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4. Translate into English using the Infinitive as a Subject or a Predicative.

  1. Принимать его серьезно было бы абсурдом.

  2. Его главной целью сегодня утром было добраться до станции.

  3. Самое малое, что мы можем сделать – это постараться понять его.

  4. Работа репортера состоит в том, чтобы освещать и записывать.

  5. Все, что мы можем сделать – это придерживаться нашей позиции.

  6. Если он останется жив, его первое действие будет – уйти от них навсегда.

  7. Единственной заинтересованностью больших компаний в фермерах было выжать из них максимальные выгоды.

  8. Очень трудно заставить его рисковать.

  9. Менеджеру очень важно понимать экономические законы.

  10. Одна из экономических функций центрального банка – выпускать деньги.

  11. Обязанность руководителя заключается в том, чтобы оценить, насколько хорошо достигаются цели компании.

  12. Первый шаг, который нужно сделать – это заключить торговые отношения с другими странами.

5. Make one sentence out of two using the Infinitive as an Attribute. The first one has been done for you.

  1. He wanted to express his ideas. His effort was great.

His effort to express his ideas was great.

  1. He wanted to try everything he possessed. This was the chance.

  2. He wanted to run down the stairs. He had an impulse to do it.

  3. The man's desire was to help him. He was touched by this desire.

  4. I want to eat. Do you have anything?

  5. I must stay anywhere. But I can't find where.

  6. We stopped such tests. We were the first who did it.

  7. Andrew went in for interview. He was the third.

  8. The film star Ann Burn plays this part on the London stage. She is the 34th actress who has played it.

  9. He wasn't an easy man. It was difficult to make friends with him.

6. Read and then retell the dialogue in pairs.

Norman is a sales representative. He is going to Spain on business.

His Mum helps him pack his suitcase.


  • Norman, haven't you finished packing yet?


  • No, Mum. But there isn't much to do.


  • Well, I'll help you. Is there anywhere to put your toilet bag?


  • Yes, it'll go in here. Now, I've got three more shirts to pack.And there is another pair of shoes to get in


  • I'll put them down the side. And where is the air-line label to put on the suitcase? Ah, here it is. Have you got the key to lock the case?


  • It's in the lock. Don't fuss, Mum.There is nothing to worry about.


  • And have you got a safe pocket to keep your passport in?


  • Yes. It's in my inside jacket pocket.


  • Have you got a book to read on the plane?


  • Yes, it's in my briefcase.

7. Use the correct form of the Infinitive as an Attribute.

  1. Miss Williams watched him as he bent over the small task, admiring his ability ...... (concentrate)

  2. Knowledge is not something ..... about. (boast)

  3. He was a man ..... (watch)

  4. I'm so proud to be the first ..... you here. (welcome)

  5. There is nothing ..... by pretending. (gain)

  6. We are different kinds of people, and there is nothing more ..... . (say)

  7. I'm not the one ..... of what doesn't concern me. (talk)

  8. We've never had a chance ..... together and ..... our plans. (get, outline)

  9. For a moment I had a fierce longing ..... wine. (drink)

  10. He was an Englishman ..... the unfortunate experience. (have)

  11. They are one of the four teams ..... more than 2,000 points in First Division Soccer. (score)

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