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Entry test

Unit 1

1) didn’t know 2) knew 3) moves 4) were travelling 5) had got 6) will be put off 7) was 8) would mature 9) would travel 10) would be still working up

Unit 3

  1. Tessa said (that) there is/was too much violence on TV.

  2. He said to her (that) if the taxi-driver arrived late she would miss her flight.

  3. Sam said (that) he would travel abroad if he had enough money.

  4. Mrs Brown said to her husband (that) she had been shopping and added that she had bought him a pair of nice shoes.

  5. He said to her (that) he had eaten nothing for two days and was dying of hunger.

  6. She said (that) the Earth is a planet.

  7. He told the reporters (that) he had been training hard recently.

  8. She complained that while the workers had been repairing the roof, they had broken the bathroom window.

  9. Jim said (that) he thought he had failed the Intelligence Test.

  10. He complained that Sarah never listened to him.

  11. Olivia said (that) they were the boys who had chased her.

  12. She said (that) she had been waiting for a long time.

  13. They said (that) they had come by car.

  14. Margaret said (that) she had finished the letters you had asked her to write.

  15. She said to her husband (that) her money had run out.

  16. He said to her (that) he had been waiting for her in the hall.

  17. He said to me today (that) he is/was going to Lancaster in May.

  18. She said to him (that) she had gone to a bullfight during her stay in Spain.

  19. He said (that) he tried to avoid working overtime.

  20. She said to him (that) the baby would probably be walking and talking by the next time he came.

  21. She said to him (that) she was going to tell the whole story to the police.

  22. He said (that) he had bought a present for her.

  23. He said (that) his friend collects/collected unusual ashtrays.

  24. She said to me (that) we would get on well together.

  25. Martin said (that) it had been a wonderful party.

Unit 3

    1. He inquired if/whether I had ever been to Europe.

    2. He asked her how long she was planning to stay in Britain.

    3. He asked how much money I had brought for my stay.

    4. She asked me who had paid the bill.

    5. She inquired if/whether I had heard the news on the radio.

    6. She asked him which countries John would be visiting.

    7. She asked him where John’s sister worked.

    8. She wanted to know if/whether we would be coming to the concert or not.

    9. He asked her why those old men were singing.

    10. He requested what had made her smile.

    11. He asked what she had been holding in her left hand.

    12. She asked her what her husband was interested in.

    13. He asked if/whether I liked the boy that was talking to Julia.

    14. She asked him if/whether Bill had shown the kitchen plans to him yet.

    15. He asked me what I was doing those days.

    16. He asked how long we had both been living (t)here.

    17. He asked him who had left the bag (t)here.

    18. He asked her what she would be doing that time the next day.

    19. She asked the teacher when they would know the exam results.

    20. He asked where I got my daily paper.

    21. He wondered what made a noise like that.

    22. He asked if/whether we had had a long argument on that point.

    23. She asks which newspaper carried the article.

    24. She asked him if/whether the boys had looked smart in their school uniforms.

    25. He asked if/whether I liked Chinese food.

Unit 4

      1. They offered to pay for the damage.

      2. Mum reminded me to do the washing-up.

      3. He proposed to send some money to David.

      4. He promised to finish/that he would finish the work by the end of the week.

      5. He asked if/whether he could speak to the manager.

      6. She advised her not to throw old wine away as/because she could always use it for cooking.

      7. She advised to warm the tea-leaves before they used them to make tea taste better.

      8. She advised him to phone the police.

      9. The professor asked the student to go and see him after the lecture.

      10. Laura insisted on having a rest.

      11. Paul agreed not to talk about tennis.

      12. Clara invited us to have a drink.

      13. He wanted to know if/whether to talk/he should talk to him.

      14. He suggested going/ (that) they (should) go to the mountains the following weekend.

      15. She begged him not to tell mother.

      16. Frank accused Ann of lying/having lied to him.

      17. He forbade Jim to offer a cigar to Al.

      18. She asked him to pass the spinach.

      19. Dad threatened to punish/that he would punish the boy if he behaved badly.

      20. Steve apologised for forgetting to call me.

      21. Martin boasted about/of being the best volleyball player in the school.

      22. She warned him to drive carefully.

      23. She admitted (to) taking/having taken/that she had taken the documents.

      24. She offered to help me with the cooking.

      25. He commanded the soldiers to stand to attention.

Unit 5

  1. She said (that) we should do as we were told.

  2. He wanted to know how he should have answered.

  3. She told him (that) they could/would be able to meet the following week.

  4. She said to them (that) she might call them.

  5. He asked them how he should start the investigation.

  6. He offered to carry the bag.

  7. She told him (that) he had to be back at ten sharp.

  8. She said (that) he must be a liar.

  9. He said (that) I needn’t/didn’t need to/didn’t have to feed the dog as he had already done that.

  10. She said (that) I had better phone him.

  11. He said (that) he could run very fast when he was a boy.

  12. He told her (that) she might leave early.

  13. She said (that) one day she would be able to afford a car.

  14. He said (that) I ought to send them a letter of apology.

  15. He asked her if/whether she had to walk all the way home.

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