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How to Analyze People_ Proven Techniques to Analyze People on Sight and Read Anyone Like a Book; Simple Tricks to Understand the Human Mind and Master Human Psychology ( PDFDrive ).pdf
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their team must be devoted followers. They are puffed up with their own importance and want to make their mark on the world. This type of boss is difficult to work with since they are not at all impressed by those who oppose them. Nothing short of a yes-man will satisfy the power driven boss.

Affiliation driven bosses want to be liked and popular. They put relationships first but supporting incompetent employees is not good for business. Working for this person means plowing through a bunch of sycophants to get to him. It will be next to impossible to edit out the bad advice his cronies have given him but you’ve got to give it a try, to save the company. Your job depends on being sociable, and helping to manage minion interactions. You need emotional intelligence to cope with an affiliation boss.

Achievement motivated bosses are competitive individuals who like a challenge but hate to lose. They delight in showing off all their cups and shields. These bosses love to be the center of attention and won’t be left out of any event, be it a little office party or a grand award ceremony. Bosses motivated by achievement need to be included in everything. Working for this person means stroking their ego and making sure they gets their information before anyone else does.

What your interview reveals about the boss

You will most likely meet your boss when you interview for a job. Since you could become a part of their team, he or she will no doubt want to know if you will be suitable or not. In the same way you should not only be concerned with getting the job but also scrutinize your prospective boss to see if they will be compatible with you. Ask questions. Interview the boss too. How he responds will tell you all you need to know about his personality and work ethic. If you have a good sense of people you will be quick to pick up positives or negatives right there and then. If not, you will fortunately or unfortunately get to know this person on the job through trial and error. These suggestions may prove to be helpful during that first interview with your prospective boss.

The focus is on you

If the interview questions center around you and your ambitions, and you are allow to express yourself without being interrupted, this boss is interested in the person you are. If you are able to ask questions and they are answered honestly, you are being checked out for where your talent can be best applied. This type of boss is insightful and supportive, and will work with you but expect you grasp tasks and run with them.

The interview is structured

If the interview and the interviewer are well prepared, you can be sure that this boss is organized and runs a tight ship. He likes to manage his team and ensure they work at full capacity. He can be impatient though if you ask questions that have already been answered, though at times he may help you along grudgingly. Expect rigid routines and a boss who is mainly interested in getting the job done well.

Composure and warmth

The atmosphere is relaxed and the interviewer puts you at ease with a friendly, calm attitude. This boss is interested in creating amiability in the workplace but have no doubt that he is observing the real you in spite of your answers to his questions. He is good to work with and likes to interact with his team. While this boss prefers a relaxed work environment there will be no letup in productivity and quality.

Full attention on you

Is your future boss asking you questions and seem interested in your responses? Does he look you in the eye and take the time to answer you seriously. Do you feel he is not only listening but hearing what you say? Is he transparent about company details that effect you, such as salary, bonuses, and other benefits? If all the answers are positive, this is a good, well-informed boss who is aware of any snags on the job and is quick to sort out problems. He keeps his team connected and production flowing smoothly.

Negative or positive remarks

The way in which a boss speaks about his team says a lot about his character and how you will be treated by him. If he refers to his employees in a positive manner, identifying them and mentioning their skills, you know this person recognizes his people and respects his relationships with them. This is the sort of boss who will appreciate you. If he speaks about workers in a derogatory way you can be sure this is not a person you want to work with.

Impressive environment

As you grab a cup of coffee in the cafeteria and walk through the office to your interview you can’t help notice your surroundings. Is what you see indicative of a modern, streamlined, productive organization or not? As you sit in the waiting

area, you observe the employees and their work spaces. Are both cheery and efficient. Do you notice fear when an employee enters the boss’s office or is he or she relaxed and smiling. Read these obvious signals to know if this is an environment you want to work in.

Summing up

Much analysis of the professional environment has been covered in this chapter. What is, and is not satisfactory in the workplace has been detailed. Acceptable and unacceptable behaviors have been outlined. Office relationships and employee habits have been scrutinized with suggestions made for a more conducive atmospheres. How one presents himself or herself when giving a speech has also been explained along with do’s and don’ts for subject relevance, optimum projection, and audience appreciation. Emphasis has been given to the types of bosses that head a company or team. How characteristics drive a boss’s behavior and actions and the impact an employee are spelled out. What to look out for in bosses, and how to recognize their characteristics during that first interview is described.

It is imperative to have a professional working environment in which a culture of shared trust and respect is the norm. Employees thrive when they work in a wellorganized, efficient company with a well-meaning, smart boss. Good management practice demands there must be transparency and fairness in dealings. A free flow of information and directives channel perspectives and energy towards productive outcomes. Toxic individuals and processes will adversely affect the overall health of the whole organization so it is important to know what you are working with.

Chapter 10 – Assessing romantic links

Romance features in our lives at one time or another and this chapter analyzes this subject in connection to romantic partners. By assessing a prospective or current romantic partner we get a clear picture of who they really are and where this relationship is likely to end up. The information you uncover will make you realize things about your partner that you never saw before. These discoveries could lead to understandings that alleviate conflict and create a more harmonious and loving partnership. On the other hand what you learn could confirm what you’ve been thinking for a while now - this person isn’t right for you after all. There are particular mannerisms used to communicate with dates or partners. Body language, facial movements, and the way we speak, can determine a partner’s attitude and intention. Let’s see if what we find out can help us move in the right direction.

Examining the beginning

Everything is so exciting during the early days of a romance. The person you have begun to date is fascinating and mysterious. You may have known this individual before but since romance has crept into the picture, he or she is a whole other person and getting to know him or her brings a new, thrilling beginning to the relationship. A questioning mind will ask - is this person interested in you in a romantic way? Secondly - do you really want to spend time with this person? In your enthusiasm you can misread the signals and mistake friendliness and affection for romantic attachment. You enjoy the date so much you image you can spend many joyous hours together. Step out of your romantic haze for a moment and read the signs that are being sent out loud and clear.

It may be hard to tell where you stand after that first date. Is it an awkward meeting? Do you have to do all the talking? Does your date’s body language express a desire to have a romantic connection with you? Does he or she keep their body turned to face you? A person is meant to like you if they keep their belly button facing you. Are you being touched? Touching means the person is reaching out in an effort to get closer to you, to get to know you better. Facial expressions will tell you whether your date is feeling it or not. Do his eyes say you’re the one? Does he smile when he looks at you? Folded arms could either mean you’re being shut out or your date is anxious and doesn’t want to show any nervousness. Can you tell the difference?

You’ve decided you want to continue seeing this person because you got along famously at that first date. The chemistry was amazing and the body language