специфику данного жанра и ориентируясь в качестве примера на текст 4, который очень близок по тематике.

Т е к с т 6. Barcode


A barcode (also bar code) is a machine-readable representation of information (usually dark ink on a light background to create high and low reflectance which is converted to 1s and 0s). Originally, barcodes stored data in the widths and spacings of printed parallel lines, but today they also come in patterns of dots, concentric circles, and text codes hidden within images. Barcodes can be read by optical scanners called barcode-readers or scanned from an image by special software.


The first patent for a bar code type product was issued to inventors Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver on October 7, 1952. Its implementation was made possible through the work of Raymond Alexander and Frank Stietz, two engineers with Sylvania (who were also granted a patent), as a result of their work on a system to identify railroad cars. It was not until 1966 that barcodes were put to commercial use and they were not commercially successful until the 1980s.

While traditionally barcode encoding schemes represented only numbers, newer symbologies add new characters, such as the uppercase alphabet to the complete ASCII character set, and beyond.


Since their invention in the 20th century, barcodes - especially the UPC - have slowly become an essential part of modern civilization. Their use is widespread, and the technology behind barcodes is constantly improving. Some modern applications of barcodes include:

  • Practically every item purchased from a grocery store, department store, and mass merchandiser has a barcode on it. This greatly helps in keeping track of the large number of items in a store and also reduces instances of shoplifting (since shoplifters could no longer easily switch price tags from a lower-cost item to a higher-priced one). Since the adoption of barcodes, both consumers and retailers have benefited from the savings generated.

  • Document Management tools often allow for barcoded sheets to facilitate the separation and indexing of documents that have been imaged in a number of scanning applications.

  • The tracking of item movement, including rental cars, airline luggage, nuclear waste, mail and parcels.

  • Recently, researchers have placed tiny barcodes on individual bees to track the insects' mating habits.

  • Many tickets now have barcodes that need to be validated before allowing the holder to enter sports arenas, cinemas, theatres, fairgrounds, transportation, etc.