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Mustn’t - needn’t - don’t have to

Exercise 9. Complete the gaps in these sentences with a word or phrase from the box.

must mustn’t (x2) have to don’t have to (x2) had to didn’t have to

1. You __________ smoke in the library.

2. It’s free to get in: you _____________ pay.

3. I missed my train and I ______________ wait half an hour for the next one.

4. It’s not a direct flight to New Zealand: you ______________ change planes at Bangkok.

5. There were only two people in front of me in the queue so I ____________ wait long.

6. Don’t cry, Jessica – you ____________play with John if you don’t want to.

7. Children ___________walk on the railway line.

8. I ___________ remember to post this letter.

Should/ought to

Exercise 10. What advice would you give in the following situations? Use “should”.

1. Alan had a terrible quarrel with his wife at the weekend. It was his fault.

What do you think he should do? I think he should apologize to his wife.

2. Lane watches videos every night. She never goes out with her friends.

What advice do you give? I think _______________________________________________

3. David and Paula haven’t got much money. But they go out every night and spend money. At

the end of the month they can’t pay their gas and electricity bills. What advice would you


I don’t think ________________________________________________________________

4. Joseph is very intelligent, but he wants to leave school and get a job. His parents think he

should go to university. What do you think?

I think _____________________________________________________________________

5. Maria told me some interesting news last night, but she said, “Please, don’t tell anyone.” Now

Claire has asked me about Maria’s news. What do you think I should do?

I don’t think ________________________________________________________________

Exercise 11. You are asking a friend for advice. Make questions with “Do you think I/we should…?”′

1. There two buttons missing on this shirt I’ve just bought.

Do you think I should take it back to the shop?

2. I think I work very hard but I don’t get a big salary.

______________________________________ my boss for more money?

3. Simon’s late again, and the train leaves in five minutes.

______________________________________ a bit longer or go without him?

4. Martina has been sleeping for 18 hours and it’s lunchtime soon.

______________________________________ her up?

5. Jane is very nervous about going on holiday alone.

______________________________________ with her?

6. We must be at the airport at 6.00 a.m. and the buses are not very good in the mornings.

______________________________________ a taxi?