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VIII. Make up a report “Julia and Lord Charles Tamerley. His influence on Julia.”

Lesson 11

Chapters 24-26, pp. 237-263

Active vocabulary

1. a whoof of relief (246)

2. to snatch victory from defeat (248)

3. a wash-out (251)

4. on the tick (255)

5. a vamp (256)

6. to have a score to settle with smb (258)

7. to let bygones be bygones (259)

8. in revenge (261)

9. to be under the delusion (261)

10. to be in a dither (261)

11. to consider the proposition (262)

вздох облегчения

превратить поражение в победу


минута в минуту


иметь с к-л счёты

забыть прошлое, «что пропало, быльём поросло»

в отместку

быть в заблуждении, иметь ложное представление

быть в смятении

принять предложение

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words:

понять намёк (239) ______________________________________________

понравиться мужчине (249) _______________________________________

бессовестный (251) ______________________________________________

быть поглощённым ч-л (252) ______________________________________

снять тяжесть с души (252) ________________________________________

задумчиво смотреть на к-л (256) ___________________________________

«змеиная» пластика, гибкость (257) ________________________________

ступить на сцену (258) ___________________________________________

ворчливый (259) _________________________________________________

воспринимать режиссерские указания (261) _________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters:

seductive (238) __________________________________________________

to gratify (241) __________________________________________________

exquisite (243) ___________________________________________________

amorous (247) ___________________________________________________

prejudice (248) ___________________________________________________

sceptical (250) ___________________________________________________

to jostle (251) ____________________________________________________

impudence (254) _________________________________________________

haughty (255) ___________________________________________________

notoriously (256) _________________________________________________

V. Culture Studies. Explain the following names:

Botticelli (237) Lady Hamilton (238)

VI. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on:

pp.246-247 “Julia began to titter. … and the last thing he wanted, apparently, was to have his constancy rewarded. ”

pp. 261 “Julia reflected. … Fools. It would kill her.”

VII. Agree or disagree to the following:

1. Charles leaped at the opportunity to make love to Julia.

2. Julia was embarrassed when a lot of men accosted her during her promenade along Edgware Road.

3. Avice turned out to be a really talented actress and Michael looked forward to engaging her in some more plays.

VIII. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. How did Julia find the way out of the awkward situation with Charles?

2. How did Julia decide to estimate her sex appeal?

3. Would she be accosted by the young clerk if she were not a famous actress?

4. Was Julia glad to return to the theatre?

5. What was the contents of the play? What parts did Julia and Avice play in it?

6. Why did Julia wish to keep Avice in the cast? Why was Michael against it?

7. What reasons did Julia give about Avice’s bad acting? How did Michael react to it?

IX. Make up a retelling of chapter 24 on behalf of Charles, chapter 25 on behalf of Julia, chapter 26 on behalf of Michael. Make use of active word combinations.

X. Get ready for a quiz on the Active Vocabulary of Lessons 10-11.

Lesson 12

Chapters 27-29, pp. 263-300

Active vocabulary

1. to take pains to do smth (263)

2. exuberant affection (264)

3. to drive at smth (265)

4. make-believe (267, 269)

5. faked emotions (270)

6. to cope with a situation (274)

7. to pan out (277)

8. prig (277)

9. suffocation (292)

10. to throw prudence to the winds (295)

11. to put a spoke in smb’s wheel (296)

из кожи лезть вон, чтобы сделать ч-л

чрезмерная преданность, любовь

намекать на ч-л


наигранные эмоции

контролировать ситуацию

проходить, получаться, преуспевать

самодовольный педант


«пустить по ветру благоразумие» – перестать быть благоразумным

ставить палки в колёса