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12. Работа в парах. Выберите какую-нибудь страну и разыграйте в аудитории сценку общения с представителем этой страны, следуя обычаям и традициям выбранной Вами национальности.


1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

      1. What does written communication include?

      2. What does the effectiveness of written communication depend on?

      3. What communication forms are described in the text?

      4. What are the aims of writing memos?

      5. What should you do before writing a memo?

      6. What does effective use of emails require?

      7. What is the best advice for writing emails?

Written communication includes traditional pen and paper letters and documents, typed electronic documents, e-mails, text chats, SMS and anything else conveyed through written symbols such as language. This type of communication is indispensable for formal business communications and issuing legal instructions. Communication forms that predominantly use written communication include handbooks, brochures, contracts, memos, press releases, formal business proposals, and the like. The effectiveness of written communication depends on the writing style, grammar, vocabulary, and clarity.

A memo is a document typically used for communication within a company. Memos can be as formal as a business letter and used to present a report. Usually you write memos to inform readers of specific information. You might also write a memo to persuade others to take action, give feedback on an issue, or react to a situation. However, most memos communicate basic information, such as meeting times or due dates. Before writing a memo, outline what your purpose is for doing so, and decide if the memo is the best communication channel.

Email is used to communicate in many settings. Effective use of email requires a clear sense of the purpose for writing, as well as a clear statement of the message.

Email is not the same as talking to someone face-to-face or even over the telephone. When we talk face-to-face, we pick up meaning from facial expressions, body language, specific gestures, and, of course, tone of voice. Even telephone conversations preserve the meanings conveyed by tone of voice. But email messages lose these extra ways of conveying meaning as we exchange messages, and so writers need to take care when writing email messages, even though they seem impromptu or off-the-cuff.

The best general advice: What you include in your email message depends on why you are writing and to whom. Effective email messages are short and to the point. Receivers don't want to scroll through two or more screens of text to get your message. On the other hand, don't make your messages so short that the receiver doesn't understand you. Provide enough information so that the receiver understands both the context and the details of the message

Because email messages lack tone of voice and gestures that communicate so much during face-to-face and telephone conversations, some email writers include emoticons* to indicate humor, sarcasm, excitement, and other emotions; for example, :) is a happy face. As a writer, you’ll know which personal messages can include these touches, but they’re generally frowned upon in professional contexts.

Similarly, you may feel comfortable writing personalized abbreviations (such as imho for "in my humble opinion") in personal or social messages, but they are generally not considered appropriate for professional communications.

*emoticons – знаки, выражающие эмоции, смайлики


:) or :-)

happiness, sarcasm, or joke

:( or :-(


:] or :-]

jovial happiness

:[ or :-[

despondent unhappiness

:D or :-D

jovial happiness

:I or :-I


:-/ or :-\

undecided, confused, or skeptical

:Q or :-Q


:S or :-S

incoherence or loss of words

:@ or :-@

shock or screaming

:O or :-O

surprise, yelling or realization of an error



as a matter of fact


bye bye for now


by the way


but you knew that


correct me if I'm wrong


end of lecture


frequently asked question(s)


fill in the blank


for what it's worth


for your information


hope this helps


in any case

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