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IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters:

adventure (107) __________________________________________________

to cease (108) ___________________________________________________

inefficiency (109) ________________________________________________

gracious (110) ___________________________________________________

to disturb (112) __________________________________________________

peculiar (114) ___________________________________________________

unreliable (115) __________________________________________________

decency (116) ___________________________________________________

seclusion (119) __________________________________________________

ridiculous (120) __________________________________________________

conscious (123) __________________________________________________

V. Prepare a good reading and translation of the passage on:

p.108 “That had been an accident too… … for her at the station in Paris”.

pp. 116-117 “But as the time passed … … as rather comic”.

VI. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

  1. Who rented a house at Cannes for Julia?

  2. How did Julia get to Cannes?

  3. What was Julia’s opinion of men after her adventure in the train?

  4. What was Julia’s little adventure like?

  5. Why was the Spaniard as little anxious to see Julia as she was to see him?

  6. Why did Julia relish her seclusion?

  7. How was Julia going to treat Tom Fennel after his telephone call?

  8. Why did Tom Fennel visit Julia? What did they do?

  9. Where did Tom want to take Julia out?

10. What did Tom lie to her about?

11. Where did Tom take Julia out to supper? How did it go?

VIII. Sum up everything you have learnt about Julia and Michael from chapters 1-13. Make up a list of words and expressions characterizing Julia and Michael (their appearance, background, views on life, manners, interests).

Lesson 6

Chapters 14, pp. 124-154

Active vocabulary

1. for smb’s sake (127)

2. to grow rusty (infml) (128)

3. to take a great fancy to smb (132)

4. sophisticated (133)

5. to have (no) inclination (133)

6. a man of the world (134)

7. contemporary (137)

8. to make fuss of (over) smb (127, 140)

9. to regain possession of oneself (149)

10. black rage (152)

11. to get even with smb (153)

ради к-л

состариться – «заржаветь»

сильно полюбить к-л

искушенный, изощренный

(не) иметь намерения

человек, умудренный опытом


относиться к к-л с чрезмерным вниманием

взять себя в руки

бешенство, ярость

свести с к-л счеты

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words:

признаться самому себе (125) _____________________________________

тщеславие (126) _________________________________________________

предъявить права на (127) ________________________________________

унизительный (129) ______________________________________________

преодолеть сомнения (131) ________________________________________

быть лишенным чувства зависти (138) ______________________________

быть резким с к-л (144) ___________________________________________

прогулка (147) __________________________________________________

последняя капля (152) ____________________________________________

оживленный разговор (153) _______________________________________