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V. Culture Studies. Explain the following names:

the National Gallery (92) the British Museum (92)

St. James’s Park (93) the Tate (92)

VI. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on:

p.77 “When they had been in … … He was unperturbed ”.

p.102-103 “They talked … … and he looked incredibly clean”.

VII. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. How did Michael run the theatre?

2. How did Julia manage to become a rich woman?

3. What was Julia’s routine of the day?

4. Who sent Julia flowers?

5. Did the name of Mr. Thomas Fennel tell Julia anything?

6. Why did Julia have a profound contempt for the great ladies and noble lords she met at Charles Tamerley’s house?

7. What impression did Julia produce on the high society?

8. What made Julia insist on the fact that her father had been a vet?

9. Charles Tamerley was taken by Julia, wasn’t he? What features of Julia’s character attracted him most?

10. What parting present did Charles Tamerley give Julia?

VIII. Speak on the following topics:

1. Michael’s sacrifice to foster Julia’s career (79-81).

2. Charles Tamerley – the oldest and the most constant of Julia’s admirers (his appearance, his origin, his love for Julia) (88-96).

3. Julia’s visit to Tavistook Square (100-104).

VIII. Get ready for a quiz on the Active Vocabulary of Lessons 3-4. Lesson 5

Chapters 12– 13, pp. 107-124

Active vocabulary

1. without a chuckle (108)

2. to compliment on smth (112)

3. if the worst comes to the worst (113)

4. prudish (113)

5. in for a penny, in for a pound (113)

6. to blackmail smb (115)

7. an odd coincidence (117)

8. to erase the episode from smb’s memory (118)

9. to see smb in the flesh (123)

10. to hurt smb’s pride (124)

без усмешки

хвалить за ч-л, говорить комплименты

в самом худшем случае

не в меру стыдливый

сделал одно, сделай и другое

шантажировать к-л

странное совпадение

стереть из памяти эпизод, случай

увидеть к-л лично, «своими глазами»

задеть ч-л гордость

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words:

вздохнуть с облегчением (107) _____________________________________ погасить свет (107) ______________________________________________

фактически, на самом деле (108, 113) _______________________________

устроить скандал (108) ___________________________________________

уступить к-л купе (111) ___________________________________________

(не) заснуть (111) ________________________________________________

доля секунды (113) ______________________________________________

требовать продолжения знакомства (115) ____________________________

случайно встретиться с к-л, натолкнуться (115) ______________________

сплетня, слух (116) ______________________________________________

любопытство (118) ______________________________________________

закладывать ч-л, отдавать в залог (124) _____________________________