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III. Make up 5 short situations (of 1 or 2 sentences) based on the contents of the novel using the active vocabulary.

e.g. Julia was sure that the Spaniard would blackmail her and make rows if he came across her.

VI. Fill in the missing derivatives:




to buoy




to flatter



to ridicule


to please

V. Rephrase the sentences using the active vocabulary.

1. Julia knew Michael so well, she didn’t have to ask him another time.

2. This did not stop Julia and she fell in love with Michael.

3. She decided not to remember this event of her life.

4. The Spaniard praised Julia for her French.

5. Michael wanted to start his own business.

6. His being in America was not successful.

7. Julia was surprised that Tom and Roger liked each other very much.

8. Julia wanted Tom to have what he deserved to have.

9. Michael was natural and self-assured when he was talking to Jimmie Langton.

10. Michael knew that Julia was at a loose end and he helped her.

VI. Topics for discussion.

1. Jimmie Langton’s influence on Michael and Julia. A happy chance or a common event?

2. Michael’s career in Middlepool and London.

3. Julia’s theatrical career. Why was it so successful?

4. Michael and Julia: the ideal marriage.

5. Michael’s war career and its influence on Julia’s falling out of love with him.

6. Tom and Julia’s relations. Affection and love.

7. Julia and Dolly de Vries.

8. Julia’s friendship with Charles Tamerley.

9. Julia as a mother. Julia’s feelings to Roger.

Lesson 8

Chapters 15-18, pp. 154-186

Active vocabulary

1. not to make head or tail of smth (156)

2. not to care two hoots for smb (161)

3. to be distracted with grief (162)

4. to feel alert (164)

5. neglect (168)

6. to compromise smb (175)

7. to be puzzled by smb/smth (180)

8. discreet (183)

9. to eat out of smb’s hand (183)

10. malicious gossip (184)

11. a pattern of propriety (185)

ничего невозможно понять

совершенно не интересоваться

обезуметь от горя

чувствовать себя бодрым


компрометировать к-л

быть озадаченным

благоразумный, осмотрительный

делать всё, что к-л захочет

злобные сплетни

пример пристойности

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words:

поднимать шум из-за ч-л (160) ____________________________________

скорбь всего человечества (162) ___________________________________

нечётное количество (167) ________________________________________

позволять себе вольности (168) ____________________________________

здоров как конь (169) ____________________________________________

подсознательное (172) ____________________________________________

свобода действия (173) ___________________________________________

взять себя в руки (174) ___________________________________________

неосторожный (178) _____________________________________________

вмешиваться в чужие дела (181) ___________________________________

тосковать по к-л (186) ___________________________________________