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Жандаренко та ін. Контр.роб. з англійської мови...doc
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VII. Вкажіть типи умовних речень. Перекладіть ці речення.

  1. She’ll call you if she has time.

  2. If he drove more carefully, he wouldn’t have so many accidents.

  3. If your sister got up earlier, she’d get to work on time.

  4. If I had any money, I’d give you some.

  5. I wouldn’t have hired a car if I had known how expensive it was.

  6. I would have stayed longer if she had wanted me to.

  7. I would have visited you in hospital if I had known you were there.

VIII. Перефразуйте дані речення, використовуючи умовний спосіб.

Приклад: I don't know many people (and I'd like to).

I wish I knew more people.

  1. I can't give up smoking (but I'd like to). I wish … .

  2. I am not lying on a beautiful sunny beach (and that's a pity). I wish … .

  3. George isn't here (and I need him). I wish George … .

  4. It's cold (and I hate cold weather). I wish … .

  5. I live in Bristol (and I hate Bristol). I wish … .

IX. Перекладіть речення на англійську мову, використовуючи умовні речення (Conditionals).

  1. Ми обговоримо контрольну роботу після того, як напишемо її.

  2. Якщо Том приїде до Мінська, я покажу йому передмістя.

  3. Якби погода була гарна, ми б пішли на риболовлю.

  4. Ти не працював старанно. Якби ти працював старанно, ти б досяг успіху.

X. Прочитайте текст.

The Gentleman.

It was ten in the evening when Mr.Smith left his seat in the hotel bar and took the lift to his bedroom. He did not turn on the light in his room as this would attract the insects from outside. He stepped onto the balcony for a breath of fresh air.

Suddenly he heard a noise, the light went on, and somebody came in. Mr.Smith quickly hid behind the window curtains. If there were a thief in his room, he would soon get a surprise. Then Mr.Smith saw a tall woman of about forty in front of the mirror with a brush and comb in her hand. Mr.Smith noticed something else: the luggage in the room was not his.

He was in the wrong room. What could he do? If he stepped into the room, the woman would think all sorts of things. She’d shout and cause a painful situation. If, on the other hand, he stayed on the balcony, he would have to cough as he had a bad cold already. She would hear him, anyhow.

Like a soldier before the battle Mr.Smith took his courage in both hands and entered the room. “Excuse me, madam,” he began. “If you allow me, I’ll explain.”

“What are you doing in my room?” cried the woman and rushed to the door.

If Mr.Smith did not act quickly, there would be a scandal. “I’m a gentleman, madam,” he shouted in despair.

The word ‘gentleman’ had an immediate effect on the lady. She stopped on her flight to the door and said, “If you are a gentleman, what do you want here?”

“Nothing, madam, upon my honour. I’ve mistaken your room for mine.”

“If this improbable story is true, you’ll leave my room at once,” said the woman and pointed to the door.

“I’m awfully sorry,” said Mr.Smith and bowed.

“If you are, sir, you won’t stay another moment,” said the woman and pushed Mr.Smith into the passage.

The next morning the maid brought a beautiful bunch of flowers to the lady’s room. With the flowers there was a card: “May a gentleman invite a lady to lunch?”

Завдання до тексту:

  1. Випишіть із тексту умовні речення і визначте їх тип.

  2. Поставте до тексту питання всіх типів.

  3. Перекладіть текст.

  4. Дайте відповіді на питання:

1) Why didn't Mr.Smith turn on the light?

2) Why did Mr.Smith hide behind the window curtains?

3) Whom did he see in the room?

4) What could he do?

5) Who sent a beautiful bunch of flowers to the lady?