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Жандаренко та ін. Контр.роб. з англійської мови...doc
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III. Перекладіть наступні речення на англійську мову.

1. У мого товариша добра двукімнатна квартира.

2. У вашій квартрі кімнати великі і світлі?

3. У вітальні стоїть стіл, чотири стула, але нема дивану.

4. Праворуч знаходиться книжкова шафа.

5. У лівому куті – телевізор і крісло.

IV. Вставте і підкресліть необхідні присвійні займенники.

Приклад: (She) Her sister is twenty-five.

  1. These are ... parents (he).

  2. I've got ... watch (I).

  3. Do you like ... new house (she)?

  4. Who's got ... money (we)?

  5. They don't like ... teacher (we).

  6. Betty has a temperature. Give ... some pills (she).

  1. Підкресліть модальні дієслова. Перекладіть на українську мову, звертаючі увагу на модальні дієслова.

  1. He can speak many foreign languages.

  2. You mustn't park the car here.

  3. Drivers may go at 60 km per hour here.

  4. Can he speak English?

  5. You may not open the window.It’s cold.

  6. May I take your book?

VI. Поставте речення у питальній і заперечній формах.

Приклад: Children start school at 6.

Do children start school at 6?

Children don't start school at 6.

  1. My mother always cooks breakfast.

  2. She came home at 9 last night.

VII. Вставте слова "much, little, many, few, a little, a few".

1. Have you ... work to do today? - No, not very ...

2. Walk quicker, please. We have very ... time.

3. There are very ... people who don't know that the Earth is round.

4. Let's stay here ... longer - it's such a nice place.

5. There were ... new words in the text. We learned them at the lesson.

  1. Вставте неозначені займенники “some”, “any”.

1. Has she ..... nephews or nieces? - She has ...... nephews.

2. … students like to translate English texts.

3. Are there … pencils on the desk?

4. Don’t buy … milk.

5. Can you give me … books to read?

IX. Розкрийте дужки, використавши дієслова у Present Continuous or Present Indefinite. Підкресліть дієслова і вкажіть їх форми часу. Використовуйте тільки один час у кожному параграфі.

1. Take/enjoy/organize/dance/not work.

In most of the towns and villages near Alicante, there are festivals every summer. In our village it _____ place at the beginning of July, and it goes on for nine days. We _____ cooking competitions, games for children, and everyone ____ in the street. I really ____ it, and, of course, I _____ when the festival is on.

2. Try/write/buy/wait/call.

No, I'm not in Malaga. I _____ from Gatwick. We are still in the airport. Can you believe it? There's a problem with one of the engines. The engineers _____ to repair it now. I _____ in the department lounge with my children. No, sorry, they're not here. John _____ some things in the duty-free shop, and Ann _____ some letters in the cafe. I'll phone when we get to Malaga.

X. Заповніть пропуски дієсловами у Simple Past або у Past Continuous.

  1. I ... very hard last night. I ... last night when you phoned me. (to work)

  2. I could feel how his eyes ... my boots. I ... at him and saw a lot of grey hairs. (to look)

  3. Once when I ... the little street I came to the shop. I ... the square and turned to the right. ( to pass)

  4. The shoemaker ... over his boots day and night. He came into the room and ...down on the sofa . (to sit).