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Maglev Trains.ppt
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Maglev Trains

Trains that fly on air.

Presentation Outline

How Transrapid works.

Application information about Transrapid magnetic lift trains.

Transrapid magnetic lift projects.

How Chuo Shinkansen works.

Application information about Chuo Shinkansen works.


How Transrapid Works

Support System

•The electromagnets on the underside of the train pull it up to the ferromagnetic stators on the track and levitate the train.

•The magnets on the side keep the train from moving from side to side.

•A computer changes the amount of current to keep the train 1 cm from the track.

This means there is no friction between the train and the track!

Levitation System’s Power Supply

Batteries on the train power the system, and therefore it still functions without propulsion.

The batteries can levitate the train for 30 minutes without any additional energy.

Linear generators in the magnets on board the train use the motion of the train to recharge the batteries.

Levitation system uses less power than the trains air conditioning.

Propulsion System

•The system consists of aluminum three-phase cable windings in the stator packs that are on the guideway

•When a current is supplied to the windings, it creates a traveling alternating current that propels the train forward by pushing and pulling.

•When the alternating current is reversed, the train brakes.

•Different speeds are achieved by varying the intensity of the current.

•Only the section of track where the train is traveling is electrified.


Application Information


•The trains are virtually impossible to derail because the train is wrapped around the track.

•Collisions between trains are unlikely because computers are controlling the trains movements.


• There is very little maintenance because there is no contact between the parts.


•The ride is smooth while not accelerating..

Economic Efficency

•The initial investment is similar to other high speed rail roads. (Maglift is $20-$40 million per mile and I-279 in Pittsburg cost $37 million per mile 17 years ago.)

•Operating expenses are half of that of other railroads.

•A train is composed of sections that each contain 100 seats, and a train can have between 2 and 10 sections.

•The linear generators produce electricity for the cabin of the train.


•The train can travel at about 300 mph. (Acela can only go 150 mph)

•For trips of distances up to 500 miles its total travel time is equal to a planes (including check in time and travel to airport.)

•It can accelerate to 200 mph in 3 miles, so it is ideal for short jumps. (ICE needs 20 miles to reach 200 mph.)


•It uses less energy than existing transportation systems. For every seat on a 300 km trip with 3 stops, the gasoline used per 100 miles varies with the speed. At 200 km/h it is 1 liter, at 300 km/h it is 1.5 liters and at 400 km/h it is 2 liters. This is 1/3 the energy used by cars and 1/5 the energy used by jets per mile.

•The tracks have less impact on the environment because the elevated models (50ft in the air) allows all animals to pass, low models ( 5-10 ft) allow small animals to pass, they use less land than conventional trains, and they can follow the landscape better than regular trains since it can climb 10% gradients (while other trains can only climb 4 gradients) and can handle tighter turns.

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