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Third conditional

Long form: If I had known you were in hospital, I would have visited you.

Short form: If I’d known you were in hospital, I’d have visited you.

Exercise 9. You have a friend who is careless with his /her things. Write what would/wouldn’t have happened if he/she had/hadn’t done the following.

Example: He left the suitcase unattended at an airport. It got stolen.

If he hadn’t left his suitcase unattended, it wouldn’t have got stolen.

1. She forgot to lock the car. Her camera got stolen.


2. He left his wallet in a restaurant. It disappeared.


3. He didn’t lock the door of his flat. Thieves broke in.


4. She didn’t put her name on her suitcase. Someone took it by mistake.


5. He parked his car without lights. Another car ran into it.


6. She left her parcels on the bus. Someone took them.


Exercise 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the third conditional.

  1. If you ____________________ (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you __________ (get) a seat.

  2. If I ____________ (realize) that the traffic lights were red, I _________________________(stop).

  3. If my friend ___________________ (know) my address, he _________ (find) my house.

  4. If he ___________________(know) that the river was dangerous, he _________ (not try)

to swim across it.

  1. If you __________ (be) in such a hurry, you _____________________(not put) sugar into the soup instead of salt.

  2. We ______________________ (go) by air if we have had enough money.

  3. If he __________________ (study) more, he ____________________ (pass) his exam easily.

  4. If we ________________ (invite) them, they ______________________ (come) to our party.

  5. If she _________________ (wear) a raincoat, she _______________________ (not get wet).

  6. I _____________________ (can enter) the house if I _________________ (not lose) my key.

  7. If she ______________ (have) some money on her, she __________________ (can) buy a new dress.

  8. If you _______________ (write) the address properly, the parcel ________________ (not get) lost.

Exercise 11. It’s two o’clock in the morning. Roger and Diana have just come back from a party. Complete the following dialogue by putting he verbs in brackets into the correct form. Use the first, second and third conditionals.

Roger: Where’s your key?

Diana: What do you mean? You’ve got a key, haven’t you?

Roger: (1) If I had got (get) mine, I wouldn’t need_ (not need) yours, would I?

Diana: No, but I haven’t got mine.

Roger: But I told you to bring it.

Diana: No, you didn’t.

Roger: Yes, I did. (2) If you ________________ (listen), you __________________ (hear) me.

Diana: Well, I don’t remember you telling me. Anyway, I couldn’t find it.

Roger: You mean you’ve lost it again?

Diana: Not really. It’s at home somewhere. (3) I _________________________ (have) time

to look for it if we ___________________ (not leave) in such a hurry.

Roger: That’s not the point. (4) If you _____________ (be) more organized, you

_______(keep on) losing it in the first place.

Diana: That’s not fair! I don’t keep on losing it. Anyway, what are we going to do now?

We haven’t got a key.

Roger: I don’t know. I suppose I’ll have to break a window.

Diana: You can’t do that! (5) If the neighbours _____________(hear) you, they

__________ (think) we’re burglars!

Roger: All right, then. There’s a small window open in the bathroom. (6) If you

______ (stand) on my shoulders, you __________________ (be) able to reach it and then you

can climb in.

Diana: I’m not going to stand on your shoulders. I might fall off!

Roger: Don’t be silly! (7) If I ________________ (hold) your legs, you _________________ (be) quite safe.

Diana: I still don’t like it.

Roger: Look. (8) I _________________________ (climb) in myself if I (can) get through the window, but I can’t. I’m too big. You’ll have to do it.

Diana: (9) But if someone ________________ (see) me, they _______________ (call) the police!

Roger: For goodness sake! (10) It ________________________(make) things a lot easier if

you ___________________________ (not worry) about other people! Now, are you ready?

Diana: OK.

Roger: All right?

Diana: (11) If you ____________________ (move) a bit closer, I _________________ (be) able to reach. Oh! Not so fast! Roger! Oh!!

Roger: Now look what you’ve done! You’ve put your foot through the window!

Diana: Roger, there’s something I’ve got to tell you!

Roger: Honestly, can’t you do anything right! (12) If you ______________________ (not be) so careless, you ______________________________ (not break) it!

Diana: Roger, listen! I hate to tell you, but this isn’t our house!

Exercise 12. Use the correct mood of the verbs in brackets.

  1. If the storm ____ (not rage) so furiously last night, many trees ____ (not break).

  2. I … (go) and ____ (live) in the tropics if only I ____ (can).

  3. What we ____ (do) if television ____ (not invent)?

  4. If the laws of nature ____ (not break), the situation ____ (be) different.

  5. Australia ____ (be) a delightful country to live in if it ____ (not be) so far.

  6. If I ____ (live) long enough, I ____ (can) do so many great things!

  7. If I ____ (not pay) all my bills before leaving the hotel, I ____ (not be) penniless now.

  8. If the fellow ____ (not leave) the city, the police ____ (arrest) him.

  9. If Mel ____ (not be) so light-minded, Hilda ____ (not leave) him!

  10. If we ____ (know) how dangerous the expedition was, we ____ (refuse).

  11. Rachel ____ (pass) the interview on Friday if she ____ (know) a second foreign language.

  12. She ____ (wear) this frock tonight if she ____ (not put on) so much weight lately.

Exercise 13. Finish these sentences, taking care to use the correct tenses.

  1. If he had taken my advice _________________

  2. If she practiced more _________________

  3. If you had checked the petrol before we started _________________

  4. This clock wouldn't have run down if _________________

  5. If these gates are locked _________________

  6. If we leave before breakfast _________________

  7. Her life might have been saved if _________________

  8. If the volcano starts erupting _________________

  9. He would have given her diamonds if _________________

  10. You would have been angry if _________________

  11. You will have to go to the dentist if _________________

Exercise 14. Translate into English.

  1. Якби вона вміла добре готувати, то її чоловік був би щасливий.

  2. Якби я жив в Африці, то їв би одні фрукти: банани, апельсини, ківі.

  3. Будь він більш енергійним, то давно міг би зробити відмінну кар'єру.

  4. Якби вона носила короткі спідниці, то виглядала б молодшою.

  5. Собака загавкає, якщо ти постукаєш у двері.

  6. Якби зараз йшов дощ, я б залишився вдома.

  7. Якби ти зустрівся з нею, то закохався б в неї. Вона чарівна!

  8. Якби вона пристебнули ремінь безпеки, то інспектор не оштрафував би її.

  9. Aнна, що сказала б твоя мама, якби побачила тебе зараз? - Вона б мене вбила!

  10. Все було б зараз прекрасно, якби я не провалилася на останньому іспиті.