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1. Comment on the meaning of have to and have got to. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. Bill saw me and I had to tell him what had happened. (necessity due to some circumstances)

  2. Something – he didn’t know what – had to be done at once.

  3. I will have to go home and get some things from the laboratory.

  4. He is almost giddy with anger, and has to steady himself on the chair.

  5. He may have to go to Monte Carlo with his father.

  6. I had to fight my tears back while listening to his stories.

  7. Things that were dangerous had to be destroyed.

  8. She will have to see that doctor.

  9. You have got to think about me now.

  10. What you have got to do is to destroy the thing that is upstairs.

2. Use a construction with the modal verb have to in place of the words in italics.

  1. It will be necessary for him to try harder if he wants to win the prize. He will have to try harder.

  2. It has been necessary for them to save hard to buy their new hi-fi.

  3. Because of the snow she has been finding it necessary to walk to college.

  4. It had already been necessary for us to clear the office floor twice before the boss asked us to clear it again.

  5. It would have been necessary for me to pay twice as much to travel first class.

  6. We are finding it necessary to cut back on staff because of a shortage of orders.

3. Match these clauses with the have (got) to clauses.

  1. It’s getting late……

  2. You broke the window…….

  3. The car has broken down…….

  4. Mother is away……..

  5. I have got it all wrong……

  6. Her son is ill……..

  7. The date fixed in the bill is Friday………

  1. So I am afraid we’ve got to walk.

  2. So I have got to start all over again.

  3. So we’ve got to look after ourselves.

  4. So you have got to pay the bill on Thursday.

  5. So we have to go home .

  6. So you have to pay for it.

  7. So she has to see the doctor.

4. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Нам пришлось ждать управляющего целый день.

  2. Следующий рейс будет только утром. Тебе придется купить билет на поезд.

  3. Если так будет продолжаться, то мы вынуждены будем принять меры.

  4. Сколько вам пришлось потратить времени на перевод этой книги?

  5. Ей совсем необязательно присутствовать при нашем разговоре.

  6. Мне все приходится делать самому.

  7. Вы не должны беспокоить Марту в такое тяжелое для нее время.

  8. Не нужно было приходить так рано.

  9. Мне не пришлось самому переводить эту статью вчера..

Unit 7 To be + Infinitive

To be + Infinitive, or to be to, is a modal expression that can be used only in two Tenses – the Present Indefinite (is, are) and the Past Indefinite (was, were).

1. The major meanings of to be to are expressions of:

  • an arrangement and order:

We are to meet at six. (part of a plan) The President is to visit this country next month. (part of a plan) Is he to arrive tomorrow? (part of a plan) You are to say nothing about it. (order, part of a plan)

NOTE: Was/were to + Perfect Infinitive are used to show that a previously arranged event didn’t happen: I was to have met you at six, but something urgent happened.

  • something that is destined to happen: He gave up the idea of becoming an actor. It was to be. It is rendered in Russian by ‘суждено’.

  • possibility: Where is he to be found? Nothing was to be done!

2. To be to may be used in if-clauses. The main clause expresses a precondition – something that must happen first if something else is to happen: If we are to get there by lunchtime we had better hurry up.

3. Be + Passive Infinitive is often found in notices and instructions: This cover is not to be removed.

NOTE: Sometimes only the Passive Infinitive is used in this case: To be taken three times a day after meals (on a medicine bottle).

Learn the following set phrases:

  • What am I to do?- Что мне делать? Как мне быть?

  • What is to become of me?- Что со мною будет?

  • Where am I to go?- И куда же мне идти?

  • Who is to blame?-Кого винить?

  • What is to be done?- Что теперь делать?

  • Who is to begin?-Кому начинать?

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