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Жандаренко та ін. Контр.роб. з англійської мови...doc
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IX. Підкресліть дієприкметник, перекладіть речення.

  1. The girl typing a letter is my sister.

  2. The boy showing the way to the office was the manager’s son.

  3. Thinking that I have forgotten the key I ran home.

  4. Speaking English well he could help me.

  5. She showed us her article translated into English.

  6. He saw a broken glass on the floor.

  7. Travelling about Italy he saw many beautiful places.

X. Вживайте слова, дані в дужках, в формі Participle I або Participle II.

  1. The book (взята) from the library contained much interesting material for his report.

  2. The umbrella (забутий) in the park was bought by his mother for his birthday.

  3. The question (обговорюваний) at the meeting was important.

  4. Read the exercise (виконане) by you at home.

  5. (Прогулюючись) along the street he stopped at the newsstand and bought some newspapers.

XI. Прокоментуйте наступні дії, використовуючи модальні дієслова should, shouldn’t або needn’t.

Приклад: A boy was impolite to a girl and did not apologize.

You should have apologized to the girl.

What will you say to the person who:

  1. bought bread which was not necessary?

  2. was not present at the meeting?

  3. sent a telegram which was quite unnecessary?

  4. went out without his coat and caught cold?

  5. apologized for asking you a question?

XII. Прочитайте текст і перекладіть його письмово з англійської мови на українську.

There’ll Be a Rise for You.

Life was beginning to get Linda down. London sometimes seemed intolerably noisy and dirty. At times she felt very lonely. But now there was something worse. There were rumours going about that the firm was in financial trouble, and would have to cut down on staff. Linda knew that she had been one of the last to come. On Friday she was told that Mr.Wilson wanted to see her. Her heart sank. People always got the sack just before the weekend.

Mr.Wilson looked uncomfortable. He said he had meant to tell her something earlier but had forgotten. Linda almost broke down. She went very pale. She could feel her heart thumping. Wilson asked her if she was all right. She bore up somehow and asked him to go on. Then he said that the department had certain difficulties and that he would like to explain them to her. She waited for the blow to come.

“We’re expanding the department; taking on new staff. But there’s a shortage of space. I wonder if you’d mind sharing your office with two new reporters. It’s only temporary,” he said. Linda was so relieved she hardly knew what to say. Then Mr.Wilson mentioned that he would like to put her in charge of training the new reporters. “There’ll be a rise for you, of course,” he added.

Завдання до тексту:

  1. Випишить із тексту дієслова і визначте їх час.

  2. Напишить 3 форми неправильних дієслів.

  3. Поставте до тексту питання всіх типів в пасивному стані.

  4. Дайте відповідь на питання:

  1. Which things were getting Linda down?

  2. What were the rumours?

  3. Why did she think she would get the sack?

  4. Why did her heart sink that Friday?

  5. How did the interview begin?

  6. What were Linda’s feelings?

  7. What exactly was in what Wilson said that made her feel relieved?