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V. Culture Studies. Explain the following names and abbreviation:

GHQ (62) Legion of Honour (62) Moliere (72)

VI. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on:

pp. 66-67 “Michael got himself demobbed … …was now inadequate.”

p.75-76 “Julia was surprised to discover… … the extreme of lavishness.”

VII. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. What did Jimmie Langton mean saying: “Lord, what fools these mortals be”?

2. What did Michael think about his flop in America?

3. Why was the first year of Michael and Julia’s marriage stormy?

4. What professional features did Michael and Julia possess and try to develop?

5. What did Julia think about the war and her husband Michael?

6. How did Michael change during the war? What did he profit at the war?

7. What was Michael’s war career like?

8. Why did Julia fall out of love with Michael?

9. What kind of person was Mrs. De Vries? Describe her (appearance, character, relations).

10. Speak on Dolly’s proposal. The way it was done and why.

11. Why was it difficult to start to run a theatre after the war?

12. What did Julia think of Mrs. De Vries’ attitude to Michael?

Lesson 4

Chapters 9– 11, pp. 76-107

Active vocabulary

1. to give smb a trial (77)

2. sound investment (78)

3. conceit (78)

4. whack (infml) (80)

5. to spare no pains (81)

6. to keep in touch with smb (88)

7. to laugh at smb up one’s sleeve (89)

8. to be an amateur of the arts (91)

9. to dawn on smb (93)

10. jittery (infml) (96)

11. to have the cheek to do smth (100)

12. preposterous (103)

дать к-л шанс

прибыльное вложение денег

самонадеянность, самомнение


не жалеть сил, трудов

поддерживать связь

посмеиваться над к-л

быть любителем искусств

осенить к-л

нервный, пугливый

иметь наглость сделать ч-л

несообразный, нелепый, абсурдный

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words:

сбить спесь (78) ________________________________________________

благоприятствовать карьере (79) __________________________________

непомерный, чрезмерный (79) ____________________________________

назначить большую зарплату (80) _________________________________

гордиться ловкостью (81) ________________________________________

потерянного не воротишь (83) ____________________________________

(не) вызвать сожаления (89) ______________________________________

проявить большой такт (96) ______________________________________

перепрыгивать через ступеньки (101) _______________________________

как ураган (105) ________________________________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters:

thrift (76) _______________________________________________________

persuasion (78) __________________________________________________

outrageous (78) __________________________________________________

to grizzle (79) ___________________________________________________

shrewdness (81) _________________________________________________

to exasperate (81) ________________________________________________

to cheat (82) ____________________________________________________

accomplishment (94) _____________________________________________

ashamed (96) ___________________________________________________

innocent (96) ____________________________________________________