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Interview: Website Designer

Part 1

  • interviewer: What kind of people want websites and why do they want websites?

  • saladin: People who feel they have to be on the Web because competitors are on the Web. They feel that not having a website is a sign of being behind the limes.

  • interviewer: Other people have got a website and therefore they have to have one, too?

  • saladin: Yes. The better reason is people who have information they would normally provide free – like brochures, application forms. anything that would normally be sent out by mail.

  • interviewer: So it saves fax, postage ...

  • saladin: Printing costs. I think it's particularly useful for colleges and universities.

  • interviewer: Why is that?

  • saladin: Because they tend to have a large amount of information to distribute.

  • interviewer: If a client comes to you and asks you for a webpage, how do you set about designing a page for a client?

  • saladin: The first thing I would ask for is all their printed promotional material. I would look at all that material and then discuss with the client how much of it to put on the Web. The most important thing is to decide who the audience for this website is, who it is aimed at.

  • interviewer: Is there a danger of putting too much on?

  • saladin: There's certainly a danger of putting too much on. Also, the client has to make a clear decision about how much time or money they're going to spend to keep the pages updated.

  • interviewer: Aha, so it's not enough simply to have a page, you need regular maintenance of that page.

  • saladin: Right, so these are the first two questions - who is it aimed at and how often will it be updated?

Part 2

  • saladin: Once we've decided what materials should be put on, there are a couple of basic principles to follow. One is that there should never be any dead ends; you should never reach a page which has no...

  • interviewer: Ah, which doesn't go anywhere?

  • saladin: ... Which has no links to take you back to somewhere else. So that's one principle. And the other principle is to try to limit the number of steps that have to be taken from the main home page to any other page. I would normally aim for a maximum of four steps.

  • interviewer: Do people give up if there are more than two or three links, they simply give up. Is that a problem?

  • saladin: Some people will give up. Others will just never find the information, there are too many diversions. Another principle is not to have too many links to scroll through on one page. If you have a page which has 150 links and you have to keep scrolling through them, people will give up... they'll never find the links at the bottom.

  • interviewer: What about graphics, sound and animations, and all these multimedia features? What's your feeling about these?

  • saladin: Always ask why is it there? That's the first thing. And if it's there simply because it makes the page look nicer, think quite carefully about whether to put it there or not. The more of that sort of thing you have, the more time it will take to download the pages. Another factor to bear in mind is that there are still a lot of users with less sophisticated browsers than Netscape or Microsoft Explorer, and if you make the use of the page dependent on graphics and so on. You exclude these users. interviewer: So no dead-ends, no more than four steps from home, and pictures have to serve a serious purpose.

Part 3

  • saladin: Another aspect of designing pages is to break the information into

relatively small sections.

  • interviewer: Is that just because of the size of the screen, what you can see at onetime?

  • saladin: It's partly that, but it's also to do with download time and printing. People can find they're printing forty pages of a document, most of which they don't want.

  • interviewer: Is it a big temptation to add links to similar organizations? Is there strength in that, or is there a danger in that?

  • saladin: In most cases it's a big strength. Browsers who come across your page, if they discover that your page is a very good gateway to all sorts of interesting sites, will bookmark your page because they know it's a good way to get to all the other sites. If they're coming back to it, they're exposed to your message every time. One final point: it is useful to have on the front page something brief which catches the reader, which says 'this is who we are'.

Task 11. What makes a good website? Discuss these questions.

  1. Name two kinds of people who want websites.

  2. Why is a website good for people with a lot of information to distribute?

  3. What sort of clients is a website particularly useful for?

  4. What does Saladin ask for first from client?

  5. What important point must be decided?

  6. What must the client make a clear decision about?

Task 12. Read Part 2 of the interview and complete the five design principles mentioned.

    1. There should never be…

    2. A maximum of…

    3. Don't have on one page…

    4. Don't use multimedia simply to make…

    5. Remember there are still a lot of users with…

Task 13. Read Part 3 of the interview. Decide which of these statements Saladin would agree with.

  1. Information on websites should be divided into small sections.

  1. Long sections can be a problem for users who want to print from a website.

  1. It's a bad idea to have a lot of links to other sites.

  2. You want users to bookmark your site as a way to get to other sites.

5 Your website should start with a brief piece of information to attract the reader.

Task 14. a) Put these pieces of advice about website design into two sets: A (things to do) and В (things not to do).

  1. Include graphics only to make it look nice.

  1. Divide information into small sections.

  1. Have pages with dead-ends.

  2. Have a lot of links to other sites.

  3. Have a lot of links on one page.

6 Start with a brief piece of information to attract the reader.

7 Forget about readers with less sophisticated browsers.

b) Give advice about website design using has/have to, must, and mustn't.

A: things to do

  1. Divide information into small sections.

  1. Have a lot of links to other sites.

  1. Start with a brief piece of information to attract the reader.

4 Update your page regularly.

B: things not to do

  1. Have a lot of links on one page.

  1. Include graphics only to make it look nice.

  1. Forget about readers with less sophisticated browsers.

4 Have pages with dead-ends


Exercise 1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the information below.

Допоміжне дієслово be у складі присудків, виражених дієсловами в страдательной формі, може бути замінений допоміжними дієсловами get і become. Значить, в тексті можна зустріти три різновиди пасивного стану:

be + Participle II - констатація дії, стану;

become + Participle II - становлення дії;

get + Participle II - перихід в новий стан; домогтися якоїсь дії.

Деякі способи перекладу дієслова to get:

1) одержувати, діставати - смислове дієслово;

2) ставати - дієслово-зв'язка;

3) змушувати - в обороті «додаток з інфінітивом»;

4) get не перекладається, коли є допоміжним дієсловом при утворенні пасивного стану.

1. The latter problem has started to get special attention. 2. What happens when a boxer gets knocked out in the ring? 3. To get the best out of any language, some knowledge of simulation techniques is essential. 4. As people get older they grow more set in their ways and do not welcome any innovation. 5. You cannot get blood out of a stone. 6. You cannot expect to get anything without working for it. 7. He got his proposals accepted. 8. The point of equilibrium however is tremendously influenced by the temperature. 9.The results were affected by the presence of impurities. 10. This phenomenon has been dealt with by several researchers. 11. In ethers and similar solvents the frequency was unaffected. 12. No difficulties were met at all. 13. The reaction was followed by measuring temperature. 14. The experiment will be followed by testing the end product. 15. This usage is not followed in carbohydrate chemistry. 16. Hamilton's discovery was quickly followed by other new algebras. 17. No amount of selected examples, however convincing, can be relied upon. 18. What is watched or waited for seems too long in coming. 19. As far as other compounds of this series are concerned they will be dealt with in another chapter. 20. While such special cases are rather easily dealt with the general problem is considerably more difficult. 21. The changes in water content will be accompanied by alterations in salt concentrations, and the latter are also affected by the ionic concentrations of the food ingested. 22. This problem can be approached from several points of view. 23. The congress was referred to as a most representative forum in this field.

Exercise 2. Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct it.

      1. The ability of tiny computing devices to control complex operations have transformed the way many tasks are performed.

      2. I have upgrade my computer by plugging in expansion cards.

      3. I used my new printer for printing the computer output on paper since October.

      4. Various communication services becomes available on the Internet recently.

      5. A multimedia computer has been installed in the office to process different forms of data a year ago.

      6. She uses Word and goes into clipart to make cards for her friends when she was a child.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences paying attention to infinitive constructions.

1. Today it’s common to see terminals that include telephones, PCs and larger computers. 2. To know a foreign language is necessary for the computer specialist. 3. It is important to realize that video RAM (VRAM) must meet higher performance specifications than regular RAM. 4. It is necessary to define the tasks of this program. 5. To help our comrades is our duty. 6. To solve this problem is extremely important. 7. It is important to remember that disk drives are mechanical devices. 8. To introduce a microprocessor that is not downwardly compatible with previous models is very risky. 9. To study this program requires much knowledge. 10. New computer systems have such good audio systems that it is possible to listen to music while you work, have the computer tell you when the printer needs paper, play games that include sound, or compose music on the computer. 11. To explain this simple fact is not so very easy. 12. To obtain these data is necessary for carrying out further experiments. 13. To translate the text without a dictionary is difficult. 14. To train highly qualified programmers is extremely important for the development of computer science. 15. To study this programming language requires much knowledge.


Study this extract from the interview.

I What do you intend to do next with your site?

J I'm going to update the Movie Journal section and I'd like to build in new links.

Why doesn't John say, “and I'm going to build in new links”?

Later John says,

J ... my favourite site would have to be the internet Movie Database.

Why doesn't he say, “my favourite site has to be the Internet Movie Database”?

We use would in conditional sentences. For example:

If you spilled coffee on the keyboard, you would damage it.

Often the condition is implied, not stated. For example:

(If I had time) I'd like to build in new links. (If I had to make a choice) my favourite site would have to be the Internet Movie Database.

What is the implied condition in this extract?

I would look at other sites too for good ideas.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with will or would.

    1. If you use an application program, it … help you to perform specific tasks such as wordprocessing, typing, copying.

    2. If I were you, I … plan a website carefully with a number of stages including publishing and advertising the website, analyzing its demand.

    3. If you decide to create a website, it … take you several months.

    4. If I had time, I … create a website with more stages and of a higher quality.

    5. If we studied HTML, I … create my own websites.

    6. You … certainly lose your time if you use the Internet Explorer as your browser.

    7. I … like to observe for a while before joining a new online group.

    8. How … you know if the site is effective?

    9. – Do you have any tips for others creating a website? – I … keep your site updated, I … look at lots of other sites for good ideas.

    10. I … like to build in new links.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the time links: as, when, after, once, before.

  1. … you have clicked on a hyperlink, you have to wait for the webpage to be copied to your computer.

  2. The webpage that is set to be displayed … the browser program first started is referred to as the user’s homepage.

  3. … clicking a button known as the Home button, the user can return to the homepage.

  4. The user can begin to view the video … it is completely downloaded.

  5. … sending text messages, abbreviations are used to save typing.

  6. … the website creator creates his website it is copied to a Web server computer.

  7. … the address is typed into a browser program, the browser is automatically re-directed to the actual web address.

  8. … a website has been created and published, it is important that the creator updates the webpages frequently.

Exercise 6. Choose the right variant.

1. I ______ to the news on television at nine o’clock last night.

a) was listening c) have been listening

b) listened d) had been listening

2. She ________ her work already.

a) hasn’t finished c) finished

b) has finished d) is finished

3. This time next year he ________ in the Black sea.

a) swim c) will swim

b) will be swimming d) swims

4. It _________ for three hours.

a) was snowing c) is snowing

b) snowed d) has been snowing

5. His grandfather _________ from his job a year ago.

a) has retired c) retires

b) was retiring d) retired

6. He _________ for Moscow as soon as his father _________.

a) will leave, arrive c) leave, will arrive

b) will leave, will arrive d) will leave, arrives

7. I _________ when my friend ___________.

a) slept, called c) was sleeping, called

b) was sleeping, was calling d) slept, was calling

8. Katy __________ a party on Saturday.

a) will give c) will be giving

b) is giving d) gives

9. Japan __________ up of a chain of more than one thousand islands.

a) make c) is making

b) is made d) makes

10. All tickets _________ before we got in the theatre.

a) were sold c) are sold

b) have sold d) had been sold

11. About 50 people _________ to the party yesterday.

a) were invited c) was invited

b) invite d) are invited

12. This question __________ at the meeting now.

a) is discussed c) is being discussed

b) is discussing d) has been discussed

13. A seat belt __________ even if you are sitting in the back seat.

a) must wear c) must be worn

b) wore d) must be wearing

14. I ________ her that I _________ time to play the piano.

a) told, have no c) told, did not have

b) said, did not have d) told to, hadn’t have

15. She said that Mary __________get into the flat because she ________ her key.

a) cannot, lost c) couldn’t, had lost

b) couldn’t, has lost d) can’t, lost

16. Jane told me that Africa ________ than America.

a) was nicer c) is being nicer

b) has been nicer d) is nicer

17. She told us that the weather _________ change soon.

a) would c) can

b) will d) may

18. He asked me which street I _______ in.

a) am living c) will live

b) live d) lived

19. She asked ________ back in five minutes.

a) phoning c) phone

b) to phone d) to be phoned

20. If I ________ a million pounds, I ________ it to the charity organization.

a) won, would give c) had won, would give

b) won, would have given d) had won, would have given

21. If it had been warmer, we __________ swimming.

a) might go c) could have gone

b) could go d) might have gone

22. If you don’t work, you __________ holidays next week.

a) would not have c) do not have

b) would not have had d) will not have

23. I wish I _________ taller, because I am not very tall.

a) would be c) were

b) would have been d) will be

24. I wish she _________ me last night.

a) called c) has called

b) calls d) had called

25. We ________ see the lake from our bedroom window.

a) are able c) must

b) can d) might

26. The phone rang but I didn’t hear it. I _________ have been asleep.

a) could c) must

b) may d) might

27. It was a great party last night. You _________ have come.

a) could c) must

b) should d) might

28. You _________ hungry after having such a big meal.

a) mustn’t be c) can’t be

b) don’t have to be d) shouldn’t be

29. “Do you know where the Petrovs are?” “I think they _______ to London.

a) should go c) must be going

b) could have gone d) may be going

30. I ________ to get up early tomorrow, because my train leaves at 7.30.

a) need c) must

b) have to d) might

31. My parents never let me _________ in bed.

a) reading c) to reading

b) to read d) read

  1. My father makes me _________ the piano three hours a day.

a) to play c) play

b) playing d) in playing

  1. Some parents enjoy ________ their children what to do.

a) telling c) to tell

b) in telling d) tell

  1. The child was so nice that people couldn’t help __________ at him.

a) smile c) smiling

b) to smile d) from smiling

  1. I don’t want anyone ________ me while I feel depressed.

a) see c) to see

b) seeing d) saw

  1. I’d love ________ abroad this summer.

a) going c) go

b) to go d) going to

  1. Caroline earns living _________ antiques.

a) for selling c) by selling

b) to sell d) sell

  1. When I woke up in the morning, I could hear my mother _________.

a) to cough c) coughed

b) coughing d) cough


Visit a website or home page of your choice. Make notes on what is good and bad about it. Report back to the class and make a class file of good and badly designed sites for people to visit.