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English for Telecommunications and Radio Technologies in Rail Transport.docx
2.07 Mб
  1. After reading the text above answer the following questions:

  1. Who does the satellite services sector provide services to?

  2. What do telecommunication services include?

  3. What do broadcasting services include?

  4. What do DTH services include?

  5. Who is one of the largest customers of satellite services?

  6. What are data communications?

  7. What competitors do satellites have?

  8. What does the word “teleport” mean?

  1. Match the words with their definitions:



1. satellite

a.a serious or dangerous situation that needs immediate action

2. orbit

b. a computer that is small enough to be carried around and used where you are sitting


c. relating to the Earth, not space

4.to broadcast

d. a piece of equipment that is sent into space around the Earth to receive and send signals or to collect information

5.satellite television

e. an opinion from someone about something that you have done or made


f. to send out a programme on television or radio


g. television programmes that are broadcast using a satellite


h. the circular journey that a spacecraft or planet makes around the sun, the moon, or another planet

  1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box:

satellite broadcaster data communication cellular network affiliate land-based network emergency

  1. These other parts are sent directly to the foreign … in country.

  2. Such systems should also clearly indicate the emergency exits and the direction of the closest … exit.

  3. The national … Doordarshan covered about 85 per cent of the Indian population with INSAT satellites.

  4. No mines can be detected effectively by any but … systems.

  5. It had also broadcast distance-learning courses via … to more than 3,000 schools nationwide.

  6. It concerns the security of … and telecommunications service providers.

  7. The communications network used is a  … , and the telephone apparatus used is a mobile telephone apparatus (MTA).

  8. Telecom Division includes television broadcasting, business television,  …  services and news gathering.

  1. Translate the following words and word combinations into English:

Спутниковые технологии; вещательные компании; передача данных; домашнее хозяйство; спутниковое телевидение; сетевое программирование; филиал; ноутбук; обмен данными; чрезвычайные ситуации; наземные службы связи; геостационарная орбита; наземная система.

Grammar Focus – numerals (2)

Percentages (проценты) в английском языке обозначаются словом percent (процент). После числительных слово percent никогда не принимает окончание множественного числа -s, так как с французского языка это слово дословно переводится как «из сотни», «на сотню».


five percent


thirty-six point two five percent


twenty-five percent


one hundred percent

Years (годы). При чтении обозначения года называют два двузначных числа, соответствующих двум первым и двум последним цифрам обозначения.

NB: BC – Before Christ – до Рождества Христова, до нашей эры.

AD – Anno Domini – после Рождества Христова, наша эра.


sixteen twelve


two thousand (and) five


nineteen sixty


twenty fourteen/ two thousand fourteen


nineteen hundred


twenty twenty


eighteen o [ou] five

46 AD

forty-six AD


two thousand

3000 BC

three thousand BC

Money (деньги). Для счета денег в английском языке сначала произносится число, а потом название валюты. Если число состоит из десятичной дроби, то произносится целая часть, название валюты, после которой десятичная часть (копейки) произносится как обычное число. В конце может добавляться название монеты, если оно существует.


two dollars

  • ₱2500

two thousand five hundred rubles


fourteen euros ninety-nine (cents, euro cents)


forty-three dollars and twenty-five cents (shortened to "forty-three twenty-five" in everyday speech)


two hundred and four pounds


Twelve euros sixty-six

Other ways:


Three point zero four plus two point zero two makes five point zero six.

There is a 0% chance of rain.

There is a zero percent chance of rain.

The temperature is -20ºC.

The temperature is twenty degrees below zero.

+10º С.

Plus 10 degrees Celsius/centigrade./10 degrees abovezero.

-10º F.

Minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit. /10 degrees Fahrenheit below zero.

  • 20 х 2 = 40

Twenty multiplied by two is/ equals/ make forty.

  • 30 : 6 = 5 

Thirty divided by six is/ equals/ makes five.