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1. Complete the sentences using Complex Object either with Participle I or Participle II as shown in the model.

Model: In the midday she heard a small bird ..... . (sing) >

In the midday she heard a small bird singing.

His face clouded when he heard his name ..... . (speak) >

His face clouded when he heard his name spoken.

  1. The taxi could be seen ..... outside. (wait)

  2. She had the drawing-room ..... . (redecorate)

  3. She heard her heart ..... with a vague fear. (beat)

  4. The darkness foud him ..... with these thoughts. (occupy)

  5. For their New Year party she had all the furniture ..... out of the sitting room. (move)

  6. They wanted the Committee ..... over the weekend. (convene)

  7. Mary could feel Elisabeth ..... their hopes and dreams, their relationships as sisters. (review)

  8. She averted her eyes each time she found herself ..... at. (stare)

  9. She heard the musicians ..... up in the back room. (tune)

2. Translate the sentences into English using Complex Object with the Participle.

  1. Была тихая летняя ночь. Мы сидели в саду и наблюдали, как луна медленно поднимается из-за деревьев.

  2. Мы слышали, что кто-то поет в саду.

  3. В детстве я часто слышал, как моя мать пела эту песню.

  4. Мы увидели, что по дорожке сада идет сын нашего соседа.

  5. Мы не видели его уже много лет, но часто слышали, как его имя упоминалось в доме его родителей. Мы не раз слышали, как его мать говорила о нем и его работе.

  6. Когда вы настроите свое пианино?

  7. Я не починил часы, так как мастерская вчера была закрыта.

  8. Где вы фотографировались?

  9. Ему принесли бутылку вина.

  10. Она считала себя помолвленной с Майклом.

4.2. Absolute Participial Construction

Absolute Participial Construction is called 'absolute' because it has its own subject which does not coinicide with the subject of the sentence.

a) Both Participle I and Participle II can be used in Absolute consturctions at the end of the sentence and are translated as separate clauses:

He smiled, some of the freshness returning to his face. – Он улыбнулся, и (при этом) свежесть опять появилась на его лице.

He sat down with a smile, his good humour quite restored. – Он сел, улыбаясь, (при этом) у него опять появилось чувство юмора.

b) When Absolute construction is placed at the beginning of the sentence it has a causative meaning:

The purpose being achieved, the meeting was over. – Так как цель собрания была достигнута, оно закончилось.

The choice made, she ran up to Tom. – Так как она сделала свой выбор, она подбежала к Тому.


1. Translate the sentences with the Participle in Absolute Constructions into Russian and comment on their form.

  1. In the library, Diana revived, her face less drawn, went through the minuet of grumbles.

  2. They set off, George swinging along with downcast eyes, his hands thrust deep in his pockets.

  3. Lord Easterfield sat down, wiping his forehead and smiling, his good humour quite restored.

  4. We sat silent, her eyes still levelled with mine, but gradually becoming unfocussed, as though looking past me, looking a great distance away.

  5. She got up, the clothes folded over her arm.

  6. Arrangements made, the apologies and thanks started over again.

  7. I lay idly in a big chair, talking now and then, listening sometimes with my eyes closed.

  8. The choice made, she ran up to him.

  9. The drinks ordered and the men settled on the verandah of the clubhouse, Haydock repeated his question.

  10. He gave an intimate smile, some of the freshness returning to his face.

  11. Brown sat back in the leather-covered chair, his great chest protruding like a singer’s.

  12. They parted at the cabin, Scotty taking Roy on the direct rout to the Lake, Indian Bob going back to his hunting, and Simon heading west for the little river.

  13. That being understood, the conference was over.

  14. This book has been written in England with the authors in close cooperation throughout, approximately equal parts being written in English and in German and subsequently translated.

  15. Martha had two children living, two having died in infancy.

  16. They wrestled and struggled for a minute, with everybody looking at.

  17. We strolled back to the camp, it being then about twenty minutes to six.

  18. There being no other matters to discuss, the old man said that he was going to bed.

  19. She kept on running, her steps quickening in pace with her heartbeats.

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