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6. Прочитайте ситуацию и выполните задания.

  1. Хелена Зельтсберг получила письмо из шотландского центра изучения английского языка, в который она собирается поехать этим летом. Прочитайте и переведите это письмо.

English Language School

31 Castle Street

Scotland 567 132

Tel. +44 567 965 0319

Fax. +44 567 965 0319

Email. info@englishcentre.com

Ms. Helen Zeltsberg

Daybackstr. 435

560278 Frankfurt


21 May 2012

Dear Ms. Zeltsberg

English Language course

Thank you for your letter enquiring about courses in British culture and language. I am pleased to tell you that we will be offering such a course in our Summer School Programme.

The course will be taught by Professor Taylor, who has recently published a book entitled “Peculiarities of Britain”, which has been highly praised by reviewers.

The course is suitable for everyone interested in British culture and the English language. It will cover a large range of topics concerning British life, customs and attitudes. The course will include such topics as the Press and Mass Media, Education, the British Humour, the British Film Industry and many others. There will be a number of guest speakers, which will give their presentations. Two excursions will be arranged to the Scottish Parliament and Edinburgh Castle.

As you can see from the enclosed brochure, the course begins on July 1 and ends on 26 June with a farewell dinner.

We look forward to seeing you at the beginning of the course. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely

Linda Longfellow

Linda Longfellow

Senior Manager, English Language Summer School

2. Прочитайте и переведите диалог между Хелен и ее подругой Луизой. На какие вопросы Хелен не нашла ответы в полученном письме. Составьте список основных вопросов.

H: I have just received a letter from English Language Summer School. I’d like to attend the course. I think it must be interesting.

L: Yes, I’ve read the brochure too. I must say, I like the topics they are covering. Professor Taylor is good. I’ve seen him giving lectures in London; he’s well worth listening to. I’ve seen his book in a store the other day, it looks rather interesting. Why don’t you read it before the course begins?

H: Good idea, I’ll do it. But Louse, there are some points in the letter which are not completely clear to me.

L: Which ones?

H: Well, for one thing, I’d like to know what sort of people will attend the course. I mean, are they teachers or students, young or old? And where do they come from mainly? I don’t want to spend the time with a group from Germany. I’d prefer an international group, so I could practise my English.

L: Mmm, I can understand that. Why don’t you check? Also, have you thought about accommodation? I noticed there was a little about family-stay possibilities in the brochure, but not much else. What about accommodation in student hostel? It’s often cheaper and a lot better than living in a family.

H: Ok, I’ll check that too when I write to Linda Longfellow. You know, I don’t see anything about methods of payment for the course. The prices are all there, but nothing about how to pay. I’d like to pay by credit card if possible, when I arrive. I hope they accept them.

L: I’m sure they will. Another thing – when you write, why don’t you find out how the course will be organized? I mean, what methods will they use? Will it just be lectures, or will you have to make presentations, individually or in groups? And, erm… will there be a lot of discussion, videos, films, that sort of things? I don’t think you can get very much from just lectures.

H: Good point. One more thing – do you think I’ll get a certificate or something if I complete this course? That’d be useful. And are there any examinations? Oral or in writing? Actually, there are a lot of questions I need to ask.

3. Напишите письмо в центр английского языка в Шотландии от имени Хелен Зельтсберг. Задайте интересующие вас вопросы. Не забудьте использовать необходимые формулы вежливости.


1. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

  1. to put off a meeting

  2. to put somebody through to the Marketing Department

  3. to meet the deadline

  4. to pay cash

  5. to take the minutes

  6. to attend a meeting

  7. to get feedback from the participants of the meeting

  8. to prevent digressions

  9. to get down to business

  10. to dial an extension number

2. Используя известные вам формулы вежливости и косвенные вопросы, измените следующие высказывания.

  1. Remember to use the spell check in the future!

  2. I want to speak with you in private!

  3. Where can I plug this mobile in?

  4. Check these figures again!

  5. How does this computer work?

  6. What’s the phone code for Greece?

  7. You will have to work overtime this week.

3. Во время телефонного разговора могут возникнуть разнообразные проблемы. Соотнесите описываемые проблемы с репликами говорящего по телефону.

  1. A colleague wants you to sign something.

  2. Your colleague leaves a few seconds later.

  3. There is a lot of noise outside.

  4. You boss wants to speak with you – immediately!

  5. Someone else is trying to call you.

  6. The caller gives you his name – it’s unpronounceable.

  7. You think you have misunderstood the information the person gave you.

  8. You gave the caller a lot of information very quickly.

  9. The other person just won’t stop talking!

  1. Sorry, could you speak up a little?

  2. Sorry, I’ve got someone on the other line. Could I call you back?

  3. Ok. Have you got all that?

  4. I’ll have to go, I’m afraid. Something’s come up.

  5. Sorry about that. Where were we?

  6. Anyway, I won’t keep you longer.

  7. Excuse me a moment.

  8. Anyway, I won’t keep you any longer. Speak to you soon.

  9. Sorry, could you spell that for me, please?

  10. Can I just check it with you?

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