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the commitment of Cornelius van der Merwe, a former Professor at the University of Stellenbosch, this book might not have seen the light of day. He originally prepared his report on South African law merely out of interest, without a view to it being published in this volume. However, the group unanimously decided that it should be published, naturally following the English, Irish and Scottish reports.

After this introduction, the fifteen cases are preceded by four short essays which have already been briefly mentioned at various points. The first one by Willem Zwalve explores in greater detail how the different routes which the national legal systems have taken in order to overcome the restrictions of the possessory pledge have led to the present state of divergency among the EU Member States. As a counterpoint for comparison and a possible model for harmonisation, Harry C. Sigman shows in his presentation of Article 9 UCC how the United States effectively solved its ‘labyrinth for creditors’ some fifty years ago. He also points out the cornerstones of the recent reform of Article 9 UCC. The American approach is again put into contrast with English common law, characterised by Michael Bridge as ‘creditor-friendly but unreformed’. Finally, Frédérique Dahan and John Simpson sketch the solutions of the cases of Part II according to the EBRD Model Law on Secured Transactions, thus suggesting yet another possible model for a harmonised secured transactions law.


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Соседние файлы в папке Учебный год 22-23