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4. Change the following sentences, making them opposite in meaning.

  1. She must have understood that rule, the exercise is done well. - She must have failed to understand that rule, the exercise is done in the wrong way. or She must have misunderstood…

  2. Everybody must have noticed that he was not used to speaking in public.

  3. He must have written to them of his arrival in due time.

  4. She must have bolted the door forgetting that I was to come later.

  5. He must have a fair chance of winning, he is in good form.

  6. The man must have understood me, so he nodded his head.

5. Fill in the gaps using the modal verbs may or must with the proper infinitive.

  1. There are a lot of photographers at the airport today. They must (be) expecting someone famous to arrive.

  2. It … (be) a film star who’s come to the film festival.

  3. Oh, look! Those three men they are enormous. They … (be) over two meters tall.

  4. They … (be) basketball players. Our team has signed a contract with some new American players. It … be them.

  5. They are so big! They … (have) a very uncomfortable flight.

6. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Анна, должно быть, заболела, иначе, она была бы уже в театре, она никогда не приходит в последний момент.

  2. ‘Где Павел?’ ~ ‘Не знаю, возможно, пошел на концерт’. ~ ‘Ну, это не очень любезно с его стороны: он мог бы взять билет и для меня’.

  3. Никого сюда не впускать! Понятно!

  4. Детей надо учить плавать как можно раньше.

  5. Мы должны пойти домой до того как стемнеет.

  6. Прекрати шуметь, уже поздно!

  7. Тебе нельзя есть мороженое – у тебя больное горло.

  8. Хватит рыдать! Слезами горю не поможешь.

  9. Мы обязательно должны встретиться и обсудить все тонкости этого дела.

  10. Уж он непременно должен быть в курсе всех событий!

  11. Иностранец, очевидно, неправильно произнес название этого кушанья, и официант принес ему совсем другое.

  12. Вы, должно быть, не в курсе дела, план какой программы изменился?

  13. Вам, наверное, ничего об этом не сказали. Иначе вы бы пришли ранее.

  14. Она, наверное, все знала, но не хотела меня расстраивать.

  15. Очевидно, она сердита на вас, поэтому она не звонит и не заходит.

  16. Он, наверняка, не знает о вашем отъезде, а то бы пришел вас проводить.

Unit 5 N e e d

1. Need can be used both as an ordinary verb in the meaning ‘require, be in need’ (Everyone needs to rest sometimes. Do we need to reserve seats? We will need to repair our house. He did not need to be told twice. If we want to pass our exams we will need to work hard) and as a modal auxiliary verb expressing immediate necessity and obligation. (We needn’t reserve seats – there will be plenty of room.).

2. As a modal verb need has only one tense – the Present, and the same form is used for all persons.

The modal verb need is mostly used in negative sentences where need not expresses lack of necessity: You needn’t go there and interrogative sentences: Need you go? where a negative answer is often expected: Need you leave so soon? (≈ surely not / I hope not). These questions can be answered with must or needn’t: Need I type this letter again? ~ Yes, you must. / No, you needn’t. I needn’t go to the dentist.

N eed also occurs in combination with negative–type adverbs like hardly, never, seldom, rarely, scarcely: She need never know what you have just told me.

Need not + Perfect Infinitive is served to say that something was done unnecessary: You needn’t have told him about my plans.

Need + …ing means ‘to require’: Your hair needs cutting. The windows need washing.

NOTE: Need is not used to talk about habitual, general necessity.

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