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IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters:

peevish (155) ____________________________________________________

to condemn (156) _________________________________________________

despicable (161) __________________________________________________

disparity (165) ___________________________________________________

insignificant (167) ________________________________________________

conspicuous (170) ________________________________________________

to endure (171) __________________________________________________

cordial (171) ____________________________________________________

to flatter (175) ___________________________________________________

mischief (180) ___________________________________________________

to descend (186) _________________________________________________

V. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on:

p. 161-162 “She turned her eyes on him … … could not support the intolerable pain of hers.”

p. 167 “Julia’s reputation was so good… …that people at last were beginning to gossip.”

VI. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. What did Julia feel the moment she received Tom’s parcel? Why did she phone Tom?

2. Was Julia ever going to tell Tom about her love? Did it happen? Why?

3. How can you describe Julia and Tom’s reconciliation? Were they both sincere?

4. Did Tom agree to have the flat? On what terms?

5. How did Tom and Julia spend the autumn?

6. Why did Dolly decide to speak to Michael about Julia’s affair with Tom? What troubled her?

7. Did Michael believe Dolly’s story about Julia’s affair? Why not?

8. Why did Julia decide to use friendly tactics towards Dolly?

9. What news came out of the talk between Dolly and Julia of which Julia was not aware?

10. What state was Julia in after parting with Dolly?

11. Do you think Dolly was sincere in her worrying about Julia? Prove it.

VII. Make up a retelling of the talk between Michael and Dolly on behalf of Dolly (Michael). Make use of active word combinations.

Lesson 9

Chapters 19-21, pp. 186-213

Active vocabulary

1. to make smb furious (187)

2. to distract one’s mind (191)

3. imperious (196, 197)

4. look-see (infml) (200)

5. to get over one’s bad temper (203)

6. to beat about the bush (208)

7. to let sentiment interfere with

business (209)

8. a brick (slang) (209)

9. pang (210)

10. to attach (no) importance to smth (212)

11. to be dead with fatigue (213)

привести в состояние бешенства



осмотр, просмотр

преодолеть плохое настроение

ходить вокруг да около

позволять чувствам влиять на дело

сама щедрость


(не) придавать значения

быть смертельно усталым

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.