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Review exercises

1. a-11, b-5, c-14, d-7, e-10, f-12, g-13, h-15, i-2, j-6, k-3, l-8, m-1, n-4, o-16, p-9.

2. 1) He wanted to know when the next bus left and added (that) he needed to get to the station on time.

  1. She told him not to go swimming in the lake explaining that the water was filthy.

  2. She suggested going/(that) they should go shopping the following day because the sales had started.

  3. The teacher ordered the pupils to stand up since the headmaster was coming.

  4. She begged him not to take her ring as it was a present.

  5. Mother wanted to know where Martin had been as it was very late.

  6. He offered to cook the dinner for her as she looked very tired.

  7. She asked him to stop making noise explaining that she couldn’t concentrate.

  8. She admitted (to) breaking/having broken/that she had broken his vase while she had been cleaning the shelf.

  9. He asked if/whether he could use the car explaining that he needed to run some errands.

  10. He apologised for being late. He said that his car wouldn’t start.

  11. She told him not to tease his sister because it made her unhappy.

  12. He invited her to come to the party and added that everyone would love to see her.

  13. He claimed that Rob had broken the window while he had been kicking the football.

  14. The boss asked Jane to give him the latest reports that he needed badly.

  15. Karen advised Anthony to apply for a job adding that it was really good.

  16. He complained that he had lost his passport and asked what he should do.

  17. Mum reminded me to buy some milk since we had run out of it.

  18. She forbade me to stay out late.

  19. The old man complained that no one ever came to see him adding that it made him feel lonely.


1) Frank claimed that he hadn’t stolen the car.

  1. She asked if/whether she might have a piece of pie.

  2. He agreed to tell him about the accident.

  3. The boss insisted on having/that he should have the report by the next day.

  4. Jim begged his mother to let him go to the party.

  5. Ted promised his father not to be/that he wouldn’t be naughty again.

  6. The sergeant commanded the soldier to stand up straight.

  7. He admitted (to) robbing/having robbed/that he had robbed the bank.

  8. She explained that she hadn’t come to work because she had been ill.

  9. He suggested playing/that they (should) play chess.

  10. He apologised for forgetting to phone her.

  11. She reminded him to go to the bank.

  12. She advised her to relax more.

  13. She complained that Mark was always shouting at her.

  14. He admitted that it was a nice dress.

  15. He offered Tracy to carry her bag.

  16. Bill refused to do Graham’s homework.

  17. She accused her friend of scratching/having scratched her record.

  18. The salesman threatened to phone/that he would phone the police if he didn’t leave immediately.

  19. She agreed to lend Tom her car.

  20. He admitted (to) killing/having killed/that he had killed his wife.

  21. She promised to phone/that she would phone me as soon as she arrived.

  22. She admitted that she was beautiful.

  23. She refused to marry John.

  24. He threatened to shoot/that he would shoot the prisoner if he tried to escape.

  25. He suggested having/ that they (should) have chicken for dinner.

  26. She insisted that Mr Harrison should sign the contract.

  27. He threatened to punish/that he would punish the boy if he did it again.

  28. She offered to show me how to use that computer.

  29. He admitted that it was a good idea.

4. 1) answered 2) did 3) wanted to know 4) to know 5) could 6) give 7) could 8) added 9) would be/was 10) to go 11) ask/to ask 12) to come 13) speak/to speak 14) would wait 15) didn’t come 16) wasn’t 17) hadn’t asked 18) hadn’t done 19) answered 20) had told 21) wanted 22) explained 23) had told

5. 1) to 2) being 3) so 4) to 5) to 6) if 7) that 8) do 9) that 10) on

6. 1) they 2) that/if/whether 3) she 4) to 5) didn’t 6) had 7) wouldn’t/didn’t 8) if/whether 9) wanted/needed/had 10) next/following/same

7. “Why did you do it?” “You are obviously guilty.” “Look at me when I’m speaking to you.” “Are you sorry for what you have done?” “The bank manager is still in hospital.” “You will go to prison for a long time for this crime.” “Do you have anything to say in your defense?” “Take him away.”

8. 1) told 2) are/were 3) me 4) is/was 5) leave/left 6) advised 7) not to make 8) said 9) went 10) (had) recently checked out 11) (had) objected 12) was 13) was leaving 14) told 15) said/protested, etc. 16) said/pointed out, etc. 17) was/is

9. 1) what to do/what they should do 2) advised them to shovel 3) told them not to leave 4) how to get rid/how we should get rid 5) what to do/what we should do

10. 1-d, 2-e, 3-g, 4-b, 5-i, 6-h, 7-a, 8-f, 9-j, 10-c.


1) She threatened to leave/that she would leave if he did it again.

  1. She announced that she was going to read out the results.

  2. He asked the waiter to bring the wine list.

  3. The waiter answered that he would bring it right away.

  4. He boasted that their team would beat ours.

  5. She begged them to give her another chance.

  6. She whispered that the baby was sleeping.

  7. She claimed that she was innocent of all the charges.

  8. He explained that first of all I should press the button.

  9. She shouted to us that the water was deep.

12. 1) miss 2) had cost 3) had enjoyed 4) go 5) make 6) had sent 7) was snowing 8) had 9) had bought 10) were planning 11) would give 12) would love 13) would think

13. 1) She suggested going/that we (should) go for a walk.

  1. The accused claimed that he hadn’t been anywhere near the scene of the crime.

  2. My friend said (that) they had lived in Chicago two years before and explained that his father had worked there.

  3. She explained that the swallows returned every spring and flew past her window.

  4. He asked his son to answer the phone because he was having a shower.

  5. The boy insisted that he had given him his homework the week before.

  6. Billy asked if/whether his dad could go and pick him up from school that day.

  7. He advised his friend not to drink so much.

  8. Joan said (that) she wouldn’t help him as he hadn’t helped her. Joan refused to help him explaining that he hadn’t helped her.

  9. He said (that) he would bring it back the following day. He promised to bring it back the following day.

14. 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-c, 5-a, 6-b, 7-b, 8-d, 9-b, 10-d, 11-a, 12-c, 13-a, 14-b, 15-b, 16-c, 17-a, 18-c, 19-d.


2) promised to send

  1. threatened not to talk

  2. invited us

  3. exclaimed that it was

  4. apologised for being

  5. insisted on my staying

  6. refused to give Sue

  7. suggested looking

  8. denied taking

  9. reminded me to switch

  10. admitted (to) reading/having read/that she had read

  11. accused Phil of drinking/having drunk

  12. suggested (that) we should

  13. agreed to stay

  14. ordered the man to drop

  15. why I was making

  16. offered to give me

  17. claimed to have seen/that she had seen

  18. whether I could lend


1) He boasted that he could speak four languages fluently.

  1. He suggested going/that we (should) go to the exhibition of modern art that day.

  2. She advised him not to take up wind-surfing at his age.

  3. The man claimed that the computer I was using was his property.

  4. The boy admitted (to) breaking/having broken/that he had broken the windows with the ball.

  5. The man threatened to make/that he would make the boy stay in after school if he caught him cheating again.

  6. A young man whispered that he would always love her.

  7. He warned the thieves that the police had already thrown a cordon round the bank and that all the means of escape had been cut off.

  8. The student muttered that the professor didn’t know what he was talking about.

  9. She exclaimed that it was a great surprise to meet him (t)here that day.

  10. He agreed that if everything went on like that they couldn’t go.

  11. She insisted on my/me coming/that I should come the next day if I couldn’t stay with them any longer that day.

17. 1) said 2) tell 3) say 4) said 5) told 6) said 7) tells 8) tell,say 9) told 10) tell

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