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9. Write sentences as in the model.

  1. You went to bed late and didn’t wake up in time for work.

  2. You want to go to safari park with Michael, but you’re afraid of lions.

  3. You would like to write a letter to Fred but you don’t have his address.

  4. You went skiing and broke your leg.

  5. You didn’t go to the concert because you didn’t know about it.

  6. You have to stay in bed because you’ve got the flu.

  7. You are lost in London because you don’t have a map.

10. Complete the dialogue by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Roger: Where’s your key?

Diana: What do you mean? You’ve got a key, haven’t you?

Roger: (1) If I ___ (get) mine, I ___ (not need) yours, would I?

Diana: No, I haven’t got mine.

Roger: But I told you to bring it.

Diana: No, you didn’t.

Roger: Yes, I did. (2) If you ___ (listen), you ___ (hear) me.

Diana: Well, I don’t remember you telling me. Anyway, I couldn’t find it.

Roger: You mean, you’ve lost it again?

Diana: Not really. It’s at home somewhere. (3) I ___ (have) time to look for if we ___ (not leave) in such a hurry.

Roger: That’s not the point. (4) If you ___ (be) more organized, you ___ (not keep on) losing it in the first place!

Diana: That’s not fair. I don’t keep on losing it. Anyway, what are you going to do now? We haven’t got a key.

Roger: I don’t know. I suppose we’ll have to break a window.

Diana: You can’t do that! (5) If the neighbours ___ (hear) you, they ___ (think) we’re burglars!

Roger: All right then! There’s a small window open in the bathroom. (6) If you ___ (stand) on my shoulders, you ___ (be) able to reach and then you can climb in.

Diana: I’m not going to stand on your shoulders. I might fall off!

Roger: Don’t be silly! (7) If I ___ (hold) your legs, you ___ (be) quite safe.

Diana: I still don’t like it!

Roger: Look! (8) I ___ (climb) in myself, if I ___ (can) get through the window, but I can’t. I’m too big. You’ll have to do it.

Diana: (9) But if someone ___ (see) me, they ___ (call) the police!

Roger: For goodness sake! (10) It ___ (make) things a lot easier if you ___ (not worry) about other people! Now, are you ready?

Diana: O.K.

Roger: All right?

Diana: (11) If you ___ (move) a bit closer, I ___ (be) able to reach. Oh! Not so fast! Roger! Oh!!

Roger: Now look what you’ve done! You’ve put your foot through the window!

Diana: Roger! There’s something I’ve got to tell you!

Roger: Honestly, can’t you do anything right? (12) If you ___ (not be) so careless, you ___ (not break) it!

Diana: Roger, listen! I hate to tell you, but this isn’t our house!

11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Norma isn’t happy with her life. If she (1) ___ (listen) to her mother’s advice, she (2) ___ (stay) at school and gone on to University. She (3) ____ (can/find) a good job if she had got a degree. Norma hates the job she is doing now. She thinks she (4) ___ (go) crazy if she (5) ___ (stay) there much longer. If she (6) ___ (be) offered another job, she would take immediately. In fact, she (7) ___ (leave) if she (8) ___ (can) afford to, but she can’t. Life (9) ___ (be) easier if she (10) ___ (not/have) two children to support.

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